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description OP ajracixe 195<br />

Sci.) OQ the east branch of Hulen Creek, where it was associated with the preceding,<br />

and with PhyUoetrat thereto*, and the other species of thia locality, including Douvilleieerae<br />

mammillaium, var., 900 feet below the top of the Horsetown group. The<br />

holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) affords the following measurements: greatest<br />

diameter, 74 mm.; width of umbilicus, 24 mm.; height of whorl, 30 mm.; width of<br />

whorl, 24 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0,324tl,<br />

Thia Spcciea is named in honor of J. A. Taff, whose work and cooperation in the<br />

field explorations ia Shasta and Tehama counties, in the vicinity of Mount Diablo,<br />

Contra Costa County, and in the Diablo Range, have been of much value and importance<br />

in Btratigraphic determinations and measurements.<br />

Sonneralia mulleri Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Fl»l« SI, figun i; pUta M, t|un J, 0<br />

Shell small, discoidal, compressed, umbilicus moderately broad; sides somewhat<br />

flattened, strongly costate, with "prorsiradinte" costae in two ranks," major costae<br />

arising on the umbilical border in bullae from which they branch into two, or<br />

rarely three, curving strongly forward, especially upon the ventral border; minor<br />

ribs arising near the umbilical border without nodes, branching into two costae; nil<br />

ribs crossing the ventral border without interruption, although weakened, and with a<br />

pronounced emus; section of whorls thinner than in the preceding specics. This<br />

species seems to be somewhat close to Sonneralia ragersi in form and ornamentation,<br />

although it has a wider umbilicus and fewer ribs. The halotypo (Calif. Acad. Sci,<br />

type Coll.) has tbe following dimensions: greatest diameter, 35 mm,} width of umbilicus,<br />

11 mm,; height of whorl, 13 mm.; width of section, 12 mm.; umbilical ratio,<br />

0.314:1. This example was found at Locality 152 (Calif, Aead. Sci.) in the Perrin<br />

zone, where it occurs sparingly with others of the same genus. Another example<br />

of tho same species was f ound by 3, W, Mailer in the same lone farther to the west on<br />

Hulen Creek, Tbe species is named for this enthusiastic worker.<br />

Sonneratia sacramentim (Anderson)<br />

(Fkt* (>, figure* I, 2,1)<br />

Paehpdisem tacramenliem AKDEBSDH, Calif. Acad. 8oi., Pr,, 3d ser., vol. 2, 1902, p.<br />

105, pi, 6, figs, 133, 134; pi. 10, fig. 195; east branch of Hulen Creek, Shasta<br />

County.<br />

Shell moderate in size, discoidal, not strongly compressed, section of whorl inflated<br />

in older Stages, aides rounded; sloping toward tfcs rounded periphery; umbilicus<br />

moderately broad, walla sloping steeply below, rounded above to meet the<br />

gently inflated sides; involution moderate, embracing half of the inner whorl; bodychamber<br />

occupying two-thirds of tho last whorl; sides almost smooth on the umbilical<br />

border, costate on the upper part of the whorl with sharp, slightly ainuoua ribs<br />

inclining forward near the outer border, riba in the older stages moat prominent<br />

above the middle of the side separated by wider interspaces, not noded on the umbilical<br />

border, and tending to diminish in strength in the ventral zone; section of<br />

whorl in the body-chamber subelliptical, showing the inflated form of Sonneralia<br />

kitekim Spath, but possessing a somewhat broader umbilicus. In its younger stages<br />

the shell has mere nearly the form a tad ribbing of Sonnerafta sp. iod. Spath (1925, p.<br />

90, pi. 6), which is leas inflated and more closely costate than S, kilchini. It also<br />

shows nodes Dearths umbilical border, and dividing ribs, similar to those in the young<br />

shell Of the specics here described. The suture line of S. sacramejilica aa shown in<br />

the original description, and here reproduced, may be somewhat emended, in that the<br />

saddles show a less rapid slope toward the dorsum than is shown in the figure.<br />

The holotype (Univ. Calif. Coll.) has the following dimensions: greatest diameter,

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