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201 <strong>LOWER</strong> CRETACEOtffi <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

other, Thia difficulty is in no way clarified by the taxonomic record of tbe leading<br />

species of the group—namely, Sojijwraita e&cramcntica—originally described aa<br />

"Pachydiicug" aacramenlicua Anderson. Spath (1922, p. 125) noted thia evident<br />

error and has referred the species to "Pteurvpachy discus" Hyatt, which appears to<br />

be a nomtn nudum. The genotype of thia proposed group is the "thicker form"<br />

described by Gabb (1869a, p. 131) aa Ammonite* hoffmanm, a species, found in a<br />

higher horizon—the upper-middle Albian—which has little relation to Sonncraiia<br />

jaeromeniico.<br />

Sonneratia socrameniica (seq.) bears evidence in its younger stages of being<br />

strictly congeneric with the following apecies placed under the genus; it also seems<br />

to belong to the group of "UhligeUa" SaJmensis (Jacob), aa already indicated. The<br />

views of Spath (1923, p. 36,36) seem to be illustrated by the following texts:<br />

"Since Farahoplitidoe and Hcplitidae are considered to be trachyastracoua<br />

developments of Desmoceratidae, it may be convenient on account of their tuberculation,<br />

to remove from Desmoceratidae the genus Cleonicexas (with which is included<br />

"UhiifftUa" Jwlmctm* (Jacob)), and Sonneratia, though they are directly connected<br />

with "VfUisella," and Beudaniicera*, and show tho same type and variability of the<br />

suture-line aa does Deamoceras «. ». (>» "Latidoraella," Jacob)."<br />

"Certain Aptian PUwopuchydiecvs are often wrongly referred to "Latidoraella," ?<br />

i.e., Desmocera* t. a."<br />

Thcso views seem to be somewhat modified ia a later paper, from which we learn<br />

in his discussion of Clconiceras baylei (Spath, 1925, p. 93):<br />

"The species is included in Cleotticeras rather than in Sonneratia on account of the<br />

smoothness of its adult stage and the disappearance of the ribbing on the venter. It<br />

probably represents a direct development of "Uhligella" balmetmi (Jacob) which is<br />

tar more strongly cost ate, and might with propriety be Included in Sonneratia,<br />

although its suture-line is still in tho 'Detmoceras' stage."<br />

SoTineradto perrinsmithi Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Ftata 81, fljitn* 11, ft, 7><br />

Shell of moderate size, discoidal, moderately compressed; umbilicus not broad,<br />

with somewhat abrupt walls, slightly angulated on the border; sides slightly flattened<br />

or flatly rounded, numerously costate; coatae "prorsiradiate," branching<br />

above the middle of the side into two or three rounded ribs, curving strongly forward,<br />

and crossing tbe ventral zone with only slight weakening, aa seen on tbe cast; tubercules<br />

on the umbilical borders much reduced.<br />

This species is distinguished by its greater number of ribs and by the method of<br />

their branching; there are about 82 ribs at the ventral border. The ventral zone is<br />

rounded or only faintly flattened in the younger stages. The holotype (Calif. Acad.<br />

Sci. type Coll.) 1ms the following dimensions; greatest diameter, 100 mm.; width of<br />

umbilicus, 35 mm.; height of whorl, 32 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.35:1. This specimen<br />

was obtained at Locality 162 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) on the east branch o( Hulen Creek,<br />

associated with Sonneratia sacramentica and 5. (ajfi nov., and Douvillciceras mammillatum<br />

var. at a horizon about 9Q0 feet below the top of the Hulen beds of the<br />

Horsetown group. Its horizon appears to be middle Albian.<br />

Sonneratia taffi Anderson, n. ap.<br />

CPl«tO it, fifUTM 4. 5)<br />

This species bears some resemblance to S. pcrrtwmilJii but is smaller, has a smaller<br />

umbilicus and only about £6 to 60 costae; ventral zone smoother and leas strongly<br />

costate than the preceding; suture line only imperfectly shown on the holotype.<br />

The horizon of this specics is that of the Perrin tone, at Locality 152 (Calif, Acad.

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