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aiona: greatest diameter, 72 mm.; width of umbilicus, 15 mm.; height of whorl, 35<br />

mm.; thickness of whorl, 20 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.177:1. The costae do not continue<br />

across the periphery as a nils, although some of the varices do so with a slight<br />

forward curve, the number being about one to ten costae. These varices do not<br />

appear below a diameter of 35 mm., and often 30 mm. or more, as measured on the<br />

periphery, intervene between them. This and the following species somewhat<br />

resemble forms of Beitdantieeraa, but they differ from those of this genus found higher<br />

in tbe section, in having a relatively smaller umbilicus and a more convex lenticular<br />

section.<br />

CUonictTOi Itconiri ia found in considerable numbers in a restricted zone about<br />

1000 feet below the top of the Horsetown group on Hulen Creek. It has not yet been<br />

found or recorded at any other horizon in the Cottonwood district or elsewhere.<br />

CUonieerat modfitum Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(PUu AO, Stutw J, s, t)<br />

In size and form this species is near the preceding, but lacks its more pronounced<br />

ornamentation, being cither smooth or only faintly costate and showing on its sides<br />

only traces of flesiradiate markings, scarcely to be called costae, even on the shell<br />

itself; periphery narrow, crossed only by a number of weak varices, having a forward<br />

sinus but scarcely ertending downward on the sides; the shell is dlscoidal, the sides<br />

flattened; umbilicus small, with abrupt and smooth walls; Bides sloping toward tha<br />

periphery. In young stages of growth the shell is relatively thicker and more<br />

desnooceratid in form, but In more mature stages it becomes more flatly lenticular<br />

and smooth, as in tbe holotype. In form the shell is intermediate between Cleoniceras<br />

Itctmlei and some forms of Beudan(ic«ros, as seen in B. haydem (Gabb), The<br />

holotype (Calif. Acad. Sei. type Coll.) has the following dimensions: greatest diameter,<br />

SO mm.; width of umbilicus, 15 mm.; height of whorl, 39 mm.; thickness of whorl,<br />

24 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.187:1.<br />

The suture line is partly shown in the figure and resembles that of the preceding<br />

species. The horizon of this form is the same aa that of C, fecontei—that is, in or<br />

immediately above the Pcrrin zone, u found in the Hulen Creek section of the Cottonwood<br />

district.<br />

Sonneralia Bayle, emend. Spath, emend. Whitehouse<br />

Genotype, Ammoniie* duicmplcanua d'Orbigny<br />

Adopting the suggestion of Spath (1325, p. 03), tbe writer here includes a group of<br />

related apecies which occupy a stratigraphic position intermediate between middle<br />

Aptian forms of Parakoplitea and middle Albian species of Bcudaniiceras, as found<br />

in the Cottonwood district of California. It appears that in character also, as well<br />

as in position, they are intermediate between these genera, although they foreshadow<br />

the latter more clearly than they reflect the former. They are provisionally placed<br />

in iSortniratid, as having their nearest European analogues in the group of "t/ftttflclfa"<br />

AafttciiSis (Jacob), which, according to Spath, "might with propriety be included in<br />

Sonneralia." Their atratigraphical position follows closely upon the principal zone<br />

of Cltonicerat, and some of the forms such as Sonneralia ragersi Hall and Ambrose<br />

could perhaps be placed in this genua. It is not claimed that any of tbe species here<br />

described belongs to the group of Ammonites dutempleanita, but rather to tbat of<br />

"tffrZtfifta" hatmemia (Jacob), aa already noted.<br />

Per the proper assignment of the California forms the greatest practical difficulty<br />

seems to be in the matter of finding a satiafactory distinction between Cleoniceras<br />


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