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series, but baa been recorded from the upper part of the Horsetown group associated<br />

with the preceding. Its occurrence in concretionary blocks in tho near basal conglomerates<br />

of tho Chico series at the mouth of Hulen Creek lends support to the<br />

belief that it occurs in the upper beds of the Horsetown group. The holotype is in<br />

the Museum of Paleontology, University of California, and has been loaned for comparison<br />

with tbe figured plesiotype from Horsetown, Shaata County. The plesiotypo<br />

(Calif. Aond. Sei. type Coll.) has the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 57<br />

nun.; width of umbilicus, 12 mm.; height of whorl, 28 mm.; thickness of whorl, 11<br />

nun.; umbilicial ratio, 0.211:1.<br />

The specics has been found abundantly at Horaetown and at Texas Springs. It<br />

is usually without surface ornamentation, and is often smooth or polished.<br />

Silttiti* Uhlig 1903<br />

Sileaiiet puronci/crmis Anderson, n. sp.<br />

{Plat* 30. firu/at 0, ID)<br />

Two fairly well preserved examples of this genus were found in the Buenaventura<br />

some in the lower part of the Hulen beds at Locality 1&6-A (Calif. Acad. Sci.) on<br />

the west branch of Hulen Creek, Shasta County. They represent a single species.<br />

The shell is small , discoidol, compressed, and broadly umbilic&te; section of whcrl<br />

narrowly elliptical, with gently convex sides, sloping toward the periphery; sides<br />

marked by slightly sinuous transverse grooves unequally spaced, which cross the<br />

ventral zone with a forward sinus; between the grooves are 7 to 12 narrow costae<br />

concentric with, them, also crossing the periphery without interruption. The holotype<br />

(Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll,) has the following dimensions: greatest diameter,<br />

22 mm.; width of umbilicus, 8 mm.; height of whorl, 8 mm.; thickness of whorl,<br />

mm.; umbilical ratio,0.331:1.<br />

Thia species very closely resembles Silesitet deamoccraioid^ Stolley from Lago<br />

San Martin, western Patagonia, to which it stems to be closely related. Stolley did<br />

not definitely determine the age of ths beds containing this species but thought they<br />

were probably upper Neocomian, citing the view of Ch. Jacob, however, that tbe<br />

genus Stleriies is not confined to the Barramian stage but may occur in Aptian, or<br />

even in. Albion strata in the south of France. At the type locality of our species in<br />

the Cottonwood district, it occurs in the same beds with Douvilleicerat mammifioium<br />

var., Pusosia bucnavcntura, and other species that range higher in the section. The<br />

genus jSifrsftea is rare ia the Cretaceous of California, this being the only record of its<br />

occurrence. Fragmentary specimens that may pertain to the genus Gave been found<br />

in beds farther south that are regarded as Aptian, Whiteaves described a small form<br />

of similar appearance to which he gave the name "Holcodisctis" laperousianus, reported<br />

to have come from the east end of Maude Island (Whiteaves, 1879, p. 39, pi, 3,<br />

fig. 3). According to Stanton (MacKenzie, 191&, p. 65) the formation may not bo<br />

older than Gault,<br />

Holtodiaeut Uhlig 1S83<br />

Genotype, Ammonite* caillaudianve d'Orbigny<br />

Holcodineita tehomaensis AnderBon, n. sp.<br />

(Plats S3, figure 5)<br />

Shell large, coiling lytoceratid, little involute, numerously costate with major<br />

and minor ribs and about 24 periodic constrictions to a mature whorl; constrictions<br />

bordered on both sides by elevated ridges bearing irregular elongated spurs (on the<br />

cast), four on each aide; surface of shell bat ween major costae bearing 4 to 8 inter-

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