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190 <strong>LOWER</strong> CRETACEOtffi <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

but little variation they conform to the dimensions and sculptural features of tho<br />

holotype, which measures aa follows r greatest diameter, 122 mm.; width of Umbilicus,<br />

36 mm.; height of whorl, 52 nun.; thickness of whorl, 32 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.295; 1,<br />

The species ia found at other localities on the west border of the Great Valley embayments<br />

as far south as Puerto Creek, but not abundantly. In the Neptune zona on<br />

Hulen Creek it ia associated with Dcsmoceras mcrriami (Anderson), Lytoeeras nep-<br />

{um'uni nov., Lytoeeras aurarivm nov., and Dowvilleiceras mammiUatitm var. Its<br />

chronological horizon is regarded as upper-middle Albian, and its stratigraphic<br />

position is about 450 feet below the top of the Horsetown group at thia locality<br />

on the east branch of Hulen Creek.<br />

Tha apecies grew to a considerable size; fragments of it have been found that<br />

represent examples having a diameter of more than one foot (305 mm.), and a thickness<br />

of 2 inches or more. In old age most of tho riba became obsolete.<br />

A small example of the species has been sent to the California Academy of Sciences<br />

by Dr. J. B. Reeaide from a locality "west of the big bend of Young Creek, Chitina<br />

Valley, Alaska," elevation 3450 feet.<br />

Beudcmticeras hulenense Anderson, n. sp.<br />

crut« 44, tips 3,4)<br />

This species is closely related to the preceding and occura with it in many places;<br />

it differs from it in its smoother surface, smaller umbilicus, and thinner section.<br />

Tbe shell is without conspicuous ribs and is often quite smooth; the umbilical walls<br />

are abrupt, angulated at the top at its juncture with tbe flattened sides; surface<br />

marked by faint growth lines which cross the ventral area, occasionally forming a<br />

varex-like ridge on the periphery which has a slight sinus; surface markings irregularly<br />

spaced. The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.), partly septate, has the<br />

following dimensions: greatest diameter, 125 mm.; width of umbilicus, 35 mm.;<br />

height of whorl, S3 mm.; thickness of whorl, 32 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.280:1. In<br />

the collections of the California Academy of Sciences there are 25 or more examples<br />

representing nearly all sizes of whorl . They were obtained at Locality 1659 (Calif.<br />

Acad. Sci.), on the east branch of Hulen Creek, Shasta County. With little variation<br />

they conform to the dimensions and sculptural characters of the holotype. The<br />

same species has been collected at Horsetown and at other points in the Cottonwood<br />

district; it occurs at the same horizon in western Glenn County and on Elder Creek,<br />

Tehama County. An example was found by J. A. Taff and G. D. Hsnna on Elder<br />

Creek, in a boulder buried in tho basal conglomerate of the Chtco series, evidently<br />

derived from the upper part of the Horsetown group. Its horizon is thought to bo<br />

that of tbe Xeptune zone, In which it occurs in its type district.<br />

Beudanticeras haydeni (Gabb)<br />

CPkta Sturm 3,3)<br />

Ammonites Haydeni GABB, Paleont, Calif., vol. 1,1864, p. 02, pi. 10, figs. 3, 8a; North<br />

fork of Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County.<br />

Deemoceras {Puzosia) Haydeni WHITBAVES, Geol. Surv. Canada, Mes. Foss., vol, 1,<br />

pt. 4,1900, p. 286: Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands—A.VDEBSON, Calif.<br />

Acad. Sci., Pr., 3d ser., vol. 2,1902, p. 41; Horsetown beds, Shasta County.<br />

According to Gabb's description, and as observed by the writer, the shell of thia<br />

species is eompresscd, thin, and discoidal, flattened on the aides and narrowly<br />

rounded on the periphery ; umbilicus relatively small, with abrupt walls. Flattening<br />

of the ventral zone is rarely if ever seen, although Gabb notes this feature to his<br />

description. The species is more frequently found in the basal beds of the Chico

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