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description of species 189<br />

et«r» 30 mm.; width of umbilicus, 8 mm,; height of whorl, 12 mm.; thickness of whorl,<br />

10 mm.; umbilical rate, 0.267:1. The paratypa (Calif. Aead. Sci. type Coll.) measures<br />

: diameter, 15 mm.; thickness of whorl, 4 mm. Both of these examples were<br />

found in 189B at Jackass Flat, a mile east of Horsetown, Shasta County, and were<br />

among those recovered from tbe San Francisco fire cf 1W0, This species resembles<br />

Puzosia diadenut, from the Buenaventura zone, and it may be regarded as a lineal<br />

successor from it.<br />

Puzomo wtaveri Anderson, n. sp.<br />

HPiste 41, tout<br />

Shell small, discoidol, compressed, and numerously costate ; umbilicus relatively<br />

broad, walls not abrupt, but rounded on the border, curving to the convex sides;<br />

sides marked by about five transverse, shallow goovea, inclining forward and crossing<br />

the ventral area with a forward sinus; interspaces between grooves occupied by<br />

eight to ten rounded coatae, separated by equally broad rounded hollows; section of<br />

whorl narrowly elliptical; suture line deamoceratid, although not completely exposed.<br />

The holotype of the species is in the Museum of Paleontology, University of<br />

California, and was loaned for fltudy and description through the courtesy of Dr.<br />

B. L. Clark, to whom the author is indebted for information as to its occurrence.<br />

It is well preserved in part, and has the following dimensions: greatest diameter,<br />

nmii ; width of umbilicus, 19 mm,; height of whorl, 30 mm-; thickness of whorl, 20<br />

mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.345:1. This example was found at the Fernandez tunnel<br />

on the Santa Fe Railroad, about 3 miles east of Rodeo, Centra Costa County. Its<br />

horizon is not yet definitely known, but it is presumably from beds of upper Horsetown<br />

age, although they may be younger. Tho beds appear to be nearly equivalent<br />

to those southeast of Crocket, from which a large fragment of Acanthoplitet has been<br />

obtained. The species is named for Dr. C. E. Weaver, in recognition of valuable<br />

contributioni) made to the geological and paleontologies! literature of California and<br />

of ether western States. One or two additional ammonoid species of upper Morsetown<br />

age have been reported from tbe neighborhood of this tunnel.<br />

Beudaniictrat Hitzel<br />

Beudanticera* breweri (Gabb)<br />

{PI«I» 43, ficura 1; pl&t* Spira 1,3)<br />

Ammanilex BrvWti GAUD, Paleont. Calif., vol. 2, 1609, p. 130, pi. 30, fig. S; pi. 19,<br />

fig. fib, only, (not figs, 6,6a); Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County.<br />

Demweeras oremen" STANTON, Geol. Sec. Am., Bull., vol. 5, 1894, p. 446; Horsetown<br />

BEDS—(7) WIIXTEAVXS, Geol. Surv, Canada, Mes. FOBS,, vol. 1, pt. 4, 1900, p.<br />

2&4|Maude Island—AjrpBBaos, Calif. Acad. Sci,, Pr., 3deer„ vol. 2, 1902, p.<br />

62; Horsetown Beds, Shasta County.<br />

Gabb's (1894, pi. 10) original figure and description of this species were quite defective,<br />

and he apparently abandoned them. In the second volume of his work (Gabb,<br />

ISdQa), he gave a new figure and an emended description which better represents the<br />

species. The holotype ia in the collections of the Academy of Natural Soiencea of<br />

Philadelphia and was l oaned for re-figuring and description, through the courtesy of<br />

Dr. H. A. Pilsbry. The species is abundant in the upper part of the Horsetown group<br />

ou Hulen Creek and on the Xorth fork of Cottonwood Creek. Many examples of all<br />

sizes belonging to this species were collected at Locality 1650 (Calif. Acad. Sei.) in the<br />

Neptune zone on Hulen C reek and also at the old mining camp at Horsetown, on Clear<br />

Creek, Many examples of the species are in the Museum of Paleontology, University<br />

of California, and others are in the collections of Stanford University. With

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