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188 <strong>LOWER</strong> cretaceotffi deposits IN california <strong>AND</strong> oregon<br />

Puzjjto diadema Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(PI*tail, SHITM t, 10, 11, IS><br />

The four examples of this species, are small, discoidal compressed, with moderate!<br />

or small umbilicus and fine sinuous costae; umbilical walla sloping, rounded above<br />

and merging into the convex sides; surface of sides marked by three or four shallow,<br />

flexuous grooves, inclining forward, and crossing the ventral zone with a forward<br />

sinus; interspaces between grooves Occupied by 20 or more line costal lines;<br />

section of whorl narrowly elliptical. The holotype (Calif. Acad, Sci. type Coll.),<br />

almost wholly septate, baa the following dimensions; greatest diameter, 20 mm.,<br />

width of umbilicus, 5 mm.; height of whorl, 9 mm.; thickness of whorl, 0 mm.; umbilical<br />

ratio, 0.240:1.<br />

The diameter of the syntype is 16 mm.; thickness of whorl, 5 mm. All the examples<br />

ware found at Locality 1316-A (Calif. Acad. Sci.), a mile above the mouth of<br />

Hulen Creek, on the west branch, associated with Pusflstn bwnaventura and Douvilleictrat<br />

mammillalitm var., in the Buenaventura zone, in the lower part of the<br />

Hulen beds. Tbe form may be the precursor of Puioaia onom nov.<br />

Pujo^ia jimboi Anderson, n, sp.<br />

(pl»te fieun* 5. S- 7)<br />

DESMCCERNA Uhikawai SMITH (not JIMBQ), Calif. State MLN. Bur., Bull. 00, 1914,<br />

Folio, opp. front cover, fig. S; Jackass Flat, near Horsetown, Shasta County.<br />

Shell small, discoidal, compressed, numerously costate; umbilicus of moderate<br />

width, walls abrupt, rounded above; surface marked by eight slightly ainuoua grooves<br />

arising on the umbilical wall and crossing the ventral area with a forward sinus;<br />

younger whorls not showing grooves or costae crossing the periphery; interspaces<br />

hetween grooves occupied by aix or more small rounded costae, often dividing at the<br />

umbilical border, or near the middle of the aide, and stronger on the upper part of<br />

the whorl; sutures not known. The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci; type Coll.), half<br />

septate, has the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 23 mm.; width of umbilicus,<br />

7 mm.; height of whorl, 10 mm.; thickness of whorl, 9 mm.; umbilical ratio,<br />

0.304:1. The largest example of this species yet seen measures 40 mm. in diameter.<br />

The parntype (Calif, Acad, ScL type Coll.) has tbe following dimensiona: greatest<br />

diameter, 19 mm.; thickneBB of whorl, 7 mm. The horizon is that of the uppermoat<br />

Horsetown group. Many examples were found in 1898 at Jackass Flat, a mile east<br />

gf Horsetown j meet of these were loat in the San Francisco fire of 1900. The holotype<br />

was among those recovered. The specie a differs from "Detmocsra*" ithikavmi<br />

Jimbo (1894) in section, being relatively thinner, the umbilicus being much smaller;<br />

it also has a greater number of transverse grooves; it aleo has only about 50 costae<br />

to the whorl. The horizon of the preeettt species is not younger than upper Albian,<br />

whereas Jimbo'a species is much later, perhaps Senonian.<br />

Puzoaia ertima Anderson, n, sp,<br />

(Pitta II, fluirei)<br />

This species occurs with the preceding in the uppermost beds of the Horsetown<br />

group in the Cottonwood district. The shell is small, discoidal, compressed, flattened<br />

on the sides, numerously costate; Umbilicus small, walls abrupt, rounded on<br />

the border; surface marked by five or more faint sinuous gToovea which cross the<br />

ventral area with a distinct forward sinua; interspaces occupied by eight or more<br />

fairly well marked, rounded costae; Suture line not shown. The holotype (Calif.<br />

Acad. Sci. type Coll,), mostly septate, has the following dimensiona: greatest diam-

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