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182 lower cretaceotffi deposits IN california and oregon<br />

indicate a diameter of 10 inches. The shell is robust, little compressed,- rounded on<br />

the abdomen, has a small umbilicus, of which the walls are abrupt below and rounded<br />

on the border; surface marked by about eight transverse, shallow, somewhat sigmoidal<br />

grooves, seen only on the cast, bordered in front by rounded ridges on the<br />

shell, more prominent on the abdominal area. The suture line of the species, not<br />

shown on Hyatt's "holotype," is clearly that of Deamacerot, resembling very closely,<br />

aa far as it can be traced on the holotype of D. imtrrttiwt and, on teletypes of the<br />

same, the figure of A Mmonitea lotidormtva given by d'Orbigny, although not showing<br />

the same Dumber of auxiliary elements at its dorsal end. This species is plentiful<br />

at Locality 1659 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) in the Neptune zone of the Horsetown group on<br />

Hulen Creek, where it is associated with Deutrilltieera* mammi'iiatum var., ifatidantieerat<br />

breaeri (Gabb), Punw'o iubq-uadralum (Anderson), and other species of<br />

middle Albian aspect. Other examples of the same genus, and perhaps species, were<br />

found in the Ferris zone at Locality 162 (Calif. Acad. Sci.), about 450 feet lower<br />

in the section, associated with Phyllocerat theretoe nov. and forms of Somwratia<br />

and Pusotia,<br />

No example of D. meiriami baa yet been recorded from any strata or in any association<br />

of forms that permit its reference to an Aptian horizon. Its horizon is<br />

essentially that of the Neptune zone in tbe upper part of tbe Horsetown group;<br />

it has not been found at old Horsetown itself, or in higher beds.<br />

"Detmoceraa" catifomicum Stanton<br />

DAMOCERA* EALIFWMWM STANTON, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133,1906, p. 76, pi. 15, figs.<br />

6, 7; about 3 miles north of Paskenta, Tehama County, and half a mile east of<br />

Henderson's.<br />

Tbe locality of discovery of this fossil places it very definitely within the area<br />

of the Paskenta group, although not far from its base. It is not known whether<br />

the form figured and described by Stanton under this name is properly referable to<br />

any genua of Desmoceratidae, since representatives of this family are absent or rare<br />

in the Paskenta group. In form, umbilical ratio, ribbing, septal, and other features,<br />

it is unlike any forms belonging to this family known to the writor. Stanton unfortunately<br />

compared it to a nondescript specimen figured by Gabb under the name<br />

Ammonite* breuxri, said to have been found in the uppermost beds of the Horsetown<br />

group. The comparison leaves much to be desired, and is hardly helpful. Spath<br />

has proposed the generic name Eodeamoeeras for certain forms (group of Ammonilta<br />

eefctlttii Pictet and Campeche) from the Valanginian, but Stanton's species can<br />

hardly be placed in thia group, which otherwise is not known in the California Cretaceous.<br />

A better specimen of an ammonite that seemed referable to 4 'Dearrweeras"<br />

catifomicum Stanton was found in nearly its horizon half a mile Bouth of the Wilcox<br />

house, 6 miles north of Paskenta, but it oould not be obtained for description. It is<br />

possible that both examples may represent some hoplitid derivative form, but neither<br />

the figure, horizon, nor description given by Stanton seems sufficient basis for a<br />

positive statement as to its family relationships.<br />

AfeWit'orto Spath 1023<br />


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