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description of species 181<br />

to that shown by d'Orbigny for Ammonite* laiidoraaitu, to which this species seems<br />

closely related. According to Kilian and Reboul (1901-1908, p. 25), thiB form should<br />

be referred to Koeamaiiceraa (group of Madranlee bhacani (Stoliczka)), but the<br />

basis for this view is not clear and needs confirmation. They have included under<br />

Koeem/Uicerae various ammonite forms from widely separated horizons in California<br />

and British Columbian sections, ranging from. Jurassic to Senonian, although most<br />

of the species described as such from Seymour Island and Snow Hill seem to be<br />

Senonian in age. Dcemoeeras voyi somewhat resembles D. dawstmi Whiteaves, with<br />

which Yabe has compared it, although regarding them as distinct. D. wyi occurs<br />

in the Argonaut zone (middle Horsetown) where it ts associated with Lyloceraa bo(Mi<br />

(Trask) and Melchioritee ehaatensia nov. in a middle Aptian horizon of the Cottonwood<br />

district, Shasta County. The holotype of D, voyi Anderson is in the Museum<br />

of Paleontology, University of California, and was found by the writer on the North<br />

rork of Cottonwood Creek, near Ono, Shaata County. Other examples have since<br />

been found in or near the Argonaut zone. It has tbe following dimensions: greatest<br />

diameter, 53.3 mm.; width of umbilicus, 8.4 mm.; height of whorl, 31.5 mm,; thickness<br />

of whorl, 28 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.157:1. Specimens from the southeastern<br />

part of Graham Island, 2 miles north of the Indian village of Skidegate, which are<br />

indistinguishable from the California types, are in the collections of the California<br />

Academy of Sciences. They occur there associated with Lyloceraa argona ularum<br />

Anderson, and with indigenalie nov., and other Aptian species. An example<br />

of Deam&eetaa otryi from thia place, with an example of AuceUa adhering to it, is<br />

figured on Plate 40 (figs. 6, 7,8, and 8a). D. voyi was erroneously referred by Kilian<br />

and Reboul (1000, p, 25) to the upper Gault of the California sedtion, although as<br />

stated in tho original description its stratigraphical position is much lower. It is<br />

the oldest species of Deamocerae («. a.) yet recorded from the Lower Cretaceous of the<br />

West Coast,<br />

Bcemoteras (Laiidoraella) merriami (Anderson)<br />

(PUtott. flcuns 1,1)<br />

Ammonite* Hoffmaimi GABS (in part), Paleont. Calif., vol. 2,1869, p. 131, pi. 20, figs.<br />

8, Sa; Cottonwood Creek, Shaata County.<br />

Pachydiscua merriomi <strong>AND</strong>ERSON, Calif. Acad. Sci., Pr., 3d aer., vol. 2, 1002, p. 103,<br />

pi. 6, figs. 135-138; Hulen Creek, Shasta County, California.<br />

The holotype of this spcciea ia in the Museum of Paleontology, University of<br />

California, and ten or more examples of it from the locality of the type are in the<br />

collections of the California Academy of Sciences, including the figured specimens.<br />

The specimen figured by Gabb as the thicker form of Ammonilta hoffmanni is in<br />

the collections of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and was loaned for<br />

examination and comparison. It is a good example (siD. nterriami 1 and, according to<br />

Gabb's notation, appears to have come from the Neptune zone on the North fork of<br />

Cottonwood Creek. This example was made the genotype of Hyatt's proposed<br />

genus "Pleitropachydiacut," which, if it has validity at all, should be regarded as a<br />

subgenus of Desmoccraa Zittel and by priority Bhould replace "Latidorsella" Ch.<br />

Jacob. The holotype of Deamocerae merriami (Anderson) has the following dimensions:<br />

greatest diameter, 07 mm.; width of umbilicus, 17 mm.; height of whorl, 51<br />

mm.; width of whorl, 47 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.175:1. It ia septate throughout,<br />

and is the inner whorl of a much larger example. Fragments have been found that<br />

* By same miscbaBce, not dua toth* lutW, a page at tbe original ounuacript (KHK>, Intended tor & follow.<br />

Im ap«elu,—Pedniiteu* JUn/wwi*,—wu Included ia tho diMbptkiii •! D. mmiumi, to which other error*<br />

were addtd in comparing tbe spcciea with " PaelydUcu*" tveiatnrit (G*h1t), Dal Heck.

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