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178 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

on tho North Fork of Cottonwood Creek, milea above tbe mouth of Hulen Creek,<br />

in the same *one, associated with AcnnifiopJife* sp, and furnus pienus Gabb.<br />

In this specimen the major ribs occur in pairs, and on the latter half of the body<br />

whorl there are about eight such pairs, some of which unite in a broad bulbous<br />

tubercule on the umbilical border, others unite in a similar tubercule a little below<br />

the middle of the aide; secondary riba occur between these pairs arising on the lower<br />

part of the whorl above the umbilical border, not tuberculate except on the ventrolateral<br />

zone; in younger whorls some of the major ribs bear prominent bulboso<br />

tubercules upon the border of the ventral zone. In form and general dimensions<br />

this apecies ia not unlike Chdoniceras bradhyi and occurs in the same zone.<br />

Chthnicera* irrtgulare Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Flats fifurtn 2-41<br />

Shell of medium size, discoidal, little compressed, with moderately broad umbilicus;<br />

few ribs, nearly all of one order, uniformly broad, separated by interspaces a<br />

little broader than the ribs; in younger stages the ribs are furnished with three<br />

rowB of low, spinoae tubercules, which are lost at a diameter of 50 mm., becoming<br />

first rounded, and then obscure except on the ventral borders where they become<br />

more strongly developed; riba and interspaces crossing the periphery; riba much<br />

depressed in the ventral zone, forming a broad saddle between tbe elevated tubercules<br />

on the ventral borders; tubercules elongated parallel to the siphonal plane, prominent<br />

only in adult stages, becoming lost in older stages, in which the ribs cross the<br />

ventral area aB prominent ridgea without tubercules. The holotype (Calif. Acad.<br />

Sci. type Coll.) haB the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 110 mm.; width<br />

of umbilicus, 35 mm.; height of whorl, 35 mm.; thickness of whorl, 33 mm.; umbilical<br />

ratio, 0.318:1.<br />

In form and ornamentation this species recalls "Aeavthoeamu" ean/usum Gueranger,<br />

from the Cenomanian beds near Hanover, Germany, although near relationship<br />

is not claimed. In general features the form also bears some resemblance to Ammonites<br />

im'cftelmianuj d'Orbigny, referred to by Gabb (1869a, p. 130) in his description<br />

of Chetoniccr&e ttoliczkanum. The holotype of the present apeciea was found<br />

about 400 feet beneath the Buenaventura zone on the west branch of Hulen Creek, li<br />

miles above its entrance into Cottonwood Creek. The shell of this unusual form<br />

possesses characters of Ckelmieereu, but baa no spines in its youngest and oldest<br />

stages, whereas in its intermediate stages it developa a succession of changing types<br />

of spines. Its horizon is believed to be near the houndary of Aptian and Albian<br />

Stages, in the upper part of the Horsetown group. Only a single specimen has yet<br />

been found referable to this species.<br />

Chtlonicerae reesidei Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Plan 47, flfum 1)<br />

Shell moderate in size, discoidal, little compresscd, broadly umbilicate; section<br />

of whorl subelliptical, a little inflated, rounded on tbe sides and on the umbilical<br />

border, flattened or slightly concave on the periphery in young adult stages of<br />

growth; sides costate, having primary and secondary ribs; primary ribs bearing<br />

three narrow, little prominent tubercules, seen mostly on younger whorla; ribs<br />

becoming smoother and narrowly ridge-like at maturi ty, separated by wide interspaces;<br />

secondary ribs arise on the umbilical border as fine intermediary costae,<br />

becoming stronger near the ventral border, without tubercules; all riba cross the<br />

ventral area, slightly tuberculate on its borders, but sag s little near the siphonal<br />

line. The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) has the following dimensions:

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