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176 lower chetaceqtfs depobits in california and oregon<br />

In Gabb's (1864, p. 66, pi. 12, fig. 15) description of AcanthopliUt remondi (Gabb)<br />

be referred to a "second form," which he also figured. His specimen has not been<br />

found, although it may later be discovered among the collections in the Museum of<br />

Paleontology, University of California.<br />

An example now in the Museum of Paleontology was obtained by the writer in<br />

1897 at the old mining oamp of Eoreetcvrn, Shasta County. This specimen seems to<br />

fulfill the essentials of Gabb's figure and description. It is made tbe holotypB cf the<br />

above species. In this example the shell la large, discoidal, with moderately broad<br />

umbilicus, strongly coatate; with 34 ribs on the adult whorl, 55 on last whorl; umbilicus<br />

deep, walla abrupt, rounded or auhangular on the border; ribs arising on the<br />

umbilical wall, at first sloping backward, then rectiradlate, tubcrculata on younger<br />

whorls only; ribe non-tuberculate above a diameter of 90 mm.; below this diameter<br />

the riba bear three to five rounded, spinoie tubercules, not quite evenly spaced;<br />

tubercules near the periphery stronger than below; umbilical nodes weaker in young<br />

whorlB, becoming more developed in older BtageB; body-chamber occupying twothirds<br />

of the last whorl upon which the umbilical bullae are well developed, giving<br />

rise to two or three slightly Binuoua riba which cross the rounded ventral zone without<br />

interruption.<br />

On the holotype the greatest diameter is 153 mm.; diameter of umbilicus, 40 mm.;<br />

height of whorl, 65 mm.; width of whorl, 75 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.301:1.<br />

According to Gabb's statement his figure represents the inner whorls of a much<br />

larger shell, measuring 15 inches in diameter.<br />


Spath baa included in thia family a number of related genera, of which only the<br />

following two have been found in the Lower Cretaceous of California:<br />

Prochtlonicera* Spath; genotype, .4mmoniUe »(aJ>i«Jtu (d'Orbigny) and<br />

Chelonieerot Hyatt 1899; genotype AmmtmilM royerianut (d'Orbigny).<br />

Both of these generic groups have been found in the upper part of the Shasta<br />

series, the first in beds near the base of the Horsetown group (upper Barremian)<br />

and the second near the hose of the Hulen beds in strata that seem referable to the<br />

lower Albian.<br />

Chelonicerat Hyatt 1003<br />

Cheltmicerae j-fpitwfcflnHm (Gabb)<br />

(Pluto 47, fiput 3)<br />

Aimnenttft SLOJIEJFCANUA GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 2, 1800, p. 135, P!. S3, figs. 16,<br />

10a; "Shasta Group," Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County, California.<br />

AcontAoceros etalicxkanum Um.ro, Wemsdorfer beds, 1883, p. 264.<br />

Douvilleic^rat aloliczkanum DouviLLfi; Valley of the Amazon, Ann. Soc. Zool. Malac.<br />

Belg., T. 41, 1906, p. 116, pi. 1, fig. 1.<br />

Chelonicerat etoiiczkanum BASSE, SOC. Geol. France, Bull, T. 28, 1928, p. 141, pi. 8,<br />

fig.2 ; Middle Cretaceous, Republic of Colombia.<br />

The characterization of thia spccics by Gabb seems to need no special comment.<br />

Xcvertheleas, in view of its exceptional occurrences and interest, some additional<br />

notes may be helpful in determining its geographic range.<br />

The holotype of the species is in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences<br />

of Philadelphia. Gabb's drawing seems to have included a partial restoration, but<br />

otherwise is excellent. The 29 ribs are of two kinde, major and minor, alternating<br />

on parts of the shell only. The major ribs bear three rowa of lubcrculee, elongated<br />

in the direction of the ribs, one row being on the umbilical harder, one on tbe ventral

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