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174 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

Acanihopliiei barryana Anderson, n. sp.<br />

{PUlfl tl, 6(un« I, 1»)<br />

Shell of moderate siae, sharply testate, latumbilicate; walls of umbilicus abrupt<br />

below, rounded above; sides of shell flatly convex, periphery rounded; about 2B sharp,<br />

elevated ribs, mostly of one order, occasionally branching a little below the ventral<br />

border; interspaces broadly concave; ribs straight, apparently weakly spinose in<br />

young etages.<br />

The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) affords the following measurements:<br />

greatest diameter, 110 mm.; diameter of umbilicus, 44 mm.; height of whorl, 40 mm.;<br />

width of whorl, 30 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.4:1,<br />

The holotype waa found on Hulen Creek, in the upper part of the Horsetown group,<br />

and seems probably to represent the Parrin zone of the Hulen beds. The species<br />

appears to belong to the group represented by Acanthopliie) bigoureli (Seunes) as<br />

interpreted and figured by Sinzow (1907, pi. G, figs. 4-6) from the Caucasus Mountains,<br />

southwest Asia.<br />

Acanthoplilet sub-bigaii Andewon, ft/ sp,<br />

(Flats ft. fifun I)<br />

Shell Btnall, discoidal, somewhat inflated, with roundly elliptical section of whorls,<br />

about 52 generally prominent ribs, with sharp edges and with interspaces broader<br />

than the riba; ribs arising on the umbilical wall, with a backward slant, crossing the<br />

side in almost a straight line, or with a slight forward curve on the sides and on the<br />

periphery; ventral zone slightly flattened on the larger whorl, shell bearing reduced<br />

spines at the middle of tbe sides on the younger whorls. The holotype has the<br />

following dimensions: greatest diameter, 40 mm.; width of umbilicus, IS mm.;<br />

height of whorl, 16.5 mm.; thickness of whorl, 13 mm.<br />

The Species shows a close resemblance to Aeanlhoplitea bigoti Seunes, from the<br />

Caucasus Mountains, as figured by Sinzow (1907, pi. 4, figs. 18-20), of which it is a<br />

near analogue. This example was found at Locality 955 (Calif. Inat. Tech.), in bads<br />

of middle Aptian age on tbe Cottonwood Creek, near One, Shasta County, where it<br />

was associated with DouviHeiceraa mammillatum, var. The holotype is the property<br />

of the California Institute of Technology, and was found by W. P. Popenoe and<br />

D. W. Scharf.<br />

DotrviLLEicEBAiriDAH Spath, 1021<br />

DouviUeiceras Crossouvro<br />

Genotype Ammonita mammillatui Sohlotheim<br />

DouviUeicerat off. tnanimtiialtim (Schlctbeim)<br />

[Plata 34, flcu»3)<br />

Acanlhoarraa cf. mammillare STAWTON, Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 5, 1891, p. 446;<br />

upper Horsetown beds, Shasta County, California,<br />

DovviUcicerai mammillare <strong>AND</strong>EII&ON (in part), Calif. Acad. Set., Pr., 3d scr., vol. 2,<br />

1002, p. 106; Hulen Creek, Shasta County.<br />

Spath (1921-1922&, p. 08-73) has given much critical information concerning the<br />

English and French species referable to this generic group. This information aids<br />

in tbe study of the relationships of the California forms found in the Albian strata<br />

of the Cottonwood district. Of these there is a good number of examples available,<br />

not all of which seem referable to a single species. Some of these examples come<br />

within the range of variation indicated by Spath, others do not.

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