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172 lowzh cbetaceous deposits in california ant> oregon<br />

Acanlhoplite* remandt (Gabb)<br />

(Plata J9, FLCWB t)<br />

A mm. Retnondii GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 1,1864, p. 66, pt. 12, fin. 14,14a, (not Eg.<br />

15); North fork of Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County, California.<br />

The holotype of thia apecies is in the Museum of Paleontology, University of<br />

California (type 102), and has been carefully studied and compared with many<br />

individuals representing this and closely related spceiee. In. form, especially in its<br />

lateral aspect, the holotype greatly resembles "Parahoplttet" consobrinua (d'Orbigny),<br />

but it ia thicker in section and has a distinctly different suture line, as shown<br />

in tbe figure. Tho holotype, Xo. 102 (Univ. Calif. Coll.), septate throughout, has<br />

the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 137 mm.; width of umbiticus, 57 mm.;<br />

height of whorl, 4S mm.; thickness of whorl, 37 mm.<br />

This example possesses 38 thickened, rounded, and somewhat sinuous primary<br />

' and secondary ribs, which occur alternately.<br />

This holotype represents a small group of nearly related forma from the upper<br />

part of the Horsetown group in the Cottonwood district. In thia group the whorl<br />

section is comparatively thick, the ribs strong and often elevated, and tho umhiLicus<br />

occupies about one-third the diameter of the whorl. The nearest foreign analogue<br />

of this species known at present ia probably AcantkapliUs abiehi (Anthula), from the<br />

Caucasus Mountains, as figured by Sifliow (1907, pi. 7, figs. 1-3).<br />

The exact horizon of Acanlhopiite* remondi is not yet known, although it clearly<br />

belongs to the middle or upper part of the Horsetown group (upper Aptian).<br />

Hyatt referred this specie* to Acanthoceras, but upon what baais is not now clear.<br />

A noticeable feature of the suture line is its deeply cleft siphonal saddle and its<br />

asymmetry, the divisions on the right aide being smaller and less developed. This<br />

lack of symmetry runs through the family and cstenda toother elements of the suture<br />

line, but to what extent is not yet fully known. In some apecies the left side ahowa<br />

the Ie3s developed sutures, but whether these are individual or accidental features ia<br />

not yet known. Suture lines representing a few of the species will be given.<br />

Acanthoplilet gardneri Anderson, n. Bp.<br />

(Plate ST, 8fui» I; pints £4, Scut* 1)<br />

Shell large, moderately robust, with rather broad umbilicus and numerous welldeveloped<br />

ribs, the holotype possessing 56 to the whorl; involution nearly one-third;<br />

transverse section somewhat elliptical, as shown in tha figure; ribs of two ranks,<br />

alternately primary and secondary; primary ribs arise on the abrupt umbilical walla<br />

in Btout ridges eloping backward up to the rounded umbilical border, from which<br />

they pass upward in a slightly sigmoid curve to the ventral zone, which they cross<br />

-without interruption or diminution; a few of the primary ribs bifurcate a little below<br />

the middle of tbe side; secondary ribs arise near the middle of the aide and cross the<br />

ventral zone as do the others.<br />

In transverse section the shell is somewhat compressed, the sides being Battened<br />

near the middle; it thus differs from the convex form of the preceding species; the<br />

ribs are also narrower and more numerous than in AeantAopfiies remondi, but are<br />

rounded in form and are apparently without tubercules at any stage. The suture<br />

line is not unlike that of .4. remondi, having the siphonal saddle deeply cleft by an<br />

oblique incision, from which an asymmetry of the line begins, the right side being the<br />

leas developed. Whether this asymmetry results from habitual position on the sea<br />

floor is not known.<br />

The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) has the following dimensions: greatest

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