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description of species 171<br />

above, border bearing somewhat thickened umbilical ribs; septa as shown in tbe<br />

figure; ribs often dividing.<br />

The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) was found by Andrew McFarland on<br />

Alderson Creek, about 2 miles south of Ono, Shasta County. It baa the following<br />

dimensions: greater diameter, 209.5 mm.; width of umbilicus, 58 mm.; ratio, .277:1,<br />

height of whorl, 60 mm ; ratio, .429:1; width of whorl, 75 mm.; ratio, .382:1.<br />

According to accounts given by tbe discoverer the holotype was found at a horizon<br />

somewhat above the Argonaut zone in beds referable to an upper Aptian stage. No<br />

more exact statement of its occurrence can now be given.<br />

Aeanthoplites Sinzow<br />

Among the large number of parahoplitid forms described by Anthula (1000, p.<br />

102-119), from the Caucasus Mountains, Sinzow (1907, p. 478-508) has distinguished<br />

a group lor which he has established the genus AtanOioplibx. In this group tho<br />

whorls are more compressed, the umbilicus broader, and the venter more rounded<br />

than Parahoplitet Anthula, wherein it seems to retain characters of Parahopliioidee<br />

Spath. The genotype of this group is "Parahoplites" aachillacntie (Anthula).<br />

Under the genus Acanlhoplilu Sinzow has figured and described as many as 15<br />

different forms which he regards as distinct species. Many of these forms in their<br />

young stages possess characters of Acanihoceraa or of DouiriUciceraa, such as spines,<br />

or tuberculeB on the umbilical borders or at the point of division of the ribs. These<br />

features are usually lost in tbe older stages of growth, and in some cases new features<br />

are acquired, as happens in. other groups.<br />

In the middle and upper parts of tbe Horsetown group (upper Aptian to middle<br />

Albian) similar forms are abundant and include many apccios that may be regarded<br />

as analogues of those found in the Caucasus regions. Some of these will be noted<br />

as such in the descriptions, although materials are not yet at hand for a completes<br />

account of all of them. In their younger stages some of them approach, or perhaps<br />

retain, characters of Parohoplites or even young examples of PttTakopliUidtt, on the<br />

one band, and on the other have the apinose ornamentation of Chelcnictras or Douvilleicerai<br />

and without the mature shells they may easily be mistaken for such. In<br />

fact, in the past, some have been referred to A cattihoceraa and Douiiifciccraj.<br />

Acanthopliies aegis Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Plum ID, &gura 1}<br />

Shell large, diseoidal, moderately involute, umbilicus moderately broad, sides<br />

cloaely costate, about 64 ribs on the last whorl of the holotype; ribs rounded, slightly<br />

sinuous, sometimes single, more often divided, crossing the periphery without weakening<br />

or flattening; umbilicus bordered by low, Abrupt walls, upon which arise the<br />

primary riba; periphery rounded. Thia species resembles Parahoplitca slanloni<br />

nov. but it is readily distinguished by ita broader umbilicus, relatively thinner section,<br />

and its fewer and broader riba. The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.)<br />

affords tbe following measurements: greatest diameter, 235 mm.; width of umbilicus,<br />

05 mm.; heightof whorl, 85 mm.; thickness of whorl, fift mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.404:1,<br />

The holotype was found by Andrew McFarland on Alderson Creek, 3 miles south of<br />

Ono, Shasta County. It represents the upper middle Horsetown group, locality<br />

1348 (Calif. Acad. Sci.). Its autural characters are not unlike those of Parahoplites.<br />

This is not the largest representative of the genus found, but in diameter it approaches<br />

the largest. Smaller examples of the species have been foqnd higher in<br />

tbe section, near the top of the Cottonwood heds, or at the base of the Hulen beds,<br />

on the Hulen Creek drainage.

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