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166 lower crstacequ9 defobit3 in california and obegon<br />

on tbe sides, crossing tbe periphery without interruption; secondary ribs interpolated<br />

between the others, not extending into the umbilicus; total number of ribs<br />

(est,}, about 50 to the whorl; suture lines unknown.<br />

The holotype of this species (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.), as found by R. Dana<br />

Russell at Locality 1635 on Duncan Creek, associated with Crioceras iaiim Gabb,<br />

Lyiocerae cf. traski, and Sptticeraa duticaitcnee nov., has tbe following dimensions:<br />

greatest diameter, 73 ram,; width of umbilicus, 13 mm.; height of whorl, mm.;<br />

thickness of whorl, 20 mm.<br />

This species, although thicker in section and possessing fewer ribs, seems to<br />

helong to the group represented by Neocomites stippi nov. It represents the lowest<br />

fossil-bearing bed exposed in the Shaata series of the Cottonwood district, although<br />

not the loweHt bed exposed in this area, This ia one of the two examples of Neoeomiiei<br />

that have been found in this district.<br />

Nctmomitet tiippi Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(PtAtO 2S, dfUTI S)<br />

Two fragmentary examples of a hoplitid species were found in the upper part<br />

of the "Aucella crassicaUi* zone" on McCarthy Creek, associated with Aueeifa era aa,<br />

Aucella crassiccllia, Aaroteuthis onwnrts, Lytaceras taiurnale nov., and other spcciea.<br />

Although incomplete, theae examples are sufficiently well preserved for generic<br />

determination and for partial description. Thay belong to the group represented by<br />

HopUlei (Neocomilet) angulicoatatue (d'Orbigny), although they have some char^<br />

aetera of "Berriaeella" benecki (Stcuer) from tha Valanginian of western Argentine..<br />

Tho section of the whorl is flatly elliptical and slightly inflated; sides eostats,<br />

the riba arising on the umbilical wall, forming on its borders elongated nodes from<br />

which some of them branch; others branch from above the middle of tha side, all<br />

curving gently forward and crossing the ventral ZGILG with a slight forward curve;<br />

umbilicus moderately wide, with abrupt walls; sutures closely crowded, showing<br />

a tout, much-divided lobes and saddles; lateral lobe somewhat extended, trifid, each<br />

branch terminating in long, slender digitoid points.<br />

The holotypa (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) was found by Mr. Thomas Stipp on<br />

the south bank of McCarthy Creek, about 1,000 feet beneath the zone containing<br />

Ncocomiics jenJcinei. The horizon is that Of the lower part of the Paskenta group<br />

(Infra-Valanginian) of the McCarthy Creek section.<br />

The nodes on the umbilical borders, more prominent on the shell than on the cast,<br />

somewhat resemble Kilian's (1010, pi. 1) figure of Thurmwnia boissieri (Pictet).<br />

Neocomites neocomiensii (d'Orbigny)<br />

(Plata S, Spue* S, 2s)<br />

Ammmitea neacamiensit D'ORDIGHT, Paleont. Francaise, vol, 1, 1340, p. 203, pi. 58,<br />

figs, 8-10; lower beds of the Neocomian terrain, central France.<br />

Only a single specimen sufficiently well preserved for illustration has been found<br />

in the Lower Cretaceous of California; this was obtained by N. L. Taliaferro in<br />

the Waltham Creek Valley, on tbe southwest quarter of section 17, T. 20 S,, ft. 13 E,<br />

M. D. M., north of the Coalings-Priest Valley road. In thia example the shell is<br />

Compressed, diaeoidal, ornamented by transverse costae, 71 in number, a little flexuous,<br />

bifurcating from small nodes on the umbilical border, and again dividing near<br />

the middle of the side into two, three, or mors costae as counted nejtr periphery;<br />

sides slightly inflated, thickest in the lower one-third of the aide, sloping toward the<br />

periphery; costae interrupted on the ventral zone, which is slightly excavated, and<br />

bordered by minute costal nodes; maximum width of ventral sone, 2 mm,; maximum

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