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164 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

A fragment of thia species was found by the writer at approximately the horiion<br />

described by Stanton on McCarthy Creek; it is here associated with JVeoconriic*<br />

jenkinsi nov., Thurmannia paakeniae nov., and AuceUa piriform** Lahusen. Its<br />

berriasallid characters are clearly seen in its branching ribs and in its flattened<br />

abdominal surface and its umbilical features.<br />

Berriasclla ? ftyajli (Stanton)<br />

ffoplitea hyalti STAUTOS*, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133,1S9S, p. 79, pi. 18, fig. 2 miles<br />

southwest of Riddle, Oregon.<br />

The hoplittd character of this species can hardly be questioned, but to what section<br />

of "Hopliiee" it should be assigned is less easy to determine. According to<br />

Stanton's account, the species is characterised by an<br />

"abdomen slightly flattened, except on the last third of tha outer volution; surface<br />

marked by numerous slightly curved ribs, the most of which bifurcate on the outer<br />

third of toe volution and cross tbe abdomen, though not quite Bo prominent there<br />

as on the sides."<br />

As may be seen in the drawing by Stanton (1885, pi. 10, fig. 2), the periphery<br />

on the last whorl appears narrow, if not angulate, recalling the early mature stages<br />

of the following species, Lyticocera* paekardi, The association of the present<br />

species with Aucella eras sic a J ft s indicates its age as Valanginian, probably somewhat<br />

lower in the section than the preceding. Stanton (1905, p. 79) states that the<br />

"species is related to H. itnaahi Felix and if. iipei Felix, from the Neocomian near<br />

Tlaxioco, in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico, . . . also that its nearest relative among<br />

Knoxville forme is Hoplilet tlorrsi." ...<br />

As all these forms seem referable to Berrioiclla, the present form probably belongs<br />

to this genus. It appears from Stanton's account that it was found in the upper part<br />

of a thick sequence of conglomerate bordering the Cow Creek Valley on the west,<br />

which is here regarded as representing the Paskenta group.<br />

Lylicoccrat Hyatt<br />

Lylicoceraa paekardi Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Plata II, ftgtms S, 1, fit<br />

Shell of moderate size, flatly discoidal, narrowly umbilicato, sides of the cast<br />

mostly smooth on the lower half, or showing only the costal lines, but strongly<br />

coatate on the outer part; costae branching near the middle of tbe side, more clearly<br />

visible on young adult shells; sutures hoplitid in character, but only partially exposed,<br />

showing stout tripartite lateral lobca; periphery narrow, sub-angular, not<br />

bordered by visible nodes; ventral zone gently rounded in young stages up to a diameter<br />

of 40 mm., after which stage the periphery becomes more ridge-like, and, at a<br />

diameter of 60 mm., the ribs on the two sides af the shell units chevron-like on its<br />

median plane.<br />

In its younger stages the shell possesses neocomitid characters in its small umbilicus,<br />

flattened periphery, and numerous fiexuous costae, but in more mature stages<br />

it develops the features of Lyticoeerai in its general form, dostation, and ridge-like<br />

periphery, as in LyticaeeraB regale (Bean),<br />

The holotype and other figured specimens are at the Oregon State College and<br />

were collected by E, L. Packard at Locality 28S (Oregon State Coll.), a mile east of<br />

Riddle, Oregon, They were found in a stratum of shaly sandstone associated with<br />

Me&eomitea riddlentit, Dithotomitei orcgonciais, and Phyltoeerat tftmfense; this

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