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description of species 161<br />

(Pictet). The shell is rather large, broadly umbilicate, finely coatate, but tittle<br />

involute; section of whorl semi-elliptical; having about 260 costae to tbe whorl,<br />

arising partly in the umbilical bullae, from which they separate into two or three<br />

thread-like, somewhat sinuous ribs, at first inclining forward, then rising normally<br />

on the side, then slightly backward, and again forward, crossing tbe periphery without<br />

interruption; the major ribs, below the umbilical bullae, inclining forward in the<br />

dorsal zone; between the umbilical bullae, four to eight simple, single costae arising<br />

in the dorsal rone parallel to the others; suture lines not yet known. A row of minute<br />

tubercules are visible on either side of the ventral zone on each second or third rib.<br />

The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) was found at Locality 1065 (Calif. Acad.<br />

Sci.) on Duncan Creek, three-quarters of a mile north of the Ono-Beegum road. It<br />

consists of a little less than one-quarter of a whorl; as nearly as can be estimated,<br />

the complete example had the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 147 mm.;<br />

width of umbilicus, S3 mm.; height of whorl, 33 mm.; thickness of whorl, 33 mm.<br />

This example was found in a hard, dark calcareous concretionary block, similar in<br />

character to the overlying beds, and mingled with others In a broeeiated zone,<br />

brought to tbe surface by faulting from possibly lower beds. With it were found the<br />

holotype of jV«ocomi(« rtiMetft nov. and a large fragment of Crioterat iaJum Gabb.<br />

This occurrence seems to represent the lowest fossil-bearing bed yet found in the<br />

Shasta series in the Cottonwood district, although lower beds are exposed farther<br />

to the south.<br />

HOPLITIDAE Hyatt, emend. Spath<br />

In tbe Lower Cretaceous of California and Oregon there are few Hoplitidg as<br />

compared with contemporary deposits in western Europe or in western Argentina.<br />

Forms with sulcata, or even flattened, periphery are not abundant in the Paskenta<br />

group, and they disappear before the close of the Valaugintan, although supposedly<br />

derivative forms appear in the middle part of the Horsetown group. There ore no<br />

known representatives of either Leopoldia or AcontAodt«ct», and few of either Thurmannia<br />

or Sleueroceraa (s. a,). In restricted areas in the middle or upper part of tbe<br />

Paskenta group are found a few berriasellids of various kinds, especially in the district<br />

south of the delta where the fauna ia dominated by heavy-aholled forms of<br />

Aucella. Few hoplitida have been found in the Cottonwood district north of the<br />

delta, as compared to the number at the south; only two examples have been found<br />

in the Cottonwood district, and three species in tho Riddle district in Oregon, all of<br />

which have come from the Paskenta group. Most of them are regarded as either<br />

Berriatelki or tfcocomitca. In all these forms the periphery is rounded, or only<br />

alightly flattened. The ribs are comparatively simple, or but slightly flexed, and,<br />

when divided, the branching occurs high on tho aide of the whorl, as in the berriasellids.<br />

Neoeemilsa is found in the Paskenta group in the districts north and<br />

south of the delta in California, and in the Riddle district in Oregon, in beds of this<br />

group, although not tbe same species,<br />

TJiurirKinmcv has been found both north and south of the delta area in California,<br />

but none in the district about Riddle, nor in any part of the Horsetown group, If<br />

derivatives of any of these types occur in strata later than the Paskenta, they must<br />

be among the Horsetown forma here grouped under Parahoplitidae Spath, but they<br />

do not appear before late Hauterivian time, and then not in great numbers. In the<br />

middle part of the Horsetown group (Aptian) appear Parahoplitaidei Spath, and a<br />

little higher ParaAopfttcs Anthula and Acanthoplites Siniow, The latter genus<br />

continues into the Hulen beds (lower Albian), and with them, possibly belonging<br />

in the same lineage, forms of Chelomeetat and Doucillciccrai.

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