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description of species 151<br />

Gandryeera* Groaaouvre<br />

Genotype, 4«im. duvalianum d'Orbigny<br />

The basis of Groaaouvre'a characterization of this subgenus ia primarily in tho<br />

form and ornamentation of the shell. At first sight the shell resembles that of Lyloceras<br />

(*.«.), both in. form and ornamentation, but these features are soon lost.<br />

According to Groaaouvre:<br />

"In most of tbe forms of this group, the whorls clasp very lightly in youth and<br />

ordinarily are little involute" and ' the shell presents the appearance of a true<br />

Lytourat, then the dimensions of the whorla increase rapidly in size and especially<br />

in height, the involution becomes accentuated, and the aspect of the shell changes<br />

notably.' 1<br />

In the upper part of the Horsetown group, species within the range of this definition<br />

are not uncommon, most of them coming in the middle or upper Albian, associated<br />

with Beudaniicerai breweri (Gabb) and DouMleieeras mammillalum, var.<br />

At least three distinct species are found in the Hulen beds, north of Cottonwood<br />

Creek. None have been found outside of the Cottonwood district in California.<br />

Lytoeeras {Gavdrycerai) vacya (Forbes)<br />

Ammonitet sacya FORBES, Ceol. Soc. London, TR., 2d ser., vol. 7, 1845-1856, p. 113,<br />

pi. 14, figs. 10, a, b; southern India—STOUCZKA, Paleont. Ind., vol. 1, 1865,<br />

p. 154, pi. 75, figs. 6, a, b; figs. 7, a, b; Ootatoor group—WBITSAVES, Mes.<br />

Fosa., vol. 1, pt. 2, 1884, p. 203, pi. 25; Bearskin Bay, Skidcgate Inlet, Queen<br />

Charlotte Islands—STAXTOW, TN DULSR <strong>AND</strong> STANTON, Geol. Soc. Am., Bull.,<br />

vol. 5, 1894, p. 445—WHITEAVEB, Mea, FOBS., vol. 1, pt, 4, 1900, p. 270—AN-<br />

DEKSON, Calif. Acad. Sci., Pr., 3d ser.. vol. 2, 1902, p. 82; upper part of Horsetown<br />

beds, Hulen Creek, Cottonwood district, Shasta County.<br />

This species has been found in the upper beds of the Horsetown group on Hulen<br />

and Cottonwood creeks, but it is less abundant than has been supposed. In the form<br />

found in California the section of the whorl la not quite circular, being higher than<br />

broad. An average example has the following relative dimensions: greatest diameter,<br />

85 mm, ; width of umbilicus, 33 mm,; height of whorl, 38 mm.; width of whorl,<br />

3ft mm.; umbilical ratio, 0,388:1.<br />

Four good examples of this apccies were collected by R. M, Kleinpell and E.<br />

Wayne Galliher in 1929, near the Indian village of Skidegate, Graham Island. They<br />

were given to the California Academy of Sciences, with other species with which<br />

they were associated, and haw b sen compared with the California types. In young<br />

stages, up to a diameter of 55 mm., the shell is almost smooth; at this diameter the<br />

surface begins to show undulations on the sidea, and a little later on the periphery<br />

of tho shell; these soon develop into characteristic ribs inclined obliquely forward,<br />

in tbe manner shown by WMteaves.<br />

Lytoeeras (Kotsmalcllo ?) auranum Anderson, n. sp.<br />

{Plato SO, Scum 1. 2)<br />

The shell of this species is of medium size, discoidal, somewhat compressed, moderately<br />

involute, nearly smooth in young stages, becoming coat ate in older stages,<br />

as shown chiefly in the irregularly spaced growth lines; sides crossed by five or six<br />

straight, transverse periodic constrictions; umbilicus broad, walls nearly vertical<br />

below, rounded above to the slightly compressed sides; section of whorl broadly<br />

elliptical, higher than broad; ventral region narrower than the dorsal half of the<br />

shell; section changing with growth from a nearly circular form in youth to the<br />

elliptical form in older stages; surface of shell nearly smooth, except for the periodic

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