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150 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

be, tbe rule of priority would. make the name "JVtutxrtelfa" a synonym of Gahbiaeeras<br />

Hyatt, and it should ba discarded.<br />

Lyloceras (Gabbioeeras) angulation Anderson<br />

IPUte IS, l(un 3, i; pt»Uaj, 6fUi« 3)<br />

Ammonites Balesi, GABH (in part), Paleont. Calif., vol, 2. I860, p. 132, pi. 211, figs.<br />

9, 9a; pi. 21, figs. 10, 10a, 10b; (not Amm. Batesi TRASK, Calif, Acad. Sci,,<br />

Pr. vol. 1, 1856, p. -10)—GABB, Paleont. Calif,, vol. 1, 18W, p. 67, pi. 13, figs.<br />

10, 16a, 16b.<br />

Lyloceraa {Gabbioeeras) angulatum <strong>AND</strong>ERSOJJ, Calif, Acad. Sci., Pr., 3d ser., vol. 2,<br />

1002, p. 87, pi. 6, fig. 130; plesiotypc at the University of California.<br />

ThiB species was well described by Gabb, who erroneously regarded it as a variety<br />

of Lyloceraa baiesi (Trask.). Concerning this form ho says (in part):<br />

"A third variety has since been obtained, in which, in the young state, up to<br />

an inch, or an inch and a half in diameter, the whorls are broader than high, the<br />

dorsum (venter) broadly rounded, and the umbilicus occupies more than half the<br />

diameter of the shell, is funnel-shaped, very deep, and is bordered by a sharp angle,<br />

the surface between this angle and the sutute being flat. As the shell of this variety<br />

grows older, the angle disappears, the flattening gradually rounds out, and the older<br />

shell assumes tho normal form of the species, except that it bears an occasional wellmarked,<br />

rounded, slightly sinuous rib."<br />

The holotype of this species is in tho Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences<br />

of Philadelphia. The locality of its discovery is not definitely known, Although<br />

its horizon is probably near that of the Argonaut zone, in which it has been found<br />

at Locality 1347 (Calif. Acad. Sci.), and on Aldersoa Creek, 2 miles south of Ono,<br />

Shasta County. Its range is stratigraphically not very great,<br />

LylQctras {Gabbioccrax) wtnlunium Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(PUV> 14S, figut* 5; plate 1«. flew** t, 1.4, t)<br />

Lytoceras rel. dtiMlianum A_VDEK3ON (in part), Calif. Acad, Sci., Pr., 3d ser., vol. 2,<br />

1602, p. 81, (not pi. 6, figs. 140, 143).<br />

By some oversight some confusion resulted in the earlier discussion of this species,<br />

since there waa figured for it a much later type. The error was discovered too<br />

late for correction, and this opportunity is taken for its re-deacription. In its<br />

younger stages, aa well aa at maturity, the whorls of this species are quadrate in<br />

section, and thus are "gradumbilieate"; in this respect it differs from the preceding<br />

species. In young stages the aides and ventral surface are flattened, but in adult<br />

stages this feature is lost and the whorls become rounded. At a diameter of 30<br />

millimeters the shell has acquired 10 to 12 forward-curving periodic constrictions<br />

which cross the ventral rone without a sinus. Between these constrictions the surface<br />

is marked by numerous fine lines of growth which sometimes become prominent.<br />

Tbe holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) has the following dimensions: greatest<br />

diameter, 57 mm.; width of umbilicus, 20 mm.; height of whorl, 23 mm.; width of<br />

whorl, 24 mm.; umbilical ratio, 0.337:1.<br />

This species has been found sparingly in the Argonaut zone, middle Horsetown<br />

group, at Locality 1347 (Calif. Acad, Sci,), and in the some horizon on Alderson<br />

Creek. Its nearest European analogue ia probably "Jaubertcila" jaubertiana (d'Orbigny).<br />

The holotype was obtained at Locality 1348 (Calif, Acad, Sci.) on Alderaon<br />

Creek, 2 milea south of Ono, Shasta County.

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