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144 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

what broader interspaces; costae arising near tbe umbilical border, inclined strongly<br />

forward at first, then rising nearly normal to tho periphery; suture lines not clearly<br />

shown . The apecica belongs to the group represented by P. trinitense, nov. but i t is<br />

somewhat less inflated and has finer and more numerous costae. The holotype,<br />

which is the property of Oregon State College, measures as follows: greatest diameter,<br />

33 mm.; greatest thickness, almost 20 mm. The umbilicus ia small, but not<br />

closed; the ratio of height to width of whorl is near 5:4. It waa found by E. L,<br />

Packard, at Locality 268 (Oregon St. Coll.), a mile east of Riddle, Oregon. Its horizon<br />

is the same as that of Ncotomitea riddlentit, nov., with which it occurs.<br />

Phylloceraa oregortetute Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Flat* 30, Hiurca g. 9)<br />

Shell similar in form and sculpture to the preceding but it is relatively thinner and<br />

has a smaller umbilicus. The holotype, which ia in the collections of the Oregon<br />

State College, has the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 40 mm.; maximum<br />

thickness, 10 mm.; width of umbilicus, 5 mm. It was found by E. L. Packard and<br />

waa found with P. umpguanum at Locality 208 (Oregon State Coll.) a mile east of<br />

Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon.<br />

PhylloeeT/ii myrtleme Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Ptetft SO, figm* T)<br />

This species is characterized by a more compressed form than any of the preceding<br />

species. The holotype has the following dimensions: greatest diameter, 3JS mm.;<br />

width of umbilicus, 5 mm.; maximum thickness, 10 mm.; suture line not shown;9ides<br />

numerously costate with costae of two ranks; major costae arising at the umbilical<br />

border; secondary costae arising near the middle of tho side; all crossing the periphery,<br />

and all tending to branch above the middle of the side. The holotype, belonging<br />

to the Oregon State College, was found at Locality 208 (Oreg. State Coll.), a<br />

mile east of Riddle, Oregon, where it was found associated with P. umpquanum, Neacomitee<br />

riddlentis, Lyticoeeras paekurdi, Dichotamitet oregonensig, and Hoplncrioceras<br />

cf. remondi (Gabb). The horizon is thought to be upper Valanginian and to represent<br />

the upper part of the Paskenta group, as known in California.<br />


Lytocera* Sueas<br />

The genus Lyioenas, in its broader souse, is distributed str&tigraphic&lly almost<br />

throughout the Shasta aeries in California, appearing first in a single apecica in its<br />

lowest beds, and in increasing numbers and variety aa the column is ascended; near<br />

the cloao of the Horsetown group it attains its greatest development, but it continues<br />

into the lower beds of the Chico series, and appears again in ita later (Senonian) beds.<br />

The genus existed in the Great Valley trough during the closing epoch of tbe Knoxville<br />

period; the Tithonian stock did not continue into the Shasta series. The<br />

earliest form of Lytocera* known ia the Shasta series seems to have entered the trough<br />

at the beginning of its sedimentation in early Valanginian time. This waa Lylocerat<br />

Balurnale, nov. It was followed in middle Valanginian time by Lytaeeras aulaeum<br />

nov., and toward the end of this epoch by Lytoceiat irtaki nov.; none of these were<br />

very nearly related.<br />

This last form continued into the lower Horsetown group (Ono zone), where it<br />

seems to have disappeared. At the opening of Aptian time a new assemblage of<br />

lytoceratids appeared, consisting of types which, except for one apecieB, do not seem

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