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138 lower cretaceous deposits in califoitkia and oregon<br />

those in the Horsetown group, which are clearly different from any known in the<br />

Knoxville enrids, or even in the older beds of the Shasta acnes, and which have thoir<br />

nearest allies in trans- Pacific regions.<br />



Nautilus Linnaeus<br />

^ToKfiiwa joii&i Andereon<br />

(Plnlo 10, Bifur® 1)<br />

IVAUWUS UXARNTU (?) GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 1, 18&4, p. S9, pi. 9, figs. 3,3a; Alderson<br />

Gulch, Shasta County (not Nautilus te-xanus Shumard, Texas Cretaceous),<br />

jVatiii'Iwff gabbi <strong>AND</strong>EKSOM, Calif. Acad. Sci., Pr., 3d aer., vol. 2, 1902, p. 77, Cottonwood<br />

Creole, Shasta County.<br />

This species, doubtfully referred by Gabb to a Texas form, ia fairly common in<br />

the upper part of the Horsetown group in the Cottonwood district. Most examples<br />

seem to agree with Gabb's figures, and one may accept bis statement as to the type<br />

locality. A large east of the species still retaining portions of tbe shell was found on<br />

the west branch of HulonCreekat Locality 1668 (Calif, Acad. Sci.). It has a diameter<br />

ot at least ISO mm., and a thickness of 70 mm. On parts of tho body-chamber the<br />

shall shows the strong backward bend of the costal lines near the periphery of the<br />

whorl, as shown In Gabb's figure. This specimen was found in tbe Perrin zona,<br />

associated with CUonicerat modeste, nov. and AranfAopftte* pern'm", nov. in the upper<br />

part of the Horsetown group. The septa show only a slight backward bend on the<br />

periphery; tho umbilicus is small, but not closed; the siphonal tube is low, about 5<br />

mm. above the base Of tho aperture—that is, above the top of the preceding whorl-<br />

A smaller but incomplete example of the same epeoies is in the collection of Stanford<br />

University; it was found by L. M. Clark on the Julian ranch, 8 miles southeast of<br />

Lompoc, Santa Barbara County.<br />

Waulilua tkarlcUensis Whi leaves<br />

JVAUIIHW SUCTEFM* WHWEAVEB, Mea. FOBS., vol. 1, pt. 3,1884, p. 197, pi. 21, Welcome<br />

Point, Skidegato Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands (not PI. 11, figs. 1, la; Sucis.<br />

Island),<br />

Nautilus (Cymoiooerat} charloltensis WHITEAVBS, Mes, Pose,, pt. 4, 1000, p. 289;<br />

Welcome Point, Maple Island—AMBERSOK, Calif. Acad, Sci., Pr., 3d aer.,<br />

vol, 2, 1002, p. 78; Horsetown, Shasta County.<br />

In the collections of Cretaceous fossils at Stanford University there is a large<br />

fragmentary specimen of this apeciea found by the writer in a bard sandstone bed at<br />

old Horsetown, in the lowest bed exposed there, Another example of the same<br />

species has since been found near the mouth of H ulen Creek, encased in a boulder and<br />

buried in a conglomerate of the lower Chico beds. It haa been transported from an<br />

older zone to this conglomerate bed. Both examples agree well with the figure and<br />

description givon by Whiteaves for those from Queen Charlotte Islands. In tho<br />

California Academy of Sciences are two fragmentary but well-preserved specimens of<br />

the species found by R. M. Kleinpell and E, Wayne Gall.ihcr on the north ehoro of<br />

Bearskin Bay, Graham Island, and donated to the Academy of Sciences. The California<br />

specimens differ in no important respects from these, although they arc somewhat<br />

larger and possibly a Utile more inflated. The aperies ia perhaps related to<br />

Wodiiliw jabffi, although it is more robust and occurs at ft higher level in the sequence.

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