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136 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

Stewart gives tbe following dimensions for the lectotypei height, 11 nun.; width,<br />

0 mm. As far as information goes at present this species has been found only in the<br />

Horeotown group in Shasta County. Stanton records it from the lower Horaetown<br />

beds near Ono, perhaps in the Ono zone.<br />

Act eon politic (Gabb)<br />

Ringinella polita GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 2, 1869, p. 174, pi. 28, fig. 60; "Shasta<br />

Group," Colusa County—STANTON, V. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133, 1995, p. 19;<br />

age later than the Paasenta group suggested—ASTDEESOW, Calif, Acad, Sci.,<br />

Pr., 3d vol. 2,1902, p. 41* species included in Horsetown groups<br />

AcUton poJiiu* (Gabb) STEWART, Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pr,, vol, 78, 1923, p. 431,<br />

pi. 24, figs. 18, 19; supposed holotype.<br />

Gabb's record as to the locality at which the holotype was obtained ie the only<br />

known record. He states (Gabb, 1889a, p. 175), that this species was found with<br />

Liocttim punctatitm "south of the road from Colusa to the Hot Sulphur Springs, in<br />

the first range of foothills, Colusa County," If this statement ia taken literally<br />

the species and its associates can hardly be older than the middlo port of the Chico<br />

series. Similar forms have been found in the Chico beds of the Rogue River Valley,<br />

in southern Oregon.<br />

Acteonina calafia Stewart<br />

?Acieomna pvvoidet GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 1, 1884, p. 113, pi. 19, fig. 57; North<br />

fork of Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County; vol. 2, 18C9, p, 173, pit. 28, fig. 67,<br />

"Shasta Group," Cottonwood Creek.<br />

Acteonina calafia STEWART, Phila. Acad, Nat. Sci., vol. 78,1928, p. 432, pi. 21, fig, 12.<br />

Stewart states that Gabb's holotype in the Museum of Paleontology is a fragment,<br />

and the "name a homonym," and proposes aa the holotype of his own species the<br />

specimen described and figured by Gabb (1889a, p. 173, pi. 28, fig. 57). Gabb states<br />

that the horizon of this species is within the "Shasta Group/' but its occurrence in<br />

this group rests only upon his record.<br />

Acie&ndla etriformit Gabb<br />

AcleoneUa (miformit GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 2, 1889, p. 173, 232, pi. 28, fig, 50;<br />

"Chico Group," Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County—STEWAUT, Phila. Acad.<br />

Nat, SOL, Pr., vol. 78,1620, p, 432; locality and honron as given by Gabb.<br />

This species is abundant in the Chico series at many localities in California and<br />

in southern Oregon, and has usually been regarded as belonging exelumvGiy to this<br />

series, its usual horizon being in the Turanian or Cenomanian portion. A single<br />

example of the species has recently been obtained from the lower beds of tho Horsetown<br />

group at Locality 1353 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) near the bridge on the North fork of<br />

Cottonwood Creek, at Ono, Its range, therefore, is throughout the Horsetown group<br />

and the lower part of the Chico scries.<br />

Paladmtlt Gardner 1915<br />

Paladmete perforata (Gabb)<br />

tfepiuneo perforata CUBB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 1, 1304, p. 89, pi. 18, fig. 39; North<br />

fork of Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County.<br />

.EripacAjfo perforata GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol, 2, 1859, p. 49; "Shasta Group,"<br />

Cottonwood Creek.<br />

Paladmeie -perforata (Gabb), STEWART, Phila. Acad. Nat, Sci., Pr., vol. 78, 1926, p.<br />

424, pi. 22, fig. 8; lectotype, from the collection of the "University of California,<br />


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