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128 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

Placer County, California; the shell is discoidal with smooth rounded whorls,, almost<br />

circular in section, resembling the Carboniferous Cratridorta Brown.<br />

Stewart (1927, p. 314) has commented but little upon Gabb's species and its relationship,<br />

but concludes that it is not a Diicdhelix, Stoliczka (1306, p. 252) bad long<br />

before placed the species in the genus Cyclogyra Wood, a group sometimes thought<br />

to have been founded upon forms of Foraminifera.<br />

Dall (1892, p. 331) has discussed Diteohelix at length and has proposed a new section,<br />

Discosolit, for the American forms. The genotype, D. telijer Dall (1BG2, pi.<br />

19, fig. 1) is a heavily nodose shell, not equally biconvex above and below. If the<br />

other American forms, D. rotUlla Lea (Eocene), D. ncbilit Verrill, and 1>. tamillifcra<br />

Dall (recent), are sufficiently close to be Included in Dtiteohtlix, then tbe species here<br />

described would much better be retained with typical Diteohclix.<br />

Wade (1923, p, 176) has described two new species from the Upper Cretaceous of<br />

Tennessee under the names Pseudomnlaxia ripltyarta and P. amplificaia. In both<br />

forms the whorls are slightly asymmetric in section, and tbe spiral is not equally<br />

depressed above and below. It thus appears that the diagnosis of the genera included<br />

in Euompbalidae offers many difficulties. The desire on the part of some<br />

students to recognize geologic and geographic groups of species has produced a multiplicity<br />

of names, not all founded upon sound conchological criteria. Ccasraann's<br />

revision has not yet met with general acceptance.<br />

£>i'«coAcJir planigi/roidei Hanna, n. sp.<br />

(Plate 37. figoraa S, 3 a)<br />

"Shell diseoidal, equally concave above and below, consisting of about five whorls,<br />

square in cross section; whorls with sharp carinae at each angle, and with the surface<br />

between the upper two and the lower two slightly concave; last half of last whorl<br />

widely departing from the coil, in the holotype, and tending to do BO in other examples.<br />

Greatest diameter, 8.6 mm.; smallest diameter, 5.1 mm.; altitude of bodywhorl,<br />

about 1 mm."<br />

Tbe holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) was found on the North fork of Cottonwood<br />

Creek, Shasta County, about a mile above the diversion dam and a mile or<br />

more below the big bend of the creek. The holotype and other specimens are represented<br />

by external molds of the shells, showing no distortion, but from which it is<br />

not possible to determine the direction of the growth lines.<br />

The species is abundant in the upper part of the Paskenta group of the Shasta<br />

series about 400 feet above the local base of the group, and about GOO feet beneath<br />

the Hamlin-Broad cone of Locality 113 (Calif. Acad. Sci.), containing Thurmannia<br />

jupiler, nov., Lytoceras aulaeum nov., and Acroleuihis kernentit nov. The examples<br />

obtained were associated with various fossil Mollusca, including a small species<br />

of Triffonia, tfemodon cf. texlrina (Stanton), Peeten cali/trmieu* Gabb, and Turritella<br />

sp.<br />

The species has also been found in strata about 300 feet above the Hamlln-Broad<br />

zone, associated with Plicatula variata, Phylloctras oceidenialia nov,, and jVeocratpcdiUs.<br />

The horizon of the type locality is dearly within the Valanginian of European<br />

chronology. The discovery of this interesting form in the lowest group of the<br />

California Cretaceous warrants the preceding notes on its generic and family relationship<br />

by Dr. Hanna.<br />

TURBINIDAB Adams<br />

Among the littoral mollufirao species found in the lower beds of the Shasta series<br />

in the Great Valley of California there are many members of this family. None

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