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126 lower chetaceous deposits ijf california and oregon<br />

The name of thia species is found in the list given by Stanton (1695, p. 18) from<br />

the locality a quarter of a mile nortbweflt of Shelton's house, where it was found<br />

associated with Aucella craancolli*, "Olcottephanut" mutabili* Stanton, "Hoplita"<br />

angulatui Stanton, and other species belonging in the Paslcenta group of the Shasta<br />

series. It is not confined to the Paskenta group, however, since it baa also been<br />

found at Locality 1353 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) at the baae of the Horsetown group on the<br />

Cottonwood Creek, near Ono, Shasta County.<br />


PATELMDAE Carpenter<br />

Hclcion Monfort<br />

Hcleion granvlatia Stanton<br />

Helcion granulatua STANTON, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133, 1895, p. 63, pi. 12, fig. 4;<br />

Cold fork of Cottonwood Creek, Tehama County, California.<br />

"Shell depressed, conical, with the aj;ex a little in advance of the middle and<br />

directed slightly forward; aperture elliptical; surface marked by numerous slightly<br />

wavy radiating costae, which become somewhat broader on the posterior portion,<br />

crossed by rattier closely arranged, impressed eon sen trie lines, becoming more distant<br />

near the margin cf large specimens.<br />

"The figured type measures 13 mm. in length, 0 mm. in breadth, and about 3 mm.<br />

in height."<br />

The species is included in a list given by Stanton (1895, p. 14) from the type<br />

locality, near Stephenson's bouse, on the Cold fork of Cottonwood Creek, which list<br />

and locality have already been referred to the area and stratigraphic limits of the<br />

Paskenta group of tbe Shasta series. Stanton's account of the species is tbe only<br />

record of its occurrence.<br />

ACKAEIDAE Dall<br />

Am'somyon Meek and Hayden<br />

Aftii&nty&n meeki (Gabb)<br />

Anwmyort Meekii GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 1, 1804, p. 142, pi. 21, fig. ICS; North<br />

fork of Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County; vol. 2, 1869, i>. Z31, "Shasta<br />

Group," Cottonwood Crtek—STOWAWT, Phila. Acad. Nat. Sol., Pr., vol. 78,<br />

192C, p. 312.<br />

"Shall elliptical, very thin; the width and length are about as 5 to 0: apex moderately<br />

elevated, small, nearly central* aides sloping nearly straight in all directions<br />

to the baae. Surf ace (of cast) marked by numerous irregular concentric undulations,<br />

which do not always continue entirely around the shell; there are also marks which<br />

probably indicate a few faint radiating lines."<br />

The holotype of this species is in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences,<br />

Philadelphia. According to Stewart tbe shorter diameter is 21 mm.; height, about<br />

6.5 mm.<br />

The exact horizon in tbe Shasta scries at which this spcciea has been found is not<br />

yet definitely known, as Cottonwood Creek crosses the entire series,<br />

PLEBHGTOMAJtimAB d'Orbigny<br />

PleuTtttomaria Sowerby<br />

Pleurolomaria California Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Plata 9. Sguro 7)<br />

Shell of medium size, spire not high, broader than high, with narrow but open<br />

perforation at base; sculpture consisting of fine spiral threads on the base and lower

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