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description of species 123<br />

zone, on the east branch of Hulen Creek, and therefore somewhat higher in<br />

the section.<br />

TELUNIDAE Dcehayes<br />

Tellina Linnaeus<br />

Tellina (Areopagia) iekama Anderson, o. sp.<br />

(Pl»t« 7, figiiro) 3, 3*}<br />

Shell rather large, oval in outline, slightly inequilateral, apparently incquivalve;<br />

shell only moderately inflated, thickest in the area below the beaks; lower margin<br />

broadly rounded, curving broadly in front, somewhat narrowed and angular behind;<br />

beaks sub-central, a little behind the center; hinge AS shown in the figure, vrith long<br />

laterals, tbe left valve bearing two cardinal teeth; surface of shell marked only by<br />

concentric growth lines; beaks small, curving slightly inward and forward. The<br />

holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) measures as follows: length, 85 mm.; height,<br />

62 mm.; thickness of left valve, 15 mm. The shell somewhat resembles Areopagia<br />

circinalia d'Orbigny, from the upper Cretaceous of France, but it belongs to a lower<br />

horizon, probably Cenomanian. This example was obtained from the zone of Pervinquieria,<br />

n. sp. in the lowermost Chico group on the Middle fork of Cottonwood<br />

Creek, Shasta County. The same species has also been found in the uppermost beds<br />

of the Horsetown group, a few miles to the south, on Dry Creek, just beneath the<br />

basal beds of the Chico group, Tehama County.<br />

COASCIIIDAB Fleming<br />

Corbvia filoza Stanton<br />

Cotbula f&aea STANTON 1 , U. 3. Geol. Surv,, Bull. 133,1S95, p. 62, pi. 11, figs, 1, 2; near<br />

Stephenson's on Cold fork of Cottonwood Creek, Tehama County.<br />

"Shell small, oval, convex; beaks rather prominent, a little in advance of the middle;<br />

cardinal margin sloping almost equally from the beaks in front and behind;<br />

anterior end regularly rounded and narrower than the posterior end, which is also<br />

rounded, but more prominent above than below; ventral margin forming a broad<br />

curve; surface marked by slender filiform concentric lines, with somewhat broader<br />

interspaces. Some examples show an ill-defined subangular umhon&l ridge extend isg<br />

from tho beaks to the postcro-basal margin. Length of a large specimen, 19 mm.;<br />

height, 13 mm.; convexity of single valve, about 7 mm."<br />

No other species of Corbula had previously been reported from the Lower Cretaceous<br />

of California.<br />

The name of this species occurs without question aa to its determination in the<br />

list given by Stanton from its type locality, The horizon is regarded as within the<br />

Paskenta group of the Shasta scries; found also in the lowest beds of the Horsetown<br />

group near the bridge on the North fork of Cottonwood Creek.<br />


Panope Menard<br />

Panopc conecntrica (Gabb)<br />

Pancpaea amcentrica GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 1, 1864, p. 148, pi. 22, fig, 119;<br />

Cottonwood Creek, Shasta County; vol. 2, 1869, p. 236 (in part, not<br />

"Homomya" concmtrica-, Cbico Group).<br />

Gabb'a original description is in part as follows:<br />

"Shell Bubquadr&te, about a third longer than wide: beaks small, about a third<br />

of the length from the anterior end; posterior cardinal line very slightly sloping;

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