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122 loweb cbetaceodb depOSitS in california. and oregon<br />

t&ceoua (Senonian) beds ol Texas Flat, near Folaom, but is more like that from Sucia<br />

Island, figured by White. Tho present apecies is somewhat more inflated than either<br />

form mentioned above, lacks the atrsight hinge line of tbe first, and has more prominent<br />

beaks than the latter. The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. typo Coll.) was found<br />

at Locality 1353 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) in the Ono tone near the bridge on the Cottonwood<br />

Creek, Shasta County. Its Btratigraphical position is near the base of the<br />

Hometown group; it was found associated ytithNeocratpediiet aguila, nov., and many<br />

other species characteristic of this zone. It has the following dimensions: length,<br />

SO nun.; height, 25 mm.; thickness of both valves, 20 mm.; form sub-spherical. This<br />

is the oldest Bpaciea of the genus found in the Cretaceous of the West Coast.<br />

VENBRIDAB Leach<br />

Venus Linnaeus<br />

Venus callinium Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Ptale 1, icun 3; FUta 4, flcuro 8)<br />

Shell of medium size, aubcircular in outline, as broad aa high, moderately inflated,<br />

test rather thick; cardinal margin gently rounded, the curve merging regularly<br />

to that of the rounded basal margin; lunule well defined, narrow and lanceolate;<br />

basal margin of shell denticulate within; beaks a litttq depressed; surface of shell<br />

marked only by coarse, concentric, somewhat irregular lines, without radial sculpture;<br />

hinge plate apparently bearing three cardinal teeth.<br />

Three incomplete examples of this species were found by E. J. Broad in the Hamlin-Broad<br />

zone at Locality 113 (Calif. Acad, Sci.), 4 miles southwest of Ono, Shasta<br />

County. Of these, the holotype (Calif. Acad. Soi. type Coll.) measures: length,<br />

39 mm.; height, 39 mm.; thickness of one valve, 11 mm. The other examples were<br />

smaller. The horizon from which these examples were obtained ia in the upper part<br />

of the Paskenta group, about 500 feet beneath the lowest bed of the Horsetown<br />

group in tbe Cottonwood district Two other examples of tho same apacies were<br />

found by 0, D. Hanna at Locality 1691 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) near Clements ranch,<br />

eastern Trinity County. At its type locality the species was associated with Polyptychitea<br />

lecontei, Lytocerot auta«um, jSu&a^ien'a chanchelula, and many other forms.<br />

At the Clements ranch it was found associated with Periplomya Teddingensit, Pholadamya<br />

allumbanaia, and various other species regarded as representing the upper<br />

part of the Paskenta group, from which came the holotype of Criocerm latum Gabb,<br />

reported from the Trinity River.<br />

Venus corella Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(Pkt«4, Scant, J)<br />

Shell small, cordiform, inflated; beaks rather high, prominent, incurved, and<br />

approximate; lunule distinct, impressed, semicircular in outline; hinge line nearly<br />

straight; base circular; surface marked by uniform radiating ribs and by faint<br />

eoncentric lines of growth; interior margin of the valves denticulated with interlocking<br />

denticles.<br />

The holotype (Calif. Acad. Set. type Coll.) was found at Locality 1346-A (Calif.<br />

Acad. Sci.) in tbe Buenaventura zone of the Hulcn beds, on the went branch of Mulen<br />

Creek, a mile above its entrance Into the Xorth fork of tbe Cottonwood Creek. It<br />

was associated with Puiosia buenmienlura nov., Cheloniceraa sp., Acanlhoplile* sp.,<br />

and Douwlfeiceras cf. mammillatum. Its dimensions arc: length, 11 mm.; height,<br />

12 mm.; thickness of both valves, 11 mm.<br />

The same species was found also at Locality 162 (Calif. Acad. Sci.) in the Porrin

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