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description of species 119<br />

This shell ia described by Stanton (1895, p. 60) aa follows:<br />

"Shell of medium size, with thick test, subovato in outline, depressed,* beaks<br />

broad, rather prominent, and situated considerably in advance of the middle:<br />

dorsal border defending abruptly with a concave outline in front of the heak and<br />

sloping more gently behind, where it ia straight or slightly convex; anterior end<br />

rather narrowly rounded: posterior end broader and subtruncate below; ventral<br />

margin forming a regular broad curve; surface marked by prominent but somewhat<br />

irregular concentric lines.<br />

Length, 60 mm.; height, 50 mm.; convcxity of ample valve, about 16 mm."<br />

The genua Arclica is not often found in the West Coast Cretaceous, and its occurrence<br />

in the lowermost beds of the California Cretaceous is therefore noteworthy.<br />

This species is included by Stanton (1395, p. 17) among the number found neor<br />

Stephenson's, which is here shown to belong in the lowest beds of the Paskenta<br />

group.<br />

SOLENIDAS Loach<br />

&clecur(u« de Blainville<br />

Solecurtus ? dufr'us Stanton<br />

SoJfcurtua ? dubiua STANTON, TJ. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133,1895, p. 61, pi. 10, figs. 4, S;<br />

Cold fork of Cottonwood Creek, Tehama County.<br />

Although this form is placed under Solecurtm by Stanton, he did not feel sure<br />

of its position. This genus has not been otherwise recorded from the Lower Cretaceous<br />

of.California, and its occurrence needs confirmation. The species ia included<br />

in a list of 18 forms specifically named from its type locality (Stanton, 1895,<br />

p, 14), some of which clearly indicate that the locality should be included in the<br />

Paskenta group. A visit to this locality confirms its position and age as being near<br />

the base of this group, but no further data were obtained.<br />

ABTABTIDAE d'Orbigny, emend. Dall<br />

Representatives of record are not abundant in the Lower Cretaceous of the West<br />

Coast. The discovery of a few apscies by Stanton in the lower part of the Shasta<br />

aeries is the earliest record oI their appearance in California. They are found only<br />

is scattered localities in Tehama, Colusa, and Lake counties, and in every case in the<br />

Paskenta group, associated with other diagnostic species of the Bame.<br />

Agtarte Sowerby<br />

Aalarle corrugala Stanton<br />

Antarte corrugata STANTON, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 133, 1365, p. 56, pi. 6, fig. 16}<br />

Shelton ranch, 5 miles north of Paskenta, Tehama County; "upper part, of the<br />

Knoxvilla beds."<br />

This species is described as "very small, subtriangular, moderately convex;<br />

beaks prominent, acute; cardinal margin sloping rapidly both in front and behind;<br />

ventral margin convex, most prominent behind the middle; surface marked by a<br />

few very prominent, distant concentric ridges and by fine lines of growth; ventral<br />

margin crenulated within. Length of largest specimen seen, 5 mm.; height, 4 mm.;<br />

convexity of single valve, about 1 mm."<br />

This species is included in a list (Stanton, 1305, p. IS) of specifically named forms,<br />

including auch typical Paskenta species as Avsella erasticoltit, "Eoplites" angulalus,<br />

"Oleaatephanus" muiabilu Stanton, and others. The horizon is in the Valaoginian,<br />

upper part of the Paskenta group, although Spath (1624, opp. p. 80) places the lastnamed<br />

species in the Infra-Valanginian.

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