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common in the Horsetown group. Auceffa craasicollis pertftina to the Paskenta group.<br />

None of tho species have been recorded from the Knoxville (Upper Jurassic) series,<br />

nor have any been found there by the writer. From an analytical study of the list<br />

it must be concluded that the locality must be included in the Paskenta group, and<br />

an examination of the beds shows them to immediately overlie a heavy conglomerate<br />

marking an unconformity at the base of this group.<br />

MYIILIDAB Fleming<br />

Mylihta Linnaeus<br />

Mijiilm arlingloni Henry (unpublished)<br />

(Ptita 1, fifuro A)<br />

Shell of medium size, obliquely crescent-shaped; beaks terminal, narrowly<br />

rounded; cardinal line slightly curved, curve accentuated in the more strongly arched<br />

posterior border; anterior margin slightly concave in young stages of growth, more<br />

strongly concave in older shells; valves strongly arched (inflated), when seen from<br />

the front; dorsal slope bearing a subsidiary fold parallel to the umhonal ridge; teat<br />

thick.<br />

The holotype is in the Museum of Paleontology, University of California, It has<br />

tbe following dimensions: total length, 91 mm.; height, 10 nun.; convexity of single<br />

valve, 18 mm. Another example of the same species was found at the same locality.<br />

These were found by Leonard W. Henry on tho south border of Contra Costa County,<br />

near Arlington Avenue at the north border of Berkeley. They were found associated<br />

with other invertebrates, including ifalunus sp,, Aucella cratrteollti, A, inflala, and<br />

BtlemniU» sp. These fossils were found in a calcareous pebbly sandstone overlying<br />

Kncxville beds with clear evidence of unconformity, as shown in part by some of the<br />

associated forma. The horizon represented is in tbe lower part of the Paskenta<br />

group of the Shasta series.<br />

Modioli Lamarck<br />

.WchJioiu» major (Gabb)<br />

Modivla major GABB, Paleont. Calif., vol. 2, 1809, p. 191, pi, 13, fig. SB; white limestone<br />

of the "Shasta Group,' 11 east of Knoxville, itfapa County-—STANTON,<br />

U. 8. Geol. Surv., Bull, 133, 1806, p. 48 {in part, not pi. 3, fig. 1)-ANMREON,<br />

Calif. Acad. Sci., Pr., vol, 2,1602, p. 46; north border of Berkeley, California;<br />

Paslconta group,<br />

Myoconcha major (Gabb) STJWA&T, Phila. Aead. Sci., Spas. Publ. no, 3, 1330, p. 104,<br />

pi. 4, fig. 1; probable holotype.<br />

Gabb's holotype of this species seems to have been taken to the Academy of<br />

Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and Stewart has figured an example found there<br />

as probably the holotype. The species occurs in the white limestone lj miles southwest<br />

of Wilbur Springs, Cotuaa County, associated with Khy^ttAonella whi/ncyi Gabb<br />

and Peeltn eomplexieo»la Gabb. An imperfect example of this species is in the<br />

California Academy of Sciences from this locality, and ia readily identified with<br />

Gabb's form. The same species has been obtained from the white limestone of the<br />

same horizon on the weBt side of tho Bcrryessa. Valley, collected by £ldridge D.<br />

Drew and donated to the Academy, The same species occurs in a calcareous sandstone<br />

of tbe Paskenta group in tbe Berkeley Hills near Berkeley. The measurements<br />

of the holotype given by Gabb are; length, 4.8 inches; height, 2,4 inches; thickness,<br />

1.5 inches. The ratio of height to length given by Stewart for the probable holotype<br />

is .480:1, which is somewhat more slender than as stated by Gabb.

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