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108 LOWSB CEETACEOUB <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN CAHFOSNlA <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

In its association with the above forme it recalls a species of Aucella found in the<br />

Barr zone of the Cottonwood district, California, also in Aptian strata.<br />

OSTBEIDAB Lamarck<br />

Oiirfo Linnaeus<br />

Oilrta indigem Anderson, n„ ap.<br />

{Pkta 1, Inn 1, »<br />

Shell largo, thick, and maasive; upper (right) valve irregularly semicircular, or<br />

ovate in outline, beak aubtermmal, posterior end rounded; valve moderately thick,<br />

concave, or excavated above; lower (left) valve high, thick, and aogulhted, massive;<br />

beak curving forward and toward the side; left valve strongly arched, with angular<br />

ridge extending from tbe beak to the posterior margin; elope steep toward the back,<br />

gentler toward the front; neither valve corrugated, or much roughened, marked only<br />

by the almost smooth edges of the lamellae, not showing transverse folds.<br />

This shell bears much resemblance to Ourea eoulom Dafrnnee, as figured by<br />

Weaver (1931, p. 229, pi. 19, figa, 90,01), from the lower Neocomian of western Argentina,<br />

of which it is at leaat an analogue. Stanton (1896, pi, 2, fig. 1) has figured a small<br />

upper valve of a shell found near Stephenson's on the Cold fork of Cottonwood<br />

Creek, which may be the young of this species, since both are found in the Paskenta<br />

group, although not in the aame bornon.<br />

The holotype (Calif. Acad. Sci. type Coll.) measures: length, 145 mm.; greatest<br />

width, 96 mm,; thickness ai both valves, 70 mm. This example was found by E. J.<br />

Broad at Locality 113 (Calif. Acad. Set.), 4 miles southwest of Ono, Shasta County.<br />

Its horizon is in tho upper part of the Paskenta group in the Cottonwood district.<br />

Another example of the same species was found by the writer in the NW } Sec. 7,<br />

T. 28 N., E, 7 W. These examples were found on nearly the same horizon, and both<br />

were found associated with Acroleulhit ihantenri*, beneath the lowest beds assignable<br />

to the Horsetown group.<br />

TBIQONIIDAH Lamarck<br />

Trigonia Bruguj&re<br />

Trigonia kayana Anderson, n. sp.<br />

(F1*U> 7, Brsr® I)<br />

Trigonia aequieottala DILTJSB and KAY, TJ. 3. Geol. Surv., Geol. Atlas, Riddle Folio,<br />

1924, p. 3, fig. 3; 1 'Knoxville formation," Riddle Quadrangle, Oregon.<br />

The shell of this apeciea is small, or of only moderate sine, as judged by the betterknown<br />

forma with which the figure appears in the folio. The species is quite unlike<br />

T. aeqvicostala Gabb which occurs ia the lower beds of the Chico series, and it requires<br />

a distinctive name. It seems to be among the oldest forma of Trtgonia yet<br />

found in the West Coast Cretaceous. A similar form haa been found en Eagle Creek,<br />

near Ono, Shasta County, in tbe lowest beds of the Hisraatown group. At present<br />

the horizon of the Riddle example IB subject to question, since it ia included in a<br />

list of "Knoxville" forms, which includes Aucella piochi Gabb, A, "eraasicotfiV<br />

{= .-1. cranxa Pavlow), and Peden opeTculiJormit Gabb, and a Ginkgo loaf. An<br />

these molluscan forms represent various distinct horizons they perhaps need revision,<br />

A similar small undescribed species of Tnponia has been found in beds regarded<br />

as being in the middle part of the Paskenta group on the North fork of Cottonwood<br />

Creek, 2 milts southwest of Ono, Shasta County,

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