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104 <strong>LOWER</strong> <strong>CRETACEOUS</strong> <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN <strong>CALIFORNIA</strong>. <strong>AND</strong> <strong>OREGON</strong><br />

This is probably the roost abundant species of Aucella found in the Paskenta<br />

group in its type district; it occurs throughout the lower division of this group. The<br />

holotype was found by Stewart in the collections of the Academy of Natural Sciences<br />

of Philadelphia and was designated by him as the "leototype/ 1 although Pavlow<br />

(1907) had already taken it aa the holotype of the species. This form is abundant 11<br />

miles northeast of Wilbur Springs, Colusa County; it has also been found 1200 feet<br />

northeast of Knoxville, Napa County. It ie found more abundantly in the type<br />

district of the Paskenta group about 1500 to 2000 feet above its base, aa on the Wilcox<br />

ranch, 5 miles berth of Paskenta.<br />

Aucella terebraluJciide* Lahusen<br />

Aucella cancentrica var. WHITE, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 4, 18S4, p. 13, pi, 0, figs. 2,<br />

3j 4. 5: "Fossil point," Port Mailer, Alaska, collected by W. H. Ball.<br />

Aucella piochii, var. ovata STAHTQK, U. S. Gaol. Surv., Bull. 133, W6, p. 43, pi. 4,<br />

figs. 11, 12, 13 (not fig, 14); 2 miles north of Wilcox ranch, western Tehama<br />

County.<br />

ATITTTFA tertbralulaidaa, PAVLOW, SOC. Imper. Jfat. Moscou, Nouv. Mem., T. 17, 1907,<br />

p. 60, pi. 6, figs. 6, 7, 10,11; Xioeomiem of Russia and of California.<br />

According to Pavlow, who figures three varieties of this species, its Btratigraphical<br />

range in Russia ia from Upper Jurassic (Portlandian) to lower Neeeomian. It is<br />

not known to have such range in California, although some of its so-called "varieties"<br />

may have. One is recorded from tho top of the Horsetown group in the McCarthy<br />

Creak section. Some references to Aucella pioehi in the lower beds of the Shasta<br />

series found in the literature may be due to wrong determinations of some of these<br />

varieties. Stanton (Stanton and Biller, 1894, p. 447) includes this species in a list<br />

with "fftiicqwlox" bicarinala, "Oleostephanut," Criotxraa latum, and Belemnitei<br />

imprtsius, from a locality 2 miles north of the Wilcox ranch, which appears to be<br />

at the top of the Paskenta group. It is found most plentifully in the upper part of<br />

its loner division in the zone of Dichotomite* mutabilia (Stanton).<br />

Aucella inJlAla Toufa<br />

(Plata S, Bcraa J, 6)<br />

Aucella eoncenlrica var. WHITE, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 4, 1884,p. ll.pl. 6, fig. 11<br />

only; "Fossil point " Port M»lUr, Alaska, collected by W. E. Dull.<br />

Auectta injlala LAHUSEN, Mem. Com. Geo!. St. Petersburg, vol. 8, no. 1, 1888, p. 20,<br />

40, pi. 4, figs. 12-17; Lower Neocamiaa, Russia—PAYWJW, Soc. Imper, Nat.<br />

Moscou, Nouv, Mem, T. 17t 1907, p. 68, pi, 6, fi^a. £a, b, c; Lower Neocomian<br />

of Pekhorka, Govt, of Simbirsk, Russia.<br />

According to Pavlow this species has some resemblance to A. lertbralvloidtt but<br />

differs from it in its greater degree of inflation, greater convexity of the right valve,<br />

and in the more stubby form of the shell and its more convex posterior border, which<br />

projects mora to the rear.<br />

In the type district of the Paskenta group this species ia more abundant in its<br />

lower beds, where it occurs with A. uneilindts, A. sofrda, Lyioeeras »ottirnafc, nov.,<br />

and a fine-ribbed species of Phytloc*ra*. The species is also abundant near Wins]ow<br />

bridge, western Glenn County, in the lower beds of the PaHkenta, group, and in<br />

nearly the same horizon east and northeast of Knoxville, Napa County, Specimens<br />

of the same have been collected here by X. L. Taliaferro, apparently from the locality<br />

mentioned by Turner (1533, p. 316), who has described conglomerates found "in the<br />

Knoxville beds at several points" to tbe north of Knoxville. These conglomerates<br />

are the baas!, or near-basal, beds of the Paskenta group, Tho same species has

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