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102 LOWEB CBETACEQUS <strong>DEPOSITS</strong> IN CALtFOSKIA <strong>AND</strong> OHEGON<br />

rata. In Ma discussiou of tho types included % him under this name Stanton<br />

(1896, p. 45) says, in part;<br />

"This description is meant to include all the robust varieties of Aucella that art<br />

characteristic of tbe upper part of tbe Knoxville beds in California, ranging through<br />

perhaps I50G to 2000 feet Of strata."<br />

As attempt has recently been mads to discredit the generic name AvcHLa, and<br />

to replace it by "B^cAta," a name proposed by ftouillier in 1835. Whatever claim<br />

may now be made by anyone for the validity of "Buehia" upon the basis of priority,<br />

tho fact is evident that most specialists, sinco KeyBerling's time, have accepted the<br />

name Aucelta, as defined by him, and this name has now, after more than BO years<br />

of use, become BO well established in the literature that no rule should be invoked<br />

to replace it. It would seem that the question bad been sufficiently settled by<br />

Pompeckj (1501) but for those who mu.y still be unconvinced, it may be recalled that<br />

Rouillier gave neither figure, description, nor any characterization of the species<br />

upon which he proposed to found tho name "Bwhxa," but merely submitted to his<br />

society an etampla of a shell which he believed to be "Asieuia mo&quen&it" Buch.<br />

Whether this shell was properly identified by him, we have no means of knowing.<br />

For this reason the name "Buchia," as remarked by Pompeckj, "did not meet with<br />

approval, as opposed to the name Aucella and ita better characterisation provided<br />

by Graf Keyseriing for the new genus."<br />

Ia the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Russia many forma of Aucella have been<br />

distinguished by specific names given by Keyserling (1M8-1&4&), L&Iiuscn (1888)<br />

and Pompeckj (1001), a general review of which has been given by A. P. Pavlow<br />

(1907). In this review of the succession of AuetUat found in the Upper Jurassic and<br />

Lower Cretaceous of Russia, and in contemporary beds in California, and with the<br />

aid of fossils obtained by him from this state, Pavlow was able to show marked<br />

parallelism in the atrfl.tigra.phic occurrences of species common to both regions, and<br />

also many analogous forms. Others have since been discovered. Had Pavlow bean<br />

able to obtain complete suites of Aucella from the Knoxville and Shasta series in<br />

California, this parallelism would probably have been extended farther. In addition<br />

to the more robust forma found in the Shasta series, a few smaller species have<br />

been found, but none can be identified with species characteristic of the Knoxville<br />

series. Some difficulty is often found in identifying the immature shells of closely<br />

related apecies, but less is found in the separation of adult shells, and in this fact<br />

they follow tbe rule of many other genera.<br />

The atmtigraphioal occurrence of tbe several forms of Avcclla found in the Paskenta<br />

group is about as follows, although there are some overlaps:<br />

Upper third—aonc of Dithotpmiita—A-Mxlla erainricollia Koyserling, .4. crewta<br />

Pavlow, A., lembratuloidet Lahusen;<br />

Middle third—zone of JVcocomi^a and Berriaeclla—Aucella -piriformis Lsliu&en,<br />

A. kcyicrlinffi Labuaen, A, nucijormit Pavlow;<br />

Lower third—zone of Phyllaeerai cf. Knoxvillense—Avcclla lalida Lahusea,<br />

A. uncttoi'dei Pavlow, A. i-nfiala Toula, A. laftttscni Pavlow, and A, rtuctfarmis<br />

Pavlow, the last occurring in two distinct zones, although not<br />

abundant in either.<br />

It is not known whether this succession will be found in all sections, but at present<br />

it appears to maintain throughout the districts south of the delta.<br />

The occurrence of Aucella •piathi Gabb, or some related species, in the lower part<br />

of the Shasta series has been claimed by aotne, but this claim should be accepted with<br />

reserve. It may be based upon a misinterpretation of young forma of other species—<br />

e.g., A. lahvaeni Pavlow, or of the strata containing it, or both.

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