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this species was found at Napa Junction, Napa County, in 1012, in the excavation<br />

made for "cement rock." In length this shell was 10 inches or more; in width about<br />

7 inches; in thickness 2 inches. It was found with Lima tmdtilineala Stanton,<br />

Modiolm onoensis nov., and the borings of Pholade, A single example of the same<br />

type and form, hut somewhat smaller, was found in 1908 by Joaiah, Owea near Alma,<br />

Santa Clara County. Tho strata in both cases belong to the Paskenta group of the<br />

Shasta series, as determined by other molluscan species. These examples recall<br />

the statement found in the San Francisco folio (Lawson, U. 3. Geo). Surv., 1014,<br />

p. 8} that fragments of a large Inoeeramus and a small Peeten had been found in<br />

Strawberry Canyon ia the Berkeley Hills, in strata that aeem to belong to the same<br />

group. Mention of a species of "Hoptite*" found near tbe same place is also made,<br />

and aarves to support the age determination of the locality.<br />

PTBKIIDAE Meek<br />

Avieuta Bruguifere<br />

Ain'cuio (Oxyloma) whiteavexi Stanton<br />

Avicula {Gsuloma) ahiteaveti STANTON, U. S. Gaol. Surv., Bull, 133, 1095, p. 33.<br />

pi. 4, fig. 1; Shclton'B ranch, 5 miles north of Paskenta, Tehama County.<br />

Stanton compares thia spceita with a shell found on Maude Island, one of the<br />

Queen Charlotte Islands group. Stanton's holotype was found in beds cropping out<br />

on theShelton ranch, associated with Autxila. crassicollit, "Oleotlcphanut" mu(ato(i«,<br />

and other Paskenta species. A similar species has also been found in the basal beds<br />

of the Horsetown group near Ono. Lower Cretaceous strata have not been reported<br />

on Maude Island before, and for this reason Stanton's comparison ia the more important.<br />

A considerable list of Lower Cretaceous species found about Skidegate<br />

Inlet is given in another part of thiB memoir.<br />

MaeKenzie (1916, p. 46—17} has given a list of species, including this, from Maude<br />

Island, which Stanton regarded as of Jurassic age, including it in the Maude formation.<br />

MTAiiNiDAH Freeh<br />

Aucetla Keyserltng 1848<br />

In an excellent review of the genus Amelia Stanton (1695, p. 41) stales its ciroumpolar<br />

distribution thus:<br />

"It is found over a large part of Russia, in Siberia, Nova Zembla, Spitzbcrgon,<br />

on the Island of Andoe on the coast of Norway, Kuhn Island on the coast of Greenland,<br />

in Alaska, British Columbia, including Queen Charlotte and Vancouver<br />

Islands, and the west coast of the United States as far south as San Luis Obispo<br />

County, California {about latitude 35')."<br />

Within its geographical range the genus occurs in both Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous<br />

deposits, and locally forma tho dominant faunal element in parts of each<br />

sequence.<br />

As these Aucellan elements are related to those of atber regions, their occurrence<br />

in tho Knoxville and Shasta series in California becomes important, not only as an<br />

aid in correlation, but as showing the routes of migration and the spread of tbe<br />

genus.<br />

In the Shasta aeries, with few exceptions, they are confined to the Paskenta<br />

group. Most of the forms found in these beds are robust, thick-shelled species of tbe<br />

general character of A. etMticollit Keyacrling, although this epeciee is somewhat

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