Core Strategy Preferred Options document - Amazon Web Services

Core Strategy Preferred Options document - Amazon Web Services Core Strategy Preferred Options document - Amazon Web Services
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Strategies, Activities and Actions – Economic Development The Vision: In five years.... An Employment Land Review has been carried out and we are using the findings of this to ascertain future employment provision to meet the District’s needs, and to assist in identifying alternative locations for old and poorly located employment parks which are no longer fit for purpose. The Vision: In five years.... The long term future of the wharfage at Baltic Wharf as an employment area has been secured. The potential of London Southend Airport and its environs is beginning to take shape through provision of a Joint Area Action Plan in partnership with Southend Borough Council. Economic Development Introduction Our approach to economic development is focused on developing existing spatial patterns of employment, providing higher level employment and seeking to realise the economic potential of London Southend Airport. Rochford District is a generally prosperous part of the country, despite only a modest share of resident ‘knowledge workers’, the typically higher paid employees. There are a number of opportunities for economic development in the District, for example London Southend Airport has the potential to provide significant economic growth, including, but not exclusively, around aviation-related industries. Further to this, there is an entrepreneurial culture within the District; and the District is part of the Thames Gateway – a national priority for regeneration and growth. In the past, employment allocations for the District were quantified in terms of the amount of land to be set aside for employment purposes. The East of England Plan instead specifies the number of jobs each subregion must provide. Rochford District is within the Thames Gateway subregion and must provide 3000 new jobs during the plan period. It is anticipated that a significant proportion of these jobs can be accommodated as part of the growth around London Southend Airport and the District is in the process of producing a Joint Area Action Plan with Southend Borough Council to ensure that the airport’s potential is fully realised. There are a multitude of physical constraints within the District that restrict opportunities for employment growth. The two primary constraints are the rural nature of the District together with the limited transport links – both issues are more prevalent in the east of the District. Our approach to rural diversification is set out in the Green Belt section of the Core Strategy and the approach to transportation issues in Transport. There are a number of areas within the District which are currently allocated specifically for employment purposes and are protected from development which would undermine their role in generating employment. We consider it necessary to review these allocations, particularly in light of changes to the economy and the decline of the manufacturing sector. Some sites currently allocated for employment may be better utilised as residential or mixed-use, reducing the need to release Green Belt for housing, or, where appropriately located, alternative employment or community uses other than industrial ones. We examined these issues in depth through the production of an Employment Land Study. The study provides the following: 44

Strategies, Activities and Actions – Economic Development An assessment of current and future demand for different types of employment land. • An assessment of the current supply of existing employment land including analysis of the quality of existing employment land allocated in the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan 2006. • An assessment of the appropriateness of potential additional sites for use as employment land. London Southend Airport and Environs The East of England Plan identifies London Southend Airport as having an important role to play in the economic development of the area. As such we are producing a Joint Area Action Plan in conjunction with Southend Borough Council and other stakeholders in order to identify how the airport’s economic potential is realised. We are mindful of concerns regarding the potential impact of the airport’s development on the environment and on the amenity of local residents. These are issues that will be accounted for as part of the Joint Area Action Plan. The airport is surrounded by employment uses, many of which complement the airport. We believe that there is also an opportunity for economic development through the expansion of other employment uses around the airport, including those that are not directly linked or reliant on the aviation industry. ED1 London Southend Airport – Preferred Option We will work with Southend Borough Council to prepare a Joint Area Action Plan for land to the west of Rochford – including the area encompassing London Southend Airport – and will work with partners to see the airport’s economic potential realised, whilst having regard to local amenity and environmental issues. 45 The Vision: By 2017... London Southend Airport and environs provide a range of jobs for the local population. A new terminal building has been completed and is operational following the implementation of an agreed surface access strategy. The Vision: By 2021… Old, poorly located, “bad neighbour” industrial estates have been relocated to fitfor-purpose sites away from residential areas. A new employment park in the west of the District with good links to the main access networks has been developed which caters for a range of employment types in a flexible manner that adapts to changes in the economy. The employment park is accompanied by a travel plan and is accessible to workers by a range of transport options.

Strategies, Activities and Actions – Economic Development<br />

The Vision: In five<br />

years....<br />

An Employment Land<br />

Review has been<br />

carried out and we are<br />

using the findings of<br />

this to ascertain future<br />

employment provision<br />

to meet the District’s<br />

needs, and to assist in<br />

identifying alternative<br />

locations for old and<br />

poorly located<br />

employment parks<br />

which are no longer fit<br />

for purpose.<br />

The Vision: In five<br />

years....<br />

The long term future of<br />

the wharfage at Baltic<br />

Wharf as an<br />

employment area has<br />

been secured.<br />

The potential of<br />

London Southend<br />

Airport and its environs<br />

is beginning to take<br />

shape through<br />

provision of a Joint<br />

Area Action Plan in<br />

partnership with<br />

Southend Borough<br />

Council.<br />

Economic Development<br />

Introduction<br />

Our approach to economic development is focused on developing<br />

existing spatial patterns of employment, providing higher level<br />

employment and seeking to realise the economic potential of London<br />

Southend Airport.<br />

Rochford District is a generally prosperous part of the country, despite<br />

only a modest share of resident ‘knowledge workers’, the typically higher<br />

paid employees.<br />

There are a number of opportunities for economic development in the<br />

District, for example London Southend Airport has the potential to provide<br />

significant economic growth, including, but not exclusively, around<br />

aviation-related industries. Further to this, there is an entrepreneurial<br />

culture within the District; and the District is part of the Thames Gateway<br />

– a national priority for regeneration and growth.<br />

In the past, employment allocations for the District were quantified in<br />

terms of the amount of land to be set aside for employment purposes.<br />

The East of England Plan instead specifies the number of jobs each subregion<br />

must provide. Rochford District is within the Thames Gateway subregion<br />

and must provide 3000 new jobs during the plan period. It is<br />

anticipated that a significant proportion of these jobs can be<br />

accommodated as part of the growth around London Southend Airport<br />

and the District is in the process of producing a Joint Area Action Plan<br />

with Southend Borough Council to ensure that the airport’s potential is<br />

fully realised.<br />

There are a multitude of physical constraints within the District that<br />

restrict opportunities for employment growth. The two primary constraints<br />

are the rural nature of the District together with the limited transport links<br />

– both issues are more prevalent in the east of the District. Our approach<br />

to rural diversification is set out in the Green Belt section of the <strong>Core</strong><br />

<strong>Strategy</strong> and the approach to transportation issues in Transport.<br />

There are a number of areas within the District which are currently<br />

allocated specifically for employment purposes and are protected from<br />

development which would undermine their role in generating<br />

employment. We consider it necessary to review these allocations,<br />

particularly in light of changes to the economy and the decline of the<br />

manufacturing sector. Some sites currently allocated for employment<br />

may be better utilised as residential or mixed-use, reducing the need to<br />

release Green Belt for housing, or, where appropriately located,<br />

alternative employment or community uses other than industrial ones.<br />

We examined these issues in depth through the production of an<br />

Employment Land Study. The study provides the following:<br />


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