Investigating Oblique & Non-linear Asymptotes Activity

Investigating Oblique & Non-linear Asymptotes Activity

Investigating Oblique & Non-linear Asymptotes Activity


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<strong>Oblique</strong> and <strong>Non</strong>-<strong>linear</strong> Asymptote <strong>Activity</strong> Name:<br />

Prior Learning Reminder: Rational Functions<br />

In the past we discussed vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the graph of a rational function of the form<br />

n n1<br />

n n1<br />

m m1<br />

m m1<br />

a x a x a0<br />

y <br />

b x b x b<br />

little simpler, let’s rename our rational function<br />

0<br />

where an 0 , b 0 and m and n are nonnegative integers. To make the notation a<br />

m<br />

Nx ( )<br />

y f ( x)<br />

where Nx ( ) and Dx ( ) are the numerator and<br />

Dx ( )<br />

denominator polynomials that define the rational function y f ( x)<br />

. The following chart provides an overview of how we<br />

determine vertical and horizontal asymptotes when dealing with rational functions.<br />

Nx ( )<br />

Let y f ( x)<br />

be a rational function, where Nx ( ) and Dx ( ) have no common factors other<br />

Dx ( )<br />

than constants. The vertical asymptotes of y f ( x)<br />

can be determined as follows:<br />

Finding vertical asymptotes<br />

Procedure Rational Function example <strong>Asymptotes</strong> of example<br />

Vertical asymptotes occur at<br />

each value of x which makes the<br />

denominator Dx ( ) equal to 0.<br />

15x 10<br />

y f ( x)<br />

2<br />

9x 4<br />

simplifies<br />

to<br />

15x 10<br />

y f ( x)<br />

2<br />

9x4 5(3x 2)<br />

<br />

(3x2)(3x2) 5<br />

<br />

3x2 Finding horizontal asymptotes<br />

Solving 3x 20yields 2<br />

x as a vertical<br />

3<br />

asymptote.<br />

Note: 3x 20does not<br />

yield a vertical asymptote,<br />

but does result in a hole in<br />

the graph at<br />

2<br />

x .<br />

3<br />

Procedure Rational Function example Asymptote of example<br />

Whenever the degree of the<br />

numerator Nx ( ) is less than the<br />

degree of the denominator Dx ( ) ,<br />

the x-axis, which is the line<br />

y 0 , is a horizontal asymptote.<br />

Whenever the degree of the<br />

numerator is equal to the degree<br />

of the denominator, the line<br />

a<br />

y , where a and b are the<br />

b<br />

leading coefficients of the<br />

numerator and denominator,<br />

respectively, is the horizontal<br />

asymptote.<br />

Whenever the degree of the<br />

numerator is greater than the<br />

degree of the denominator, there<br />

is no horizontal asymptote.<br />

15x 10<br />

y f ( x)<br />

has 1 as the<br />

2<br />

9x4 degree of the numerator and 2 as<br />

the degree of the denominator.<br />

y f ( x)<br />

<br />

2<br />

14x 4x11 2<br />

9x4 has 2<br />

as the degree of the numerator<br />

and denominator.<br />

2<br />

4x 4x3 y f ( x)<br />

<br />

has 2<br />

x 3<br />

as the degree of the numerator<br />

and 1 as the degree of the<br />

denominator.<br />

Since the degree of the<br />

numerator is less than the<br />

degree of the denominator,<br />

y 0 is the horizontal<br />

asymptote.<br />

Since the degrees of the<br />

numerator and denominator<br />

are the same and the leading<br />

coefficients of the numerator<br />

and denominator are 14 and<br />

14<br />

9, respectively, y is the<br />

9<br />

horizontal asymptote.<br />

Since the degree of the<br />

numerator is greater than the<br />

degree of the denominator,<br />

the function has no horizontal<br />


<strong>Investigating</strong> Other Types of <strong>Asymptotes</strong> of Rational Functions<br />

Connection to Prior Learning: Rational Numbers<br />

Given 141<br />

141<br />

r<br />

, use long division to find the quotient q and remainder r. Is equal to q , where d is the divisor? (Recall<br />

8 8 d<br />

that the divisor is the denominator. In this case, d = 8). Verify your answer.<br />

Extending to Rational Functions<br />

1. Let’s investigate a rational function where the degree of the numerator is one greater than the degree of the<br />

2<br />

4x 4x3 denominator. For example, we can examine the rational function y <br />

.<br />

x 3<br />

a) Use either long division or synthetic division in the space provided to determine the quotient and remainder. (Hint:<br />

The remainder should be 45. If you don’t get 45, raise your hand.)<br />

Quotient = Qx ()<br />

__________________<br />

Remainder = Rx ( ) 45<br />

Numerator & Denominator of Rational Function Nx ()<br />

________________<br />

Dx ()<br />

_________<br />

Nx ( )<br />

N( x) R( x)<br />

Rational functions of the form y f ( x)<br />

can be written as y f ( x) Q( x)<br />

<br />

Dx ( )<br />

D( x) D( x )<br />

where Qx ( ) and<br />

Rx ( ) are the quotient polynomial and the remainder polynomial, respectively, when we divide Nx ( ) by Dx ( ).<br />

Rewrite<br />

y <br />

2<br />

4x 4x3 x 3<br />

( )<br />

in the form ( ) .<br />

( )<br />

Rx<br />

y Q x<br />


2<br />

4x 4x3 b) Let’s examine the y values of the rational function y <br />

and the y values of the quotient function<br />

x 3<br />

y4x 16.<br />

To do this put the rational function in and the quotient function in . Next, set up your table by<br />

accessing and set the “Indpnt” variable to “Ask” so that you can input your x values into the table. Finally,<br />

select and enter the x values from the tables below, recording the corresponding y values.<br />

x<br />

What can you say about the values in relative to the values in as x ?<br />

2<br />

4x 4x3 c) Graph the rational function y <br />

x 3<br />

and the quotient function y4x16using your graphing calculator<br />

with the window settings below. Using two different colors, sketch the graphs of both in the box provided.<br />


x:[-25,25] scale:5<br />

y:[-150,50] scale:25<br />

– 10<br />

– 20<br />

– 30<br />

x 10 20 30 40 50 100<br />

d) Where do the graphs of the rational function and the quotient function look alike? Where do they look different?<br />

– 40<br />

– 50<br />


2<br />

4x 4x3 e) Notice that as the graph of y <br />

approaches the graph of the quotient function y4x16. x 3<br />

Since the quotient function’s degree is one, its graph is a line. When the graph of a rational function approaches a<br />

non-horizontal line as x , that line is called an oblique asymptote of the rational function. For our rational<br />

2<br />

4x 4x3 function, y = 4x 16 is an equation of the oblique asymptote. Knowing that y <br />

can be expressed as<br />

x 3<br />

2<br />

45<br />

4x 4x3 y4x16 , explain why the graph of y <br />

must approach the line y4x16as .<br />

x 3<br />

x 3<br />

(Hint: Think about what happens to 45<br />

x <br />

x <br />

as x<br />

.)<br />

x 3<br />

f) In part e above you explained why the graphs are close to each other as x . Give one possible reason why the<br />

graphs are not close to each other near 3<br />

<br />

x ?<br />

2<br />

4x 4x3 g) In part e above you learned that the rational function y <br />

has an oblique asymptote that was obtained by<br />

x 3<br />

dividing the numerator of the rational function by the denominator of the rational function. Also, you learned that an<br />

oblique asymptote of a rational function is a non-horizontal line, so it is defined by a degree 1 polynomial. What must<br />

the relationship between the degrees of the numerator and the denominator of a rational function be in order for the<br />

rational function to have an oblique asymptote? Explain.

3 2<br />

2x 7x 13x 18<br />

2. Now let’s consider the rational function y <br />

where the degree of the numerator is 2 greater than<br />

x 1<br />

the degree of the denominator.<br />

a) Use long division or synthetic division to determine the quotient polynomial Qx () and the remainder polynomial<br />

Rx () . Then write the function in the form of<br />

Qx ()<br />

___________________<br />

( )<br />

( ) .<br />

( )<br />

Rx<br />

y Q x<br />

Dx<br />

Rx ()<br />

y Q() x <br />

Dx () ________________________________<br />

Rx ( ) 22<br />

How does the degree of this quotient polynomial differ from the degree of the quotient polynomial in problem 1 a)?<br />

What could be the reason for this difference?<br />

b) As in 1b) examine the y values of the rational function and the quotient function y Q( x ) . Remember to let<br />

represent the rational function and the quotient function.<br />

x<br />

– 2<br />

– 10<br />

– 18<br />

x 2 10 18 26 34 42<br />

What can you say about the values of the rational function relative to the values of the quotient function as x ?<br />

– 26<br />

– 34<br />

– 42

c) Graph the rational function and the quotient function using your graphing calculator with the settings below. Using<br />

two different colors, sketch the graphs of both in the box provided.<br />


x:[-10,10] scale:1<br />

y:[-40,100] scale:20<br />

3 2<br />

2x 7x 13x 18<br />

d) Notice that as x the graph of y <br />

x 1<br />

approaches the graph of the quotient function<br />

y Q( x ) . This quotient function is a non-<strong>linear</strong> asymptote of our rational function. This asymptote is non-<strong>linear</strong><br />

because the quotient polynomial’s degree is not 1. Knowing that<br />

y <br />

3 2<br />

22<br />

2x 7x 13x 18<br />

y Q( x)<br />

, explain why the graph of y <br />

x 1<br />

x 1<br />

x<br />

. (Hint: If needed, refer to the hint in 1e.)<br />

3. a) Given the rational function<br />

y <br />

Qx ()<br />

__________________________<br />

5 3<br />

x 5x4x 2<br />

x x12 Rx ()<br />

y Q() x <br />

Dx () ______________________________<br />

find the following:<br />

3 2<br />

2x 7x 13x 18<br />

x 1<br />

can be expressed as<br />

must approach the graph of y Q( x) as<br />

R( x) 120x 240<br />

The degree of the numerator is how much greater than the degree of the denominator? ___________<br />

What is the degree of the quotient polynomial? ___________<br />

Your answers to the previous two questions should be the same. Why should they be the same?

) Graph the rational function and the quotient function using your graphing calculator with the settings below. Sketch<br />

the graphs of both in the box provided.<br />


x:[-8,8] scale:1<br />

y:[-500,500] scale:100<br />

c) What do the graphs in part b) suggest to you about the rational function and its corresponding quotient function?<br />

Explain.<br />

4. Given the rational function<br />

a) Use the above to determine the asymptote of the graph of<br />

5 3<br />

2x 58x 200x 4 3 2<br />

144<br />

y 2x 2x 56x 56x 144 .<br />

x1 x1<br />

(Note that the division has already been done for you)<br />

5 3<br />

2x 58x 200x<br />

y <br />

x 1<br />

as x .<br />

b) Verify your answer by graphing the rational function and your asymptote in the box provided.<br />


x:[-6,6] scale:1<br />

y:[-200,400] scale:50<br />

5. Find the equation of the asymptote as x for each of the following rational functions. Graph each rational<br />

function and asymptote in a suitable window to verify your results.<br />

a)<br />

y <br />

4 3 2<br />

x x x x<br />

<br />

x 2<br />

2<br />

b)<br />

y <br />

2<br />

x x<br />

x 2<br />

c)<br />

y <br />

3 2<br />

x x x<br />

2 4 9<br />


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