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490<br />

● Epiphytic on tree trunks in open forests; 700–2000 m. C and S<br />

Taiwan.<br />

7. Luisia brachystachys (Lindley) Blume, Rumphia 4: 50.<br />

1849.<br />

小花钗子股 xiao hua chai zi gu<br />

Mesoclastes brachystachys Lindley, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.<br />

45. 1830; Luisia siamensis Rolfe ex Downie.<br />

Stems suberect, to 18 cm, stout, ca. 7 mm in diam., internodes<br />

1–1.5 cm. Leaves 9–11 cm × 3–4 mm, obtuse. Inflorescences<br />

2 or 3, ca. 1 cm, 3–6-flowered; rachis 3–4 mm in diam.;<br />

floral bracts ovate-triangular, ca. 2 mm, fleshy. Flowers opening<br />

widely, sepals and petals yellowish green, abaxial midvein purplish<br />

brown, lip pale yellow, column green, purple margined,<br />

anther cap yellow spotted with purple; pedicel and ovary pale<br />

yellow, tinged with purplish brown, ca. 6 mm. Dorsal sepal<br />

ovate, ca. 4 × 2.3 mm, obtuse; lateral sepals ovate-oblong, 4–<br />

4.5 × ca. 2.5 mm, dorsally slightly carinate and keel becoming<br />

winged at apex, apex obtuse. Petals narrowly oblong, 5–6 ×<br />

1.6–1.8 mm, obtuse; lip ca. 5 mm, glabrous, without a distinct<br />

boundary between epichile and hypochile; hypochile concave,<br />

narrower than epichile, base without distinct lateral lobes; epichile<br />

nearly suborbicular or triangular-rhombic, ca. 3 × 4.5 mm,<br />

obtuse. Column ca. 2.5 mm, stout. Fl. Apr. 2n = 40.<br />

Epiphytic on tree trunks in forests along valleys; 600–1300 m. S<br />

Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam].<br />

8. Luisia zollingeri H. G. Reichenbach, Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 622.<br />

1863.<br />

长叶钗子股 chang ye chai zi gu<br />

Stems erect or arching, to 30 cm, 5–7 mm in diam., sometimes<br />

branched, internodes 1.5–2 cm. Leaves usually borne<br />

from upper part of stem, 12–17 cm × 3–4 mm, obtuse. Inflorescences<br />

opposite to leaves, ca. 1 cm, 3–6-flowered; rachis ca. 7<br />

mm, thick; floral bracts broadly ovate-triangular, ca. 2 mm,<br />

fleshy. Flowers opening widely, sepals and petals pale pink,<br />

abaxially lateral sepals yellowish green in basal half, lip purplered,<br />

apical margin green, abaxially yellowish green, column<br />

purplish red, anther cap yellow; pedicel and ovary green, ca. 6<br />

mm. Dorsal sepal ovate, ca. 4 × 3 mm, obtuse; lateral sepals<br />

subovate, ca. 6 × 2.8 mm, dorsally slightly carinate, but winged<br />

toward apex and forming a narrowly winged mucro protruding<br />

from apex. Petals obovate-elliptic, ca. 5 × 3.2 mm, obtuse; lip<br />

ca. 5 × 4.5 mm, without a distinct boundary between epichile<br />

and hypochile; hypochile broader than epichile, concave, with 2<br />

small lateral lobes, and a pair of calli at base bordering base of<br />

column; epichile suborbicular, glabrous, entire. Column ca. 2.5<br />

mm, thick. Fl. May.<br />

Epiphytic on tree trunks in forests along valleys; 500–1000 m. S<br />

Yunnan [India (Andaman Islands), Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam].<br />

9. Luisia filiformis J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 23. 1890.<br />

长瓣钗子股 chang ban chai zi gu<br />

Stems often pendulous, 34–90 cm, 4–5 mm in diam., internodes<br />

3–4 cm. Leaves secund, 14–26 cm × ca. 3 mm. Inflorescences<br />

erect, arising from lower part or near base of stem, 1–2<br />


cm, few flowered; floral bracts broadly ovate-triangular, ca. 2<br />

mm, fleshy. Flowers slightly fleshy, whitish, lip dark purple;<br />

pedicel and ovary ca. 8 mm. Dorsal sepal ovate, ca. 7 × 3 mm,<br />

concave, obtuse; lateral sepals similar to dorsal sepal, ca. 8 × 3<br />

mm, dorsally carinate and becoming winged at apex. Petals<br />

linear, 8–11 × 1.5–1.7 mm, obtuse; lip ca. 7 mm, with a distinct<br />

boundary between epichile and hypochile; hypochile lateral<br />

lobes ca. 4 × 4 mm; epichile broadly ovate-triangular, ca. 4 × 5<br />

mm, adaxially with several papillate longitudinal ridges, apex<br />

obtuse. Column ca. 4 mm. Fl. Apr–Jun.<br />

Epiphytic on tree trunks in dense forests; 300–1100 m. S and SE<br />

Yunnan [Bhutan, India (NE and Orissa), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam].<br />

10. Luisia ramosii Ames, Philipp. J. Sci., C, 6: 55. 1911.<br />

宽瓣钗子股 kuan ban chai zi gu<br />

Stems often arching, ca. 28 cm, 4–5 mm in diam., internodes<br />

ca. 1.5 cm. Leaves mostly on upper part of stem, 8–11<br />

cm × 3.5–4 mm, obtuse. Inflorescences opposite to leaves, ca. 1<br />

cm, 3–6-flowered; floral bracts broadly ovate-triangular, ca. 2<br />

mm, thickly leathery. Flowers opening widely, purplish red,<br />

thinly textured; pedicel and ovary ca. 8 mm. Dorsal sepal<br />

elliptic, ca. 5 × 3 mm, concave, obtuse; lateral sepals slightly<br />

oblique, oblong, ca. 6 × 3 mm, dorsally carinate and winged<br />

toward apex; wing abruptly contracted and protruding from<br />

apex forming an awn. Petals ovate, ca. 6.2 × 3.2 mm, obtuse;<br />

lip 6–6.5 mm, strongly contracted near middle, with a distinct<br />

boundary between epichile and hypochile; hypochile 5.5–7 mm<br />

wide, broader than epichile, concave; epichile somewhat reniform-triangular,<br />

5–6.2 mm wide, entire, obtuse. Column ca. 3<br />

mm; stipe ovate, ca. 0.8 mm; viscidium suborbicular, large, ca.<br />

1.3 mm wide. Fl. May–Jun. 2n = 38, 40.<br />

Epiphytic on tree trunks in open forests along valleys; 100–500 m.<br />

Guangxi, Hainan [Philippines, Vietnam].<br />

Luisia trichorrhiza (Hooker) Blume was reported from Hainan<br />

(Merrill & Metcalf, Lingnan Sci. J. 21: 12. 1945) and Xizang (K. Y.<br />

Lang in C. Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 5: 776. 1987). The specimens reported<br />

from Hainan were identified by us as Luisia ramosii, and those of<br />

Xizang (Qinghai-Xiang Exp. Team 74–4223) remain doubtful, as they<br />

only bear young fruit.<br />

11. Luisia cordata Fukuyama, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 48: 306.<br />

1934.<br />

心唇钗子股 xin chun chai zi gu<br />

Stems erect or pendulous, 30–60 mm, ca. 5 mm in diam.,<br />

usually unbranched. Leaves ca. 20 cm × 3 mm, acute at apex.<br />

Inflorescences 2- or 3-flowered; floral bracts distichous,<br />

broadly ovate, ca. 3 mm, acute. Flowers often nodding, ca. 1 cm<br />

in diam., sepals and petals green, lip deep purple-red; pedicel<br />

and ovary green, ca. 1 cm. Dorsal sepal ligulate, ca. 5 × 3 mm,<br />

5-veined, obtuse; lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, cymbiform, ca.<br />

6 × 4 mm, dorsally carinate, 7-veined, apex acute. Petals linear,<br />

ca. 7.5 × 2 mm, acute; lip ca. 7 mm, fleshy, glabrous, without a<br />

distinct boundary between hypochile and epichile; hypochile<br />

ca. 3 × 4.5 mm, concave, lateral lobes very short; epichile cordate,<br />

large, ca. 4 × 5 mm, with a swelling near apex. Column<br />

ca. 3.5 mm. Fl. Jan.<br />

● Epiphytic on tree trunks in thickets along the seashore. S<br />


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