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with a raised, central ridge or callus; column short, stout; stipe short, broad; viscidium broadly ovate; pollinia 4, appearing as 2<br />

unequal masses, waxy.<br />

About 13 species: from NE India and mainland Asia to Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Pacific islands; one species in China.<br />

1. Arachnis labrosa (Lindley & Paxton) H. G. Reichenbach,<br />

Bot. Centralbl. 28: 343. 1886.<br />

窄唇蜘蛛兰 zhai chun zhi zhu lan<br />

Stems to 50 cm, 7–10 mm in diam., rigid, with many<br />

nodes and leaves. Leaves distichous; leaf blade lorate or linear,<br />

15–30 × 1.6–2.2 cm, leathery, obtusely unequally bilobed. Inflorescence<br />

arising from within leaf sheath, ascending, racemose,<br />

to 1 m, occasionally branched, laxly many flowered;<br />

floral bracts reddish brown, broadly ovate, 5–8 mm, obtuse.<br />

Flowers pale yellow with reddish brown spots or markings<br />

mostly along margins and at apex, or greenish yellow without<br />

red-brown markings; pedicel and ovary brown, ca. 2 cm, slender.<br />

Sepals oblanceolate, ca. 18 × 3 mm, obtuse. Petals oblong,<br />

9–11 × 2–5 mm, subacute; lip ca. 1 cm, fleshy, 3-lobed; lateral<br />

lobes erect, subtriangular, small, ca. 2 mm wide at base, obtuse;<br />

mid-lobe ligulate, fleshy, acute or obtuse, with a thickened<br />

appendage abaxially near apex, base with 2 retrorse calli on<br />

both sides, spurred; spur saccate-conic, 4–5 mm, thickly fleshy,<br />

its entrance ± covered by calli. Column ca. 6 × 4 mm, stout,<br />

base with an inconspicuous foot; rostellum triangular, apex<br />

widely emarginate; stipe subovate-triangular, ca. 1 mm; viscidium<br />

nearly suborbicular. Fl. Aug–Sep. 2n = 38.<br />

Epiphytic on tree trunks at forest margins, lithophytic on rocks in<br />

valleys; 600–1200 m. Guangxi, Hainan, C and S Taiwan, S Yunnan<br />

[Bhutan, NE India, ?Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Myanmar, S Vietnam].<br />

1a. Flowers pale yellow with reddish brown<br />

spots or markings mostly along margins<br />

and at apex; petals ca. 2 mm wide ............. 1a. var. labrosa<br />

1b. Flowers greenish yellow, without red-brown<br />

markings; petals 4–5 mm wide ..................... 1b. var. zhaoi<br />

1a. Arachnis labrosa var. labrosa<br />

窄唇蜘蛛兰(原变种) zhai chun zhi zhu lan (yuan bian zhong)<br />

Arhynchium labrosum Lindley & Paxton, Paxt. Fl. Gard.<br />

1: 142. 1850; Arachnanthe bilinguis (H. G. Reichenbach) Bentham;<br />

Armodorum labrosum (Lindley & Paxton) Schlechter;<br />

Renanthera bilinguis H. G. Reichenbach; R. labrosa (Lindley &<br />

Paxton) H. G. Reichenbach.<br />

Flowers pale yellow with reddish brown spots or markings<br />

mostly along margins and at apex. Petals ca. 2 mm wide.<br />

Epiphytic on tree trunks at forest margins, lithophytic on rocks<br />

in valleys; 800–1200 m. Guangxi, Hainan, C and S Taiwan, S Yunnan<br />

[Bhutan, NE India, ?Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Myanmar, S Vietnam].<br />

1b. Arachnis labrosa var. zhaoi (Z. J. Liu, S. C. Chen & S. P.<br />

Lei) S. C. Chen & J. J. Wood, comb. et stat. nov.<br />

赵氏蜘蛛兰 zhao shi zhi zhu lan<br />

Basionym: Arachnis zhaoi Z. J. Liu, S. C. Chen & S. P.<br />

Lei, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 30: 529. 2008.<br />

Flowers greenish yellow, without red-brown markings.<br />

Petals 4–5 mm wide.<br />

● Epiphytic on trees; ca. 600 m. Hainan (Changjiang).<br />

168. THRIXSPERMUM Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 2: 516, 519. 1790.<br />

白点兰属 bai dian lan shu<br />

Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-chi); Jeffrey J. Wood<br />

Herbs, epiphytic, lithophytic, or rarely terrestrial, monopodial, medium-sized. Stems ascending, climbing, or pendulous, either<br />

short with several closely spaced leaves, or long with many, well-spaced leaves. Leaves flat, never terete or laterally compressed,<br />

sometimes fleshy, base sheathing, jointed. Inflorescence lateral, axillary, racemose, long or short, few to many flowered, a few flowers<br />

opening at a time, flowering of many lowland species initiated by a sudden afternoon rainstorm; floral bracts either distichous and<br />

persistent on a flattened rachis or facing all directions on terete rachis. Flowers usually ephemeral, often fully open for only half a<br />

day, small to medium-sized, very variable, from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diam. Sepals and petals subsimilar; lip<br />

adnate at base to end of column foot, immovable, saccate but not truly spurred, usually with a partly hairy or papillose front wall<br />

callus, 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect; mid-lobe rather thick and fleshy. Column short, stout, sometimes winged, with a long foot; pollinia<br />

waxy, 4, appearing as 2 unequal masses, subglobose, attached by a common short and broad stipe to a solitary viscidium. Capsule<br />

long, slender.<br />

About 100 species: Sri Lanka and the Himalayan region east to the Pacific islands, with an apparent center of distribution in Sumatra; 14 species<br />

(two endemic) in China.<br />

1a. Floral bracts distichous on a ± flattened rachis.<br />

2a. Floral bracts ca. 5 mm apart from each other; rachis slender, shorter than 5 cm .............................................. 12. T. japonicum<br />

2b. Floral bracts close, 1–3 mm apart from each other; rachis stout, longer than 5 cm.<br />

3a. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, base cordate, 2–2.5(–5) cm ............................................................................. 13. T. amplexicaule<br />

3b. Leaves oblong, base narrowed, 6–24 cm ....................................................................................................... 14. T. centipeda<br />

1b. Floral bracts facing all directions (quaquaversal) on a terete rachis.

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