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● Tree trunks in forests; 1300–1800 m. C and S Taiwan.<br />

78. Bulbophyllum kuanwuense S. W. Chung & T. C. Hsu,<br />

Taiwania 51: 139. 2006 [“kuanwuensis”].<br />

台南卷瓣兰 tai nan juan ban lan<br />

Rhizome long creeping, ca. 2 mm in diam. Pseudobulbs 1–<br />

2 cm apart on rhizome, globose to ovoid, 0.7–1 cm, 6–9 mm in<br />

diam., with a terminal leaf. Leaf ± sessile; blade elliptic to<br />

obovate, 1.8–4 × 1–1.5 cm, apex rounded to slightly retuse.<br />

Scape from base of pseudobulb, 2–3 cm; umbel 3–7-flowered;<br />

peduncle stout, with 2 scalelike sheaths. Pedicel and ovary 4–5<br />

mm. Flowers with dorsal sepal reddish orange, tinged white<br />

near base and with red-brown veins, lateral sepals reddish to<br />

orange, petals reddish, lip orange. Dorsal sepal concave, ovate,<br />

6–7 × 3–3.5 mm, margins white ciliate, apex acute; lateral sepals<br />

linear-oblong, 12–14 × 2–3 mm, slightly twisted near base,<br />

with their upper and lower edges often loosely adhering, margins<br />

ciliolate, apex obtuse. Petals ovate, ca. 3.5 × 1.5–2 mm,<br />

margins long white ciliate, apex acute; lip recurved, ovate-triangular,<br />

2–2.5 mm, adaxially deeply grooved and papillose near<br />

apex and base. Column subterete, with a distinct foot, conspicuously<br />

winged; stelidia slender; anther cap subglobose. Fl. Apr.<br />

● Chamaecyparis forests on mountain ridges; ca. 2000 m. S<br />

Taiwan.<br />

This species is close to Bulbophyllum albociliatum.<br />

79. Bulbophyllum pecten-veneris (Gagnepain) Seidenfaden,<br />

Dansk Bot. Ark. 29(1): 37. 1974 [“pectenveneris”].<br />

斑唇卷瓣兰 ban chun juan ban lan<br />

Cirrhopetalum pecten-veneris Gagnepain, Bull. Soc. Bot.<br />

France 78: 6. 1931; Bulbophyllum flaviflorum (T. S. Liu & H. J.<br />

Su) Seidenfaden; C. flaviflorum T. S. Liu & H. J. Su; C. miniatum<br />

Rolfe.<br />

Rhizome creeping, 1–2 mm in diam., rooting from base of<br />

pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs 5–10 mm apart on rhizome, ovoid,<br />

5–12 mm, 5–10 mm in diam., with a terminal leaf. Leaf subsessile;<br />

blade elliptic, oblong-lanceolate, or ovate, 1–6 × 0.7–<br />

1.8 cm, thickly leathery, apex obtuse or sometimes retuse. Scape<br />

from base of pseudobulb, erect, ca. 10 cm; umbel 3–9-flowered;<br />

peduncle slender, sparsely with 2 or 3 tubular sheaths; floral<br />

bracts lanceolate, small, 3–4 mm. Pedicel and ovary 7–10 mm,<br />

slender. Flowers yellowish green or yellow slightly tinged with<br />

brown. Dorsal sepal ovate, concave, ca. 5 × 2.5 mm, margin<br />

fimbriate-ciliate, apex long caudate; lateral sepals narrowly lanceolate,<br />

35–50 × ca. 2.5 mm, twisted near base, their upper and<br />

lower edges connate to each other forming a long-cuspidate<br />

tube, with their apices separate, apex long cuspidate. Petals<br />

obliquely ovate, 2.5–3 × ca. 1.5 mm, base ca. 2/5 width adnate<br />

to column foot, margins fimbriate-ciliate especially in apical<br />

half, apex acute; lip recurved, ligulate, ca. 2.5 mm, fleshy,<br />

nearly glabrous, subacute. Column ca. 2 mm; stelidia subulate,<br />

ca. 1 mm; foot upcurved, ca. 1.5 mm, with free part ca. 0.5 mm;<br />

anther cap papillate margined. Fl. Apr–Sep.<br />

Tree trunks or rocks in forests; below 1600 m. S Anhui, N Fujian,<br />

Guangxi, Hainan, Hong Kong, W Hubei, C and S Taiwan [Laos, Vietnam].<br />


433<br />

80. Bulbophyllum longibrachiatum Z. H. Tsi, Bull. Bot. Res.,<br />

Harbin 1(1–2): 115. 1981.<br />

长臂卷瓣兰 chang bi juan ban lan<br />

Bulbophyllum purpureifolium Averyanov; Cirrhopetalum<br />

longibrachiatum (Z. H. Tsi) Garay, Hamer & Siegerist.<br />

Rhizome stout, ca. 6 mm in diam., often branched, rooting<br />

from base of pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs well spaced, erect, narrowly<br />

ovoid, 4–4.3 cm, ca. 1 cm in diam., with a terminal leaf.<br />

Petiole 2–3 cm; leaf blade elliptic, large, 12.5–15.5 × 3.5–5 cm,<br />

thickly leathery, base contracted into petiole, apex obtuse. Scape<br />

from base of pseudobulb, erect, 15–28 cm; umbel 3- or 4-flowered;<br />

peduncle 2–3.5 mm in diam., sparsely with 3 or 4 sheaths<br />

ca. 1 cm; floral bracts lanceolate, ca. 9 mm, apex acuminate.<br />

Pedicel and ovary ca. 2 cm. Flowers pale green, tinged with<br />

purple. Dorsal sepal ovate, concave, ca. 15 × 9 mm, margin<br />

fimbriate in apical half, apex acuminate; lateral sepals narrowly<br />

lanceolate, ca. 35 × 6 mm, twisted near base, their upper and<br />

lower edges connate to each other forming a tube, with their<br />

apices separate, apex acuminate. Petals falcate-lanceolate, ca.<br />

10 × 4 mm, margins densely fimbriate, apex with a long awn<br />

ca. 0.8 mm; lip strongly reflexed, lanceolate, ca. 1 cm, base ±<br />

conduplicate, base attached to end of column foot by a mobile<br />

joint, slightly ciliate, apex acute. Column ca. 5 mm, with triangular,<br />

enlarged wings above; foot ca. 10 mm, with free part<br />

upcurved, ca. 5 mm; stelidia horizontally spreading, narrowly<br />

lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, base slightly twisted; anther cap comblike<br />

on apical margin. Fl. Nov.<br />

Tree trunks in forests; 1300–1600 m. SE Yunnan [N Vietnam].<br />

81. Bulbophyllum taiwanense (Fukuyama) K. Nakajima, Biol.<br />

Mag. Okinawa 10: 36. 1973.<br />

台湾卷瓣兰 tai wan juan ban lan<br />

Cirrhopetalum taiwanense Fukuyama, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo)<br />

49: 761. 1935.<br />

Rhizome creeping, 1–2 mm in diam., rigid, rooting from<br />

base of pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs 5–15 mm apart on rhizome,<br />

usually ovoid, 6–12 mm, 4–8 mm in diam., ± longitudinally<br />

striped, with a terminal leaf. Leaf shortly petiolate; blade narrowly<br />

oblong, 3–5 × 1–2 cm, fleshy, apex obtuse and retuse.<br />

Scape from base of pseudobulb, 6–10 cm; raceme shortened,<br />

umbel-like, 6–10 mm, densely 5–8-flowered; peduncle yellowish<br />

green, slender, longitudinally striped, sparsely with<br />

several brown sheaths ca. 5 mm; floral bracts lanceolate, ca. 3<br />

mm, apex acuminate. Pedicel and ovary ca. 1 cm. Flowers not<br />

widely opening, yellowish red. Dorsal sepal ovate-lanceolate,<br />

concave, 6–8 × ca. 3 mm, apex acuminate, ciliate; lateral sepals<br />

free, divergent, obliquely lanceolate, 13–15 × ca. 2 mm, margins<br />

incurved in apical half, apex obtuse, sometimes ciliate. Petals<br />

ovate, ca. 5 × 2 mm, membranous, apex acute, ciliate; lip<br />

slightly reflexed, hornlike, ca. 3 mm, fleshy, adaxially with 1<br />

longitudinal groove, base dilated and attached to end of column<br />

foot, apex obtuse. Column subcylindric, ca. 1.5 mm; foot<br />

curved, ca. 1.5 mm; stelidia linear. Fl. Apr–May.<br />

● Tree trunks in forests; below 1000 m. S Taiwan.

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