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Roots borne at internodes. Pseudobulbs greenish yellow<br />

when dry, subcylindric, narrowly fusiform to clavate, 4–10 cm<br />

× 6–20 mm, sheathed at base, sparsely wrinkled. Leaf blade<br />

elliptic-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 12–19 × 2.5–4.2 cm,<br />

apex acuminate or shortly cuspidate; petiole 1.5–2.5 cm. Inflorescence<br />

proteranthous, decurved; peduncle sheathed when<br />

young; rachis laxly several flowered; floral bracts caducous,<br />

linear, acute. Flowers white, 1.5–2.2 cm; pedicel and ovary 1–<br />

1.2 cm. Dorsal sepal linear-oblong, cymbiform, 13–15 × ca. 2<br />

mm, abaxially ± carinate, 5-veined, acute; lateral sepals some-<br />


341<br />

what oblique. Petals linear, ca. 14 × 0.7 mm, 3-veined, acute;<br />

lip 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect, embracing column, reaching ca.<br />

1/4 length of column, triangular-ovate, 15–20 × ca. 0.5 mm;<br />

mid-lobe oblong-lanceolate, 10–12 × 2.5–3 mm, base shortly<br />

clawed, apex acuminate; sac with 3 or 4 short thickened ridges.<br />

Column subclavate, 1.3–1.4 cm, upper part winged; anther cap<br />

ellipsoid, ca. 1 mm; rostellum ligulate, ca. 0.7 mm. Capsule<br />

subobovoid-ellipsoid, 1.5–2 cm. Fl. Oct–Nov.<br />

Epiphytic on trees in forests; 1500–2800 m. SE Xizang, SW<br />

Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India, Laos, Nepal, Vietnam].<br />

115. NEOGYNA H. G. Reichenbach, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 931. 1852.<br />

新型兰属 xin xing lan shu<br />

Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-chi); Jeffrey J. Wood<br />

Herbs, epiphytic or lithophytic. Rhizome stout, with many fibrous roots. Pseudobulbs ± clustered, ovoid-cylindric to conic,<br />

rather long, sheathed, apex 2-leaved. Leaves petiolate, relatively large, papery. Inflorescence racemose, proteranthous or hysteranthous,<br />

pendulous; greater part of peduncle covered by sheaths at anthesis; floral bracts persistent, relatively large. Flowers resupinate,<br />

not opening widely, large; pedicel and ovary cylindric, 3-ridged. Sepals similar, fleshy, campanulate (united and saccate at base).<br />

Petals shorter and narrower than sepals, base not saccate; lip oblong, funnel-shaped, 3-lobed near apex, spurless, lateral lobes erect,<br />

embracing column, base saccate and enclosed in basal sac of lateral sepals. Column curved, rather long, winged; anther cap incumbent,<br />

oblong; pollinia 4, in 2 pairs, waxy, oblong-pyriform, depressed, base with flat caudicles, attached to a sticky substance; stigma<br />

concave; rostellum triangular. Capsule with 6 longitudinal ridges, apex with persistent column.<br />

One species: Bhutan, China, NE India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, N Vietnam.<br />

1. Neogyna gardneriana (Lindley) H. G. Reichenbach, Bot.<br />

Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 931. 1852.<br />

新型兰 xin xing lan<br />

Coelogyne gardneriana Lindley in Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar.<br />

1: 33. 1830; Neogyna gardneriana var. basiquinquelamellata<br />

Tang & F. T. Wang; N. gardneriana var. basitrilamellata Tang<br />

& F. T. Wang; Pleione gardneriana (Lindley) Kuntze.<br />

Rhizome ca. 8 mm in diam. Pseudobulbs borne 1–2 cm<br />

apart, dark brown when dried, narrowly ovoid to subcylindric,<br />

9–15 × 1–2 cm, base slightly contracted. Leaves narrowly elliptic-oblanceolate,<br />

30–44 × 4–8 cm, acuminate; petiole 4–5 cm.<br />

Peduncle 10–20 cm, continuously elongating at fruiting; rachis<br />

straight or sometimes slightly flexuous, 7–13 cm, several to 10flowered;<br />

floral bracts broadly ovate-elliptic to suborbicular, 2–<br />

4 × 1.5–2.8 cm, thinly membranous, obtuse. Flowers white,<br />

keels yellow; pedicel and ovary 1.5–1.8 cm. Sepals suboblong,<br />

40–45 × ca. 10 mm, abaxially carinate, basal sac ca. 4 mm<br />

deep; lateral sepals with deeper basal sac. Petals linear, 40–45 ×<br />

3–4 mm; lip obovate, 4–4.5 × ca. 2.5 cm, distally 3-lobed; lateral<br />

lobes subovate, obtuse-rounded; mid-lobe subreniform,<br />

margin ± erose; disk with 2 or rarely 3 longitudinal lamellae<br />

extending from base to base of mid-lobe, occasionally with 5<br />

lamellae at base; basal sac 4–5 mm deep. Column ca. 3.5 mm.<br />

Capsule obovoid-ellipsoid, ca. 3.5 × 2 cm, wing-shaped ribs ca.<br />

3 mm wide. Fl. Nov–Jan.<br />

Epiphytic on trees in forests or lithophytic on shaded rocks along<br />

valleys; 600–2200 m. SE Xizang, S Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India, Laos,<br />

Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, N Vietnam].<br />

116. BULLEYIA Schlechter, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 5: 108. 1912.<br />

蜂腰兰属 feng yao lan shu<br />

Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-chi); Jeffrey J. Wood<br />

Herbs, epiphytic or lithophytic. Rhizome creeping. Pseudobulbs close together, narrowly ovoid-ellipsoid, usually covered by<br />

many sheaths, apex 2-leaved. Leaves petiolate, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, plicate, papery, acuminate. Inflorescence synanthous,<br />

pendulous, racemose, 10–20-flowered, flowers in apical part opening first; rachis zigzag; floral bracts caducous after anthesis, partly<br />

covering flowers, membranous. Flowers distichous, white, part of lip and column reddish brown, resupinate. Sepals free, ovate to<br />

ovate-lanceolate, lateral sepals oblique. Petals obliquely and narrowly oblong; lip spurred at base, curved, entire, ecallose, constricted<br />

near middle, apical part suborbicular-reniform; spur incurved, tubular. Column dilated apically, without stelidia, foot absent; pollinia<br />

4, ellipsoid-obovoid, with caudicles. Capsule ellipsoid.<br />

One species: Bhutan, China, NE India.<br />

1. Bulleyia yunnanensis Schlechter, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard.<br />

Edinburgh 5: 108. 1912.<br />

蜂腰兰 feng yao lan<br />

Pseudobulbs golden yellow when dried, lucid, narrowly<br />

ovoid or narrowly ovoid-ellipsoid, 3.5–7 × 1–2 cm, rugosegrooved.<br />

Leaves 2, oblong-lanceolate or nearly lanceolate, 16–<br />

43 × 1.5–3 cm, papery, base cuneate, apex long acuminate; peti-

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