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Stem flexuous, glabrous, with 3 or 4 sheaths toward base.<br />

Leaves 2 or 3, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, lowest one elliptic<br />

or ovate, 2–7 × 1–4 cm, finely papillose along margins, base<br />

amplexicaul, apex acute. Rachis ca. 4 cm, glabrous or puberulent,<br />

laxly 1–4-flowered; floral bracts narrowly ovate, 3–4 × 2–<br />

3 mm, shorter than ovary, apex acute. Flowers not resupinate,<br />

rose-pink, lip with a yellow callus on epichile and brown warts<br />

on hypochile; pedicel and ovary ca. 10 mm, puberulent. Sepals<br />

ovate, ca. 10 × 5–5.5 mm, apex acute; lateral sepals oblique,<br />

slightly wider than dorsal sepal. Petals ovate, ca. 8.5 × 5 mm,<br />


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apex shortly acuminate; lip ca. 12 mm, with a mesochile connecting<br />

hypochile and epichile; hypochile cymbiform, with<br />

broadly triangular, rounded side lobes ca. 4 mm, with numerous<br />

brown warts; mesochile oblong, ca. 3.5 × 2 mm, with a pair of<br />

fleshy low keels; epichile suborbicular, ca. 3.5 mm, with a<br />

small callus at base, margin undulate, apex obtuse. Column ca.<br />

7 mm. Fl. Jul–Aug. 2n = 40, 60.<br />

Coniferous (Tsuga chinensis) forests, on limestone karst; 1100–<br />

1200 m. SE Yunnan [N Vietnam].<br />

61. DIPLANDRORCHIS S. C. Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17(1): 2. 1979.<br />

双蕊兰属 shuang rui lan shu<br />

Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-chi); Phillip J. Cribb, Stephan W. Gale<br />

Herbs, small, heteromycotrophic, with stout, short rhizomes and tufted fleshy roots, without green leaves. Inflorescence erect,<br />

terminal, racemose; peduncle with several sheaths; sheaths tubular in lower half of peduncle, becoming bractlike above; rachis<br />

densely many flowered; floral bracts membranous. Flowers erect, not resupinate, actinomorphic; pedicel rather long, slender, not<br />

twisted; ovary ellipsoid, not twisted. Perianth composed of 3 similar sepals and 3 similar petals, without a modified lip. Column<br />

erect, cylindric, with 2 fertile stamens at apex; stamens similar, erect, borne opposite dorsal sepal and central petal (lip) respectively;<br />

anthers 2-locular, each with an extremely short filament; pollinia 2, granular-farinaceous, without caudicle; stigma terminal, oblate;<br />

rostellum absent.<br />

● One species: China.<br />

For a detailed discussion on this genus and the allied Holopogon, see Chen and Tsi (Acta Phytotax. Sin. <strong>25</strong>: 329–339. 1987).<br />

Two of us (Cribb and Gale) consider Diplandrorchis to be a peloric form of Neottia. Our understanding of the genetic control of organ<br />

development in orchids can be used to explain how zygomorphic flowers may become “regular” (i.e., actinomorphic) and how floral organs can take<br />

on different forms, as when the lip becomes petaloid or a staminode develops as an anther. For further discussion on the occurrence of actinomorphy<br />

in the Orchidaceae and other monocot groups with zygomorphic flowers, see Rudall and Bateman (New Phytol. 162: <strong>25</strong>–44. 2004).<br />

1. Diplandrorchis sinica S. C. Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17(1):<br />

2. 1979.<br />

双蕊兰 shuang rui lan<br />

Plants 17–24 cm tall. Rhizome slightly curved, ca. 2.5 mm<br />

in diam. Inflorescence slender, ca. 2 mm in diam., with 5–7<br />

membranous sheaths; lower sheaths tubular, 2–3 cm; upper<br />

sheaths ovate-lanceolate, 1–1.5 cm; rachis 6–8 cm, densely 13–<br />

17-flowered; floral bracts lanceolate, 7–8 mm, apex acuminate.<br />

Flowers pale green or greenish white, not opening widely;<br />

pedicel 4–6 mm, papillose-pubescent; ovary ellipsoid, ca. 4 ×<br />

2.5 mm, papillose-pubescent. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, ca.<br />

3.5 × 1.5 mm, outer surfaces papillose-pubescent; lateral sepals<br />

slightly oblique. Petals and lip similar, suboblong, slightly<br />

shorter and narrower than sepals. Column ca. 2.5 mm including<br />

anthers; anthers broadly ovoid-oblong, ca. 0.6 mm. Fl. Aug.<br />

● Humus-rich soils in Tilia forests, shaded places; 700–800 m. E<br />

Liaoning.<br />

62. HOLOPOGON Komarov & Nevski in Komarov, Fl. URSS 4: 750. 1935.<br />

无喙兰属 wu hui lan shu<br />

Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-chi); Phillip J. Cribb, Stephan W. Gale<br />

Archineottia S. C. Chen.<br />

Herbs, small, heteromycotrophic, with short rhizomes and tufted fleshy roots, without green leaves. Inflorescence erect, terminal,<br />

racemose, sparsely papillose-pubescent above; peduncle with several tubular sheaths; rachis several to many flowered, sparsely<br />

papillose-pubescent; floral bracts membranous. Flowers erect or spreading, resupinate or not, actinomorphic or less commonly zygomorphic;<br />

pedicel rather long. Sepals similar, outer surfaces usually sparsely hairy. Petals similar, or central one a modified lip 2-lobed<br />

at apex. Column rather long, slightly dilated at apex, with a thick ridge on dorsal surface; anther erect or suberect, attached by a<br />

filament to ridge on back of column; pollinia 2, granular-farinaceous, soft, without caudicles or viscidia; stigma terminal; rostellum<br />

absent.<br />

Six species: China, NW India, Japan, Russia (Far East); two species (both endemic) in China.<br />

In the opinion of one of us (Chen), this genus is characterized by its very distinct column structure, in which there is a thick ridge on its dorsal<br />

surface linked at the upper end by a filament to the suberect anther, and a terminal stigma, but no rostellum. This is a reliable and stable character<br />

found in all the species, including those with a modified lip very similar to that in Neottia. For a detailed discussion, see Chen and Tsi (Acta Phytotax.<br />

Sin. <strong>25</strong>: 329–339. 1987).

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