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(Prom 13/5/1948)<br />

Thursday, 13/5/1948:-<br />

1. "ELEFTHEROS TIPOS":- 2 thousand Jaws will depart weekly(hetiding;.<br />

LARNACA 13: The Jews of the Cyprus Sasscxiatknu Camps<br />

will fcegin to depart for Palestine at a proportion of tttftft two (2)<br />

thousand weekly. The organisation and the expenses of their<br />

transport will be undertaken by the Jewish Agency. As there are<br />

in Cyprus about 30 thousand of Jews, their transport will take<br />

15 weeks.<br />


the official Comminique (which is also published in the<br />

"Cypriot") regarding the arrangements of the Jewinsh Agency to<br />

transport the Jews to Falestine. >»<br />

3. "NEOS KYPRiaKOP FlLAX*t- Publishes the same official Coumunioue<br />

as the "Cypriot" and the other papers under the following<br />

titles:- "The Jews* (sm*ll title) LET THEM 00 SO T"AT WE MAY<br />

PINT REST"JM£x* (The title).<br />

SATURDAY 15 /5/l?48;ir^ELEPTHEROS<br />

TIFOS":- (Comments):-<br />

"HOSPITALITY. A right-wing paper which does not stop<br />

flattering for hersftef about her "tactfulness" and IgcnixaunmcBxax<br />

"nobleness" of her feelings, wrote the day before yesterday the<br />

eomumnioue of the departure of the Jewish Illegal Immigrants -<br />

the unfortunate victims of fascism - under the very complimentary<br />

title "Let them go© so that we may find rest".<br />

We hope that the said writing will not fall in the<br />

hands of the people who are in our hospitality without their will.<br />

Because we are afraid that if such thing happens the good fane<br />

of the cypriot hospitality will*aestroyed. /<br />


[ tm4&+++4)<br />


scenes in the Coneetration Camps - They are undergoing a semi-military<br />

training and cultivate the good arts - Underground routes 150<br />

feet long - Among them there are very good scientists".<br />

"The guards and other people working in the Jewish<br />

u on filtration Cemps become witnesses of moving scenes that take<br />

{.Lace in them toe last days. The Jews are making their preparations<br />

for their return to the Country of their Fathers, valentine. They<br />

made the programme of their departure, and those ifco will first<br />

depart are those who could be put into the field. According to 1he<br />

programme 2000 of them will depart weekly. But it may be possible<br />

that the programme is fulfilled earlier, if transport available<br />

permits it. During all the time of their stay in the Camps, the<br />

training.military and other, was their daily task, for all ages<br />

from 15-16 upto 40-45 years, and all of them have taken lessons<br />

how to fight in the fiald, and in Guerilla fight. Thefct love for<br />

work of all those closed in the camps, astonished all those i#io<br />

came in touch with them. Sculpture work etc., were admired several<br />

times by the people? - "UNDERGROUND TTUTFS AND SUPyARINES"- "Put

the Jews during all the time of their stay in here, did not<br />

remain restless. They started from several parts of Europe with<br />

only one purpose. To reach the sooner possible jaleBtine and to<br />

struggle for the building of the Jewish Home. Co, although they<br />

were guarded, they mao aged to emkBBM*? dig many undergonund routes<br />

100 upto 150 ft. long, leading to points outside the Camps, by<br />

lahich they escaped. Py this means, as our informers say, about<br />

4oo persones escaped, and departed from Cyprus with several<br />

big boats (kaikia) and submarines*". - "ALL KNOW HO* TO FIGHT" -<br />

"As regards the results of the fight between the Arabs,ntk the<br />

Jews are sure that they, will win, and they will impose their will<br />

to those who will stand against their deeision to form the Country<br />

of the Jews. The Jews, coming from several european Countries, all<br />

know how to fight end many of them have been appointed for their<br />

deeds and received metals. On the opposite the Arabs, although<br />

their patriotism is not undervalued by the Jews, are inexperienced<br />

and disobedient. The Jews^hbt only tfig^.-wrr. obedient and experienced<br />

but they are inventors, the knorledge of whom will certainly be<br />

used incase of emergency by the eaxskXiKkirc under establishment<br />

Jewish Country. Of course the Jews do not wish to destroy the<br />

Arabs. But any act to object to their decision to establish their<br />

Country will be struct by all means they have. There will not<br />

pass much time, our informers say, and people mill see that Jews<br />

have good commercial fleet, email war vessels and considerable<br />

Air-force. The Jewish Country must be considered as factum by now<br />

and then, and this will mean the end of the misfortunes of a<br />

tortured race, who will, win. out any hindrance, ..aiaJ^-give then selves<br />

toxta civilised works and to progress."<br />

3."NE0S KIPRIAKOS FILAX":- publishes that Government released<br />

the two ships "fan iork H BQQ pan oreami",<br />

4."DEM0CRAT1S" publishes under the title "THE COUNTRY OF<br />


Communiques London, Tel Aviv, Cairo, ete., the foilowing:-<br />

"VAROSI 14 (Prom our CorrespondentJn. Tto Jews, mo are in the<br />

Consetraxion Camps, accepted well mo^vea, uia tuuuuuooiiBut<br />

of the establishment of the State of Israel. Arrangements are<br />

made for mass celebration tomorrow (today) in Karaolos". Purther<br />

"Democratis" publishes the release of the two ships, and number<br />

of people to be transported weekly.<br />

SUNDAY 16 "ay<br />

l.'FLEFTHfiKiiT yuoxisnes t-nat 550 Jews departed and that<br />

2 1/2 thousand will depart weekly.<br />

THURSDAY 20 Mgy:l."BWS6S"<br />

publishes that the British Government is making<br />

arrangements for the transport of the 25.000 Jews who are retain<br />

in Camps inCyprus. On the 2E#t May this Newspaper publishes tiat<br />

the ^transport of Jews starts ofl the 21st »ay.<br />

FRIDAY 4th JUNE:- fr**3U+


CAMPS OF THE JEWISH IMMIGRANTS OF CYPRUS". "The solitarity of the<br />

people Of Cyprus to the recuest of The Jews for immediate departure".<br />

"After the announcement of the British Government that the departure<br />

of the Jews who could be used in fight will not be allowed from<br />

Cyprus, during the [ enod of the truce in Palestine, the Central<br />

Committee of the Jews of Cyprus protested to the Jew Foreign*<br />

minister. This announcenent caused xlntkintereet kwamong the<br />

people of Cyprus. Last night, the Peoples Organisations decided<br />

to give an announcoent, which will be sent for publication to-day,<br />

and in which the British step will be reported ans not right,<br />

and W&e immediate departure of the Jews to Palestine will be<br />

requested. According to the flame informations, the pancyprian<br />

Federation of labour (PEO) sends today a telegram to the Jewish<br />

Represantative to the United if at ions Organisation, by which<br />

the solitarity of the working Class of Cyprus XCXIXKSXUEX to the<br />

request of the Jews to return to Palestine immediatetly is declared.<br />

On fie other hand we are informed that this step of the British<br />

Government holds the Jews in real stirring up. The authorities<br />

are afraid that incidents will happen. For this purpose the<br />

guard of the Camps 1B given more men, and they were ordered to stand<br />

ready to meet anything it occures. These authorities have in<br />

their disposal any sort of arms. There Lave been made ready for<br />

despatch to the Jews w"*TW"*"*»«*TqMtMT*«*»*»tox»*itTtow warning<br />

notices, in cases of incidents between theoyfcwg*<br />

SATURDAY 5/6/1948:-<br />

1. "NFOS KIPRIAKOS FILAX":- publishes the Official Communique<br />

as published in the "Cynriot" in the same date. The same thing<br />

is publisfled in "ETHNOS", "ELEFTHFRIA" and "DEMOCRATIS".<br />

"ELFFT^ERIA" under the title "WHST DO JEWS SAY" publishes<br />

ftw**»Sr~xJtwxAiij««i parts of the Appeal of *he Jews to the people<br />

of Cyprus, and part*of the letter to the Secretary of the United<br />

Nations Organisation.<br />

"DEMOCRATIS" putlir.hes the whole of the Jews' Appeal to<br />

the People of Cyprus, and the Telegram to 'T.Trikve Lee, under the<br />



TO THE U.N.O." (Small title):- "Help us rub out from Cyprus the<br />

shame that the British Government had stuck to her, transforming<br />

her to a prison and an island of tears and sorrow". Further the<br />

"Democrat" publishes the following:- "WARM PLEADING OF THE<br />

PANCYpRIAN FEDERATION OF LABOUR". "The pancyprian Federation of<br />

Labour sent the following telegram to the represantative of the<br />

Jewish State of Israel in the U.N.O., in Lake Success:- The pan.<br />

Federation of labour warmly supports the protests of the Jews<br />

against the frobitting decision of the British Government to tjtnr<br />

the Jews who are retained in the Concetration Camps in Cyprus,<br />

to depart for Palestine. The workers of Cyprus were xxwpjrc always<br />

pleading for the Jews release and the dissolution of the camps,<br />

which things are considered as being the continuation of natzi<br />

methods against the will of a liberal and civilised nation. ZIARTIDES<br />

General Secretary, pEO".


OF TO-DAY, AB THE DAY "OR PRAY". "The Camps of the Illegal immigrants<br />

continue to be under strong guarding". "The answer<br />

of the Jewish Agency" (These are the 3 titles).<br />

" Great surprise and emotion was caused to the Jews<br />

retained here, the decision of tne peoples' Organisations to<br />

support their right request for normal continuation of their<br />

transport to Palestine. These was considered by them as a true<br />

expression of the people for supporting mx the unjustifytly<br />

torturea Jewish people, who znuxixiiu as it was spread ail<br />

over the world, had to suffer thousands of misfortunes axot<br />

especially by the barbaric forces of fascism fcandma natzism in<br />

ail Europe. «s<br />

On the other hand/we are informed, the steps taken<br />

by the Jews to the Security Council, are done at a very severe<br />

manner. Yesterday, the representative of the Jewish ivgency<br />

in the Security Couksil, answered to the telegram of the Jews<br />

who are in Cyprus, and stressed that everything possible is done<br />

so that their Justified request to r»ptr» return to Palestine<br />

during the 4 weeks' truce is satisfied. Ae it is known, the<br />

Feeuriiy.Counsil did not put as a condition, ih its order for<br />

the ESJPiii; of fire in paiestile,«myxkx«j*«x the hinder of the<br />

transport of the Jews in Palestine. This was motioned by the<br />

Arabs in their answer to the Security Council, whieb-vae adopted<br />

by the British Government. The Jews stress that this an illegal<br />

doing, and unjustified retaining of them in British eaxlk territorial,<br />

while the British Government had undertaken the obligation<br />

before,to release the Jews so that they may return to Palestine<br />

as she had gone away from Palestine iiur from the last month.<br />

In the meantime 4 he Jews retained in Cyprus, declared<br />

the to-day's day of Saturday as a day for pray. All the Jews will<br />

pray to-day so that the Security Council considers favourably their<br />

matter tee and give by its authority and force Xk an end to their<br />

"illegal" retaining in Cyprus. These religenus expressions, anyhow<br />

do not change the XmX atmosphere, and do not lead the authorities<br />

to abandoned their fear for incidents to happen. It is for this<br />

that all extraordinary precautions continue. Upto this moment<br />

no intention of troubles was shown by the retaineee."<br />

SUNDAY b JUNE 1948:-<br />

1. "ETHNOS":-"UNUSFUL TNTEREFERANCE": - The British Government<br />

decided not to allow the departure axxxlMxiewMkfrom Cyprus<br />

to all the Jews who can become soldiers during the period of the<br />

truce. As it was natural and lagical the Organisations of the<br />

Jews protested where it was necessary for the such decision.<br />

But we saw with surprise ail the papers which are<br />

under the Akelocommunism control and *lso the Organisations, to<br />

submit protests, to report as "unjustified" the Frit.i6h step, and<br />

to declare"the solidarity of the people of Cyprus to the request<br />

of the Jews for immediate departure? We sympathise the efforts<br />

of the Jews to return the sooner possible in their country. But<br />

at last to day there exists the Jewish State and the Jewish<br />

Government, and they could apply to the Security Council - which<br />

is and the proper thing - for *tne settlement of their matters.

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