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Content<br />

Editorial 2<br />

Budget Position 3<br />

Legislations in the Pipeline 3<br />

Vatsalya Mela 4<br />

Events : October 8<br />

Events : November 10<br />

Events : December 15<br />

Training Programmes 18<br />


‘A child in danger is a child that cannot wait,’ said Kofi Annan, and no truer<br />

statement could have been made in recent times where the level of development of<br />

a society, community or nation can be gauged by the extent of the protective<br />

environment in place for the child in need of care and protection.<br />

Recent incidents of child rape, sexual abuse and killing of young children brings<br />

to the forefront the need to strengthen the protective environment in which children<br />

and women of the country not only feel safe and secure but are also able to contribute<br />

to the well-being of society up to their maximum potential.<br />

India is a signatory to the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child and has been<br />

making efforts to have in place a protective environment to ensure the children of<br />

the county the basic rights envisaged under this convention including that of their<br />

safety and survival. The Ministry of Women and Child Development has been<br />

highlighting the low level of allocation and expenditure on child protection in the<br />

Union Budgets and has been highlighting the low level of allocation and expenditure<br />

on child protection in the union Budgets and has been seeking larger allocations<br />

for this very important sector.<br />

Child protection is being viewed as a high priority thrust area and the Ministry of<br />

Women and Child Development has initiated a number of measures which include<br />

combining the existing child protection schemes under one integrated scheme tiled<br />

“Integrated Child Protection Scheme”. The proposed scheme aims to provide for<br />

care and protection of all the children in conflict with law and children in need of<br />

care and protection by setting up State and District Child Protection Units which<br />

will in turn, work for effective implementation of child protection programmes<br />

and policies in their areas of jurisdiction. It would also involve steps to strengthen<br />

families and prevent them from breaking up by providing for an effective support<br />

mechanism.<br />

To provide holistic legislative support, the Offences Against Children (Prevention)<br />

Bill seeks to deal with all offences against children and punishments for offenders.<br />

The Government has also notified the Protection of Child Rights Act 205 in the<br />

Gazette of India on 20<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark<br />

2<br />

Volume 3 Issue 1<br />

th We would like to have your feedback<br />

on MWCD Newsletter Sampark. We<br />

request readers to send their opinions,<br />

not only on the contents and overall<br />

January 2006 as Act. No.4 of 2006. The Act envisages<br />

setting up a National Commission at the National level and the State Commissions<br />

at the State level. The Commissions would be working for proper enforcement of<br />

children’s rights and effective implementation of laws and programmes relating to<br />

children.<br />

look of Sampark, but also on the<br />

additional inputs they think would<br />

make the publication more useful.<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Chief Editor<br />

Smt. Manjula Krishnan, Economic Advisor, MWCD<br />

(Manjula Krishnan)<br />

These letters would be carried in a<br />

column, ‘Letters to the Editor’. We<br />

look forward to letters from you!<br />

Members<br />

Dr. A.K. Gopal, Director, NIPCCD<br />

Shri H.K. Barthwal, Editor, NIPCCD


The Ministry of Women and Child Development has been endeavouring effective budgetary control as per guidelines<br />

of the Ministry of Finance throughout the financial year. The budgetary position up to the end of December 2006<br />

under Plan and Non-Plan has been shown in the table below.<br />

Plan and Non-Plan Expenditure<br />

Financial Year Plan/ Budget Estimates Progressive Progressive<br />

(Figures are in Rupees Crore)<br />

Percentage of<br />

Non-Plan 2006-07 Allocation upto Expenditure Expenditure<br />

Dec. 2006 up to Dec. 2006<br />

2006-07 Plan 4795.85 4476.47 3212.58 67.00%<br />

Non-Plan 57.09 50.84 41.67 73.00%<br />


Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005<br />

The social evil of domestic violence against women has been a cause of serious concern for the Government and<br />

women activities/groups since long. As a vital step to combat this social evil and to provide for more effective<br />

protection of the rights of women, guaranteed under the Constitution, who are victims of violence of any kind<br />

occurring within the family and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto, the Government enacted<br />

the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005. The Ministry has issued a Gazette Notification<br />

appointing 26 October 2006 as the date on which the Act would come into force.<br />

The Ministry has simultaneously issued a notification laying down the rules framed for the implementation of this<br />

Act. These rules provide for, inter alia, the appointment of protection officers, service providers and counsellors.<br />

The rules also lay down the action to be taken in the event of a respondent breaching the protection order passed<br />

by a magistrate in favour of an aggrieved woman.<br />

This step of the Government has received not only tremendous publicity but has also generated public debate.<br />

The implementation of the Act has been widely acclaimed by the Media and the public in general.<br />

Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Amendment Bill 2006<br />

The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Amendment Bill 2006 was discussed in the meeting of the Ministry-related<br />

Parliamentary Standing Committee. During the meeting, the amendments proposed in the Bill were outlined. The<br />

Hon’ble Members of the Committee sought clarifications and discussed various clauses of the amendments. They<br />

also offered valuable suggestions. The Report of the Parliamentary Standing Committee would be examined by<br />

this Ministry as and when received.Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Amendment Bill 2006<br />

Child Welfare<br />

The prevention of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill 2006 was passed by the Rajya Sabha on 14 December 2006<br />

and by the Lok Sabha on 19 December 2006. The Bill is now awaiting the President’s assent.<br />

The Commissions for Protection of Child Rights (Amendment Bill), 2006 was passed by Lok Sabha on 13 December<br />

2006 and by Rajya Sabha on 14 December 2006. The Bill is now awaiting the President’s assent. The Amendment<br />

is being made to replace the Minister of Human Resource Development with the Minister of Women and Child<br />

Development as the Chairperson of the Selection Committee for selection of the Chairperson of the Commission.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 1 3 Issue 21<br />




Children with Exceptional Achievements Felicitated<br />

Each of us owes the responsibility of providing children with the maximum wherewithal within our means to ensure<br />

that they are properly educated, nurtured and groomed to become dutiful and responsible citizens, said the Hon’ble<br />

Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, while giving away the National Child Awards for Exceptional Achievement<br />

- 2005 to 29 awardee children from various States of India. The function was organised by Ministry of Women and<br />

Child Development at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on the Bal Diwas (Universal Children’s Day) on 14 November<br />

2006 to honour such children who had demonstrated extraordinary courage or talent. Complementing the award<br />

winning children, the Prime Minister exhorted all the children present to perform their duties towards studies with<br />

dedication and strive to fulfill the legitimate expectations of their parents.<br />

Referring to the deep concern of first Prime Minister, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru for children of India (in whose<br />

memory Children’s Day is celebrated every year on 14 November, his birthday), Dr. Singh exhorted the children to<br />

do their duties in a befitting manner.Despite all his preoccupations, Pt. Nehru loved children with all his heart and<br />

soul, the Prime Minister said. He also reiterated the resolve of Government to promote and support the programmes<br />

and activities related to education, upkeep and well-being of children – particularly the orphans, the disadvantaged<br />

and the physically challenged.<br />

At this occasion, the Minister of State for Women and Child Development (Independent Charge) Smt. Renuka<br />

Chowdhury assured that with the establishment of an independent Ministry for issues concerning welfare of women<br />

and children, better days are ahead for children of India. She said, all efforts are being done to ensure that children<br />

are provided a favourable environment to develop their potential to grow, and emerge as useful assets to the society<br />

and nation at large.<br />

Later, the Prime Minister formally declared open the six-day Vatsalya Mela to be held from 14-19 November 2006<br />

at Talkatora Gardens, New Delhi<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


On the evening of 14 November 2006, Hon’ble Minister of State for Women and Child Development<br />

(Independent Charge), Smt. Renuka Chowdhury inaugurated a landmark event dedicated to the women and<br />

children of the country. Called the Mahila Avam Bal Mahotsav or Vatsalya Mela, this mega event was organised<br />

by Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) at Talkatora Gardens, New Delhi from 14 - 19<br />

November 2006. The six-day variety programme involved thousands of women and children with a view to<br />

sensitise people on issues pertaining to the needs of children and women. Reaching out directly to the women<br />

and children at the grass root level who participated in the event, the festival also celebrated the committment<br />

of the Ministry and its determination to scale new heights after acquiring full fledged ministerial status early<br />

this year.<br />

The opening of the Mela coincided with the birth anniversary of first Prime Minister, Pt. Jawahar Lal<br />

Nehru, and concluded on 19 November 2006, the birth anniversary of Late Smt. Indira Gandhi. About 10<br />

NGOs, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Toy<br />

Manufacturing Companies had put up stalls in Vatsalya<br />

Mela.<br />

A plethora of activities like cultural<br />

programmes, educational activities, magic shows,<br />

puppet shows and competitions in essay writing,<br />

painting, drawing, talent hunt, singing, dancing,<br />

general knowledge quiz, etc. were organised during<br />

the Mela. There were competitions for the disabled<br />

children as well. The evening hours (2 to 8 pm) of the<br />

festival were devoted to women’s activities like talk<br />

shows, counselling, quiz, health check-up, skill<br />

development and others. There were food stalls, stalls<br />

of SHGs of various States with their products for sale<br />

and exhibition, nutrition exhibition, health check-ups,<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


counselling, bioscope, long stick men, jokers,<br />

clowns, mehendi kiosks, folk dance, balloons,<br />

kite flying, women helpline, childline, Giant<br />

Wheel, joy rides, etc. The Mela was open to<br />

all without any entry fee. The festival was<br />

organised for the purpose of dissemination of<br />

schemes and programmes of Ministry for<br />

women and children.<br />

Each day during the Mela, about 300 children<br />

studying in various Government Schools or<br />

NGO-run institutions from all over Delhi<br />

participated in different activities. Other highlights of the Mela were as under.<br />

Exhibition on Women and Children: An exhibition on the issues pertaining to Women and Children, organised by NIPCCD in<br />

collaboration with UNICEF and UNIFEM was a major attraction of Vatsalya Mela. The exhibition was inaugurated by Smt.<br />

Renuka Chowdhury, Minister of State (independent charge), Ministry of Women and Child Development on 14 November 2006<br />

at 6.00 p.m.<br />

The exhibition highlighted various initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Women and Child Development for the<br />

upliftment of women and children and objectives and activities of institutions/Departments working under the Ministry<br />

such as FNB, RMK, NIPCCD and CSWB. It included nearly 40 panels which were classified into following themes<br />

and sub themes: (a) Ministry of Women and Child Development – Introduction and Functions of different Bureaus,<br />

(b) Young Child - ICDS, Early Childhood Care for Survival, Growth and Development, (c) Child Protection, Juvenile<br />

Justice, Adoption, Vision for 11th Plan, (d) The Girl Child, Kishori Shakti Yojana, (e) Empowerment of Women,<br />

Rights of Women, Swayamsidha, Gender Mainstreaming, (f) Nutrition Security, (g) NIPCCD – Training, Objective,<br />

Vision, Mandate, Activities.<br />

The exhibition and Mela were visited by many dignitaries such as Smt. Kanti Singh, Minister of State for Heavy<br />

Industry; Shri Raghunath Prasad, Minister for Rural Development; Shri Somnath Chatterjee, Hon’ble Speaker of<br />

Lok Sabha; Smt. Girija Vyas, Chairperson, NCW. and Guests including celebrities visited the Mela and were invited<br />

on different occasions to the Vatsalya Mela. The theme of the exhibition as well as the activities of the mela were<br />

appreciated by all.<br />

Cultural programmes and other performances were organised for children during the mela. At the same time the<br />

children had opportunities for participation in<br />

various activities such as on-the-spot painting, essay<br />

and story writing, GK and aptitude test, debates and<br />

quiz, athletic and sports activities.<br />

In a function held on the evening on 15 November<br />

2006, National Awards for Child Welfare and<br />

Rajiv Gandhi Manav Sewa Awards were<br />

presented by Shri Janardhan Dwivedi, Chairperson,<br />

Parliamentary Standing Committee. Shri Som Nath<br />

Chatterjee, Hon’ble Speaker of the Lok Sabha, also<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


visited the Mela on 16 November 2006. On 19 November<br />

2006, the Stree Shakti Awards were presented by Smt.<br />

Renuka Chowdhury, Minister of State (independent<br />

charge), Women and Child Development as the<br />

concluding event.<br />

Programmes for Women: Special activities were<br />

organised for women daily from 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm.<br />

These included a cookery demonstration; mehendi;<br />

street play; rangoli, pottery, painting; cultural<br />

programmes and song competition.<br />

Send Kids to School or else . . .<br />

Education Bill Introduces Penalties for Parents<br />

Not sending your child to school? Do compulsory community service<br />

– that’s the punishment.<br />

To ensure every child is in school, the HRD ministry has put the<br />

onus on the parents to enroll their wards if he/she has attained the<br />

age of six. “If a parent persistently defaults in discharging this<br />

responsibility, the School Monitoring Committee may direct the<br />

parent to perform compulsory community service by way of<br />

childcare in school”, according to the Right to Education Bill 2006,<br />

sent to the states.<br />

There are penalties galore in the Bill. To stop donations, the ministry<br />

has said schools which charge capitation fees would have to pay a<br />

fine which may be 10 times more than the capitation fees. Schools<br />

which interview students before admission, will be liable for a fine<br />

of Rs.25,000/- while the school management will pay up Rs.50,000.<br />

Coming to the aid of teachers, who end up doing non-academic<br />

work, the ministry has said, “No teacher of a state or a fully aided<br />

school shall be deployed for any non-educational purpose except<br />

for decennial population census, election to local authorities, state<br />

legislatures/Parliament and disaster relief duties”.<br />

The Ministry has also laid down duties for teachers. “From<br />

reporting non-attendance to the parent/guardian to transact the<br />

curriculum as per schedule to regularly assess the learning levels<br />

of the child, the ministry says non-compliance by the teaching<br />

community would amount to professional misconduct”.<br />

(Source: The Times of India, 6.8.2006)<br />

Diploma course in<br />

Guidance and<br />

Counselling<br />

On the request of Government of<br />

Bhutan, the NIPCCD’s Regional<br />

Centre, Bangalore initiated a six<br />

months Diploma Course in<br />

guidance and Counselling for<br />

Teachers of Bhutan with the<br />

objectives to : explore and evolve<br />

attitudes, values and beliefs that<br />

facilitate work with students;<br />

acquire knowledge and<br />

understanding of theoretical<br />

constructs and socio-cultural<br />

perspectives in the context of<br />

counselling; develop skills to<br />

plan, provide and monitor<br />

counselling interventions for<br />

students and school-related<br />

systems; and develop skills of<br />

mobilising resources of<br />

networking and collaborating<br />

with stoke- holders.<br />

Twelve teachers from Bhutan are<br />

currently undergoing this course.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />



Conference on Female Foeticide<br />

A one-day State Level Conference on Female<br />

Foeticide: The Role of Voluntary Organisations<br />

was organised by Delhi State Social Welfare Bard<br />

on 10 October 2006 in New Delhi. Over 1200<br />

women representatives of voluntary organisations<br />

attended the Conference.<br />

Smt. Sheila Dixit, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi<br />

was Chief Guest and Dr. Yoganand Shastri, Minister<br />

of Health and Social Welfare, Government of NCT<br />

Delhi was special guest. Smt. Rajani Patil, Chairperson, Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) presided<br />

over the conference. Smt. Motia Garg, Chairperson, Delhi Social Welfare Board was the convenor of the<br />

programme.<br />

Underscoring the need for changing the mindset of Indian society Smt. Sheila Dixit said that technological<br />

advancement should not lead to social regression. The elimination of women by female foeticide is no less<br />

than murder and is against nature. Female foeticide is therefore an evil and crime against not only the unborn<br />

girls but against humanity at large. Those directly or indirectly responsible for such acts must be punished<br />

severely. The Government as well as Society should act jointly to eradicate this menace.<br />

Smt. Dixit averred that it was mainly the daughters who served their families and relations. Citing her own<br />

example, she told the gathering that in her own family she was the first female who lit the funeral pyres of her<br />

parents although this right is given to the sons only. She is one of three sisters who contributed in the running<br />

of the family and their parents were proud of them. Smt. Dixit also emphasised the need of imparting proper<br />

education to girls and taking care of their health and well being.<br />

Dr. Yoganand Shastri stated in his address that there is no evidence of female foeticide being practiced in<br />

ancient times. In all the national and social movements before freedom, women took active part as equals of<br />

men, he said. He added that State Government is going to promulgate a stringent law to put an end to female<br />

foeticide in society.<br />

At this occasion Smt. Rajani Patil, Chairperson, CSWB stated that female foeticide has become an extremely<br />

serious problem in several states of the country and there will be acute shortage of girls if the situation is not<br />

brought under control.<br />

Review Meeting with States<br />

As a part of the initiative of dialogue with States, a review meeting – the second in a row (the first meeting<br />

was held in September 2006), with the Secretaries in-charge of Women and Child Development of the North<br />

Eastern States was held on 16 October 2006. During the meeting, not only were the existing schemes<br />

reviewed, but the new initiatives of the Ministry were also presented and explained to the representatives of<br />

the participating States. Discussions were also held on topical issues pertaining to women and children.<br />

Review meetings with the remaining States are also planned.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


Working Group on Development of Children<br />

The Report of the Working Group on Development<br />

of Children constituted by the Planning Commission<br />

is being finalised and expected to be submitted to the<br />

Planning Commission shortly.<br />


Review of Scheme of Working Women’s Hostels by<br />

the Parliamentary Committee<br />

Senior Officers of the Ministry appeared before the<br />

Parliamentary Committee on Empowerment of Women<br />

on 11 October 2006 in connection with the subject, Hostel<br />

Accommodation for Working Women and tendered oral<br />

evidence.<br />

The international nutrition events namely<br />

World Food Day on 16 October 2006 on<br />

the theme, Invest in Agriculture for Food<br />

Security and the Global Iodine Deficiency<br />

Disorders Prevention Day on 21 October<br />

2006 were observed by the FNB throughout<br />

the country.<br />

Advertisements were brought out in national<br />

dailies across the country in Hindi, <strong>English</strong><br />

and regional languages on the occassions of<br />

World Food Day, 16 October 2006 and Global<br />

Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day,<br />

21 October 2006. The advertisement<br />

highlighted the importance of ensuring nutrition security by promoting production and consumption of fruits and<br />

vegetables and the importance of iodine for physical, mental and cognitive development of children, deficiency<br />

of iodine resulting in serious consequences and ensuring that everyone particularly the mother and child receive<br />

daily supply of iodine through iodised salt The field units of FNB organised special awareness generation camps<br />

on these two nutrition days enlisting<br />

cooperation of the State Governments,<br />

professional institutions and nongovernmental<br />

organisations (NGOs).<br />

A meeting of the Working Group on<br />

Integrating Nutrition with Health for the<br />

Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2007-2012) was<br />

held on 13 October 2006 in New Delhi to<br />

finalise the recommendations.<br />

The meeting of the Shadow Committee<br />

on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary<br />

Uses (CCNFSDU) was held on 18 October<br />

2006 to finalise India’s view point on the<br />

agenda of 28th Session of CCNFSDU,<br />

scheduled to be held on 30 October - 3<br />

November 2006 at Chiang Mai, Thailand.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />



Gender Budgeting<br />

A workshop on Gender Budgeting for the Gender<br />

Budget Cells was organised by the Ministry of Women<br />

and Child Development in collaboration with Indian<br />

Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) on 12-13<br />

October 2006 at New Delhi. The workshop was attended<br />

by participants from 30 Ministries/Departments. There<br />

was a presentation on the tools, concepts and framework<br />

of Gender Budgeting. Ministry of Finance also provided<br />

valuable inputs. Thereafter, an interactive discussion as<br />

well as in-depth focused group discussions were held by<br />

the Ministries/ Departments on the subject.<br />

Another workshop on Gender Budgeting for the four<br />

southern States of Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and<br />

Tamil Nadu was held on 6-7 October 2006 at Bangalore.<br />

This was organised in collaboration with Women Power<br />

Connect, and attended by the Dy. Chief Minister of<br />

Karnataka, government officials and civil society<br />

representatives.<br />

Programmes on Prevention of Female Foeticide<br />

Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK)<br />

During October 2006 (upto 25.10.2006), RMK<br />

sanctioned loans aggregating Rs.152.75 lakh to 10<br />

NGOs partners – Rs.7.00 lakh in Andhra Pradesh to<br />

2 NGO partners, Rs.8.00 lakh in Delhi to 1 NGO<br />

partner, Rs.2.50 lakh in Orissa to 1 NGO partner,<br />

Rs.1.25 lakh in Rajasthan to 1 NGO partner,<br />

Rs.134.00 lakh in Tamil Nadu to 5 NGO partners.<br />

In addition, loans aggregating Rs.82.00 lakh to 7<br />

NGO partners in the States of Andhra Pradesh,<br />

Rajasthan, West Bengal and Delhi were sanctioned.<br />

Considering the alarming consequences of continuing poor status of girl child, the National Institute of Public<br />

Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) felt that sensitisation of wider canvas of NGOs was required to<br />

address this issue. Accordingly, the Institute organised two Sensitisation Programmes on Prevention of Female<br />

Foeticide and Infanticides for the functionaries of voluntary organisations scheduled from 11-13 October 2006 and<br />

6-8 December 2006 at NIPCCD Headquarters, New Delhi.<br />

Through the 3-day duration of the programme, the participants were sensitised to the issues of gender violence with<br />

special reference of female foeticide and infanticide; the magnitude of the problem and the over all impact of the<br />

status of women was highlighted as also policies and legislation to curb female foeticide and infanticide. A total of<br />

48 (26 and 22, respectively) participants comprising the States of Delhi, Haryana, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar<br />

Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,<br />

Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, New Delhi, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh attended the<br />

two programmes.<br />

The programme encompassed group exercises, case-study presentations and audio-visual presentations which made<br />

it absorbing and interesting for all. Active participation of trainees and sharing of experience served as valuable<br />

resource, enriching the learning process.<br />

Besides the faculty of the Institute, resource persons from the academic and technical institutions with relevant<br />

expertise were invited to deliver lectures.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


Seminar against Female Foeticide<br />

Organised at Shimla<br />

Himachal Pradesh State Social Welfare Board organised<br />

a seminar on Female Foeticide at Shimla on 22<br />

November 2006. The seminar was inaugurated by Shri<br />

Veer Bhadra Singh, Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh,<br />

Shri Rangeela Ram Rao Social Welfare and Taxation<br />

Minister, Government of Himachal Pradesh, Smt. Satya<br />

Kapoor, Chairperson, HP State Social Welfare Board,<br />

Smt. Krishna Tandon, Chairperson, Himachal State<br />

Women Commission, Shri Bhim Sen, IAS, Principal<br />

Secretary Social Justice and Empowerment, Himachal<br />

Government, Members of State Social Welfare Board,<br />

Members of Women Commission, Deputy Director<br />

(Health Mission) Himachal Government and<br />

representatives of voluntary institutions were present on<br />

the occasion.<br />

The Chief Minister said that State Government is trying<br />

to make amendments in law so that persons involved in<br />

heinous crime of Female Foeticide can be punished under<br />

IPC 302. The State Government should strictly<br />

implement the law and punish the persons responsible<br />

for female foeticide. He also said that Government will<br />

soon implement an innovative scheme to stop female<br />

foeticide and give incentive on the birth of Girl Child.<br />

Under this Scheme an amount of Rs.25,000 will be given<br />

on the birth of first daughter and Rs.20,000 for adopting<br />

the family planning methods after the birth of second<br />

daughter and Rs.10,000/- to the persons who will provide<br />

information about incidence of Female Foeticide.<br />

Child Trafficking<br />

The Ministry in collaboration with<br />

the Ministry of Home Affairs,<br />

National Commission for Women<br />

(NCW), National Human Rights<br />

Commission (NHRC) and United<br />

Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)<br />

organised the first Regional<br />

Consultation to revise the 1998 Plan of Action to<br />

Combat Trafficking at Guwahati for North-Eastern<br />

States and West Bengal on 21 November 2006.<br />


The Report of the Working Group on Integrating<br />

Nutrition with Health for the 11th Five-Year Plan,<br />

was submitted to the Planning Commission on 1<br />

November 2006.<br />

The meeting of the Steering Committee on<br />

Nutrition was held on 7 November 2006 under<br />

the chairpersonship of Member (Health),<br />

Planning Commission. The concerned officers<br />

of this Ministry attended the meeting.<br />

FNB put up a nutrition exhibition in the Vatsalya<br />

Mela organised by MWCD from 14-19<br />

November 2006. Various activities like Nutrition<br />

Quiz Competition, live demonstration of<br />

preparation of Low Cost Nutritious Recipes,<br />

Nutrition games, etc. made the FNB stall quite<br />

popular among the school students and other<br />

visitors. Nutritional status assessment and<br />

nutritional counselling based thereon was<br />

undertaken at the stall for children as well as adult<br />

visitors.<br />

The Universal Children’s Day was celebrated<br />

throughout the country from 14-19 November<br />

2006 by 43 Field Units of FNB emphasising the<br />

importance of nutrition for physical and mental<br />

development of children. Special programmes<br />

like Nutrition Quiz, painting competition, slogan<br />

competition, nutritious recipe competition, miniexhibitions<br />

etc. were organised in collaboration<br />

with State Governments, NGOs, Home Science<br />

Colleges and other likeminded institutions.<br />

Three audio and video spots of 30 seconds<br />

duration on deficiencies of Vitamin A, Iron and<br />

Iodine were broadcast/telecast in Hindi and 14<br />

regional languages throughout the country from<br />

14-20 November 2006. Also, 6 audio spots on<br />

Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and<br />

Micronutrients were broadcast in Hindi from 14<br />

November 2006.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


Awareness Generation Campaign ‘Save the Girl’ at Varanasi<br />

Silver Jubilee Celebration of RASS<br />

Uttar Pradesh State Social Welfare Board and UNICEF jointly<br />

organised an Awareness Generation Campaign ‘Save the Girl’ at<br />

Nagar Nigam Auditorium, Varanasi on 27 November 2006. At<br />

this occasion, Smt. Rajani Patil, Chairperson, Central Social<br />

Welfare Board expressed grave concern over the increasing cases<br />

of female foeticide and said that social awareness is imperative<br />

to eradicate female foeticide in society. She cited the example of<br />

some noted social workers such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar<br />

Chand Vidya Sagar, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar<br />

who fought for the welfare of women.<br />

Smt. Anjana Prakash, Chairperson, UP State Social Welfare Board<br />

said that the sex ratio in the age group 0 to 6 years has declined<br />

considerably. There were 927 females per 1000 males in 1991,<br />

which declined to 916 per 1000 males in 2001. Shri Shatrudh<br />

Prakash, former State Minister who was the guest of honour<br />

regretted that even after taking oath of serving the people some<br />

doctors are involved in female foeticide. He stressed the need for taking strict action against the guilty<br />

doctors to check this menace.<br />

Dr. Ranjana Kumari, Director, Centre for Social Research said that around one crore female foetuses were<br />

aborted in India in the recent past. She criticised doctors for conducting sex determination tests and also<br />

expressed grave concern over poor health aid to women with about one in every five women dying due to<br />

poor delivery facilities in India.<br />

Three-day Annual Meet of Akhil Bharat Racnatmak Samaj and Silver Jubilee Celebration of Rashtriya Seva<br />

Samiti was inaugurated by Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson, UPA at SV University Stadium, Tirupati on 25<br />

November 2006. Shri Ramaeshwar Thakur, Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, Chief<br />

Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde, Union Minister of Power, Shri Digvijay Singh, AICC,<br />

General Secretary, Shri Pallamu Raju, Minister of State for Defence, Smt. Panabaka Lakshmi, Minister of<br />

State for Health and Family Welfare, Shri T. Subbarami Reddy, Minister for Mines and several MPs and<br />

MLAs were also present at the inaugural function.<br />

Nearly 17000 delegates from all over the country consisting of social activists, chief functionaries of NGOs,<br />

Sarvodaya leaders, intellectuals and professors participated in the programme. Smt. Sonia Gandhi felicitated<br />

Smt. Rajani Patil, Chairperson, Central Social Welfare Board for supporting RASS right from inception and<br />

presented a memento to her.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />



Workshop on Trafficking with Focus on Children and Women<br />

Trafficking in human beings for commercial sexual exploitation, especially girls and children, is on the increase as<br />

there is little risk of being prosecuted. NCW and Ministry of Home Affairs in collaboration with other organisations<br />

have undertaken a number of initiatives and activities on a sustained and continuous basis to prevent and combat<br />

trafficking in human beings. Such initiatives and activities have come out with recommendations and Plans of<br />

Action to prevent and end trafficking in human beings. In order that these recommendations/Plans of Action are<br />

properly acted upon, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, NCW and the<br />

National Human Rights Commission in collaboration with UNICEF have decided to work in unison against trafficking.<br />

To this end, a one-day workshop on Preventing and Combating Human Trafficking with Special Focus on<br />

Children and Women was jointly organised by all four on 21 November 2006 at NIPCCD Regional Centre,<br />

Guwahati. The objectives of the workshop were to discuss the draft integrated Plan of Action to Prevent and Combat<br />

Human Trafficking with Special Focus on Children and Women and to identify qualitative and quantitative targets<br />

that would enable implementation of the integrated Plan of Action once it is finalised.<br />

Investigation into the case of Baba Balnath Ashram, Ghaziabad for harassment, torture, wrongful<br />

confinement and sexual abuse of girls<br />

As a follow-up to the plea of media as well as non-government organisations, STOP and Shaktivahini approached<br />

the Member of the Commission and requested immediate intervention to save girls from harassment, torture, wrongful<br />

confinement and sexual abuse at the Baba Balnath Ashram, Ghaziabad, UP. A team led by Ms. Malini Bhattacharya,<br />

Member NCW, accompanied by representatives of NGOs visited the area to inspect the premises of the Ashram.<br />

The team members observed that: (a) there were more than 60 girls in the Ashram, majority of them were minors,<br />

some were mentally challenged; (b) there were two girls who complained about physical and sexual abuse by Baba;<br />

(c) there were no female attendants in the ashram although the children in the institution were predominantly girls;<br />

(d) there was no system of providing formal education; (e) it was also not clear whether the institute was recognised<br />

and had permission to keep children; (f) the ashram seemed to be hand-in-glove with the local administration; (g)<br />

even though the FIR was registered, statements under Section 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure were not<br />

recorded; (h) the children were not sent to any doctor for medical examination.<br />

However, the rescue operation was done next day when the Chairperson NCW along with the Member visited the<br />

Ashram. A decision was taken to shift the girls to Mathura and an FIR was registered by the police on 1 December<br />

2006 and Baba was arrested the next day. The Commission in an affidavit submitted before the Hon’ble Supreme<br />

Court of India, recommended that:<br />

The girls should not be released at any<br />

cost by the authorities unless specific<br />

orders are obtained from this Hon’ble<br />

Court.<br />

The trial should be conducted by a fast<br />

track court and the case be transferred to<br />

a court of competent jurisdiction in Delhi.<br />

A complete rehabilitation plan should be<br />

submitted by the concerned ministries of Government of UP and the Union Government to this Hon’ble Court.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


NCW Chairperson’s Visit to UK<br />

Under an exchange of ideas trip, NCW Chairperson Dr. Girija Vyas visited London to highlight India’s voice on<br />

issues concerning women, particularly broken overseas marriages, adoption, child custody and abduction. During<br />

her visit, the NCW Chairperson interacted with women members of the House of Commissions and officials working<br />

on women’s issues.Dr. Vyas also visited the University of Derby to hear out survivors of forced marriages and other<br />

crimes.<br />

The Indian government has begun consultations on a law to help NRI women who had been cheated or were abandoned<br />

by their husbands.<br />

Pakistani Delegation Visits NCW<br />

A four-member delegation of the National<br />

Commission on Status of Women (NCSW), Pakistan<br />

visited National Commission for Women on<br />

6 November 2006. The delegation comprised of<br />

Ms. Simi Sadaf Kamal, Dr. Shahida Haider, Prof.<br />

(Dr.) Parveen Shah and Ms. Suhela Asif.<br />

The Chairperson, Members and officials of National<br />

Commission for Women discussed various issues<br />

related to women with the Pakistani delegates. The<br />

NCW and the NCSW had a fruitful exchange of views and also decided to cooperate with each another in future.<br />

Parliamentarians from Europe Visit NCW<br />

A delegation from the European Parliament called on the Chairperson and Members of NCW. The delegation was<br />

briefed about the role, responsibilities and powers of the Commission.<br />

The delegation expressed interest in learning about the functions of the Commission and desired to be apprised of<br />

the functioning of the Muslim personal law and other personal laws in the country in the context of the current<br />

controversy on the use of veil by Muslim women. The visitors were told that the personal laws of the minorities<br />

were applicable in the matters of marriage, adoption and guardianship.<br />

In response to queries about population perspective in India, the Chairperson explained that in India the population<br />

policy of the government was non-coercive.<br />

While discussing the issue of reservations for<br />

women in Parliament, the visitors were informed<br />

that in most European countries, there were 33<br />

percent women in Parliament though in some<br />

countries the proportion of women<br />

parliamentarians was as low as 10 percent.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />



Meeting on Prevention of Trafficking<br />

The meeting of the Central Advisory Committee<br />

to combat trafficking in women and children was<br />

held on 1 December 2006. Representatives of the<br />

State Government, NGOs, International<br />

Organisations etc. attended the meeting. Various<br />

issues on Prevention of trafficking including crossborder<br />

issues, State Government initiatives to<br />

combat trafficking, etc. were discussed in the<br />

meeting.<br />

Cabinet Meet Sanctions AWTCs<br />

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA),<br />

in its meeting held on 7 December 2006, approved<br />

the expansion of ICDS Scheme to 173 ICDS Projects,<br />

107274 Anganwadi Centres and 25961 Mini-<br />

Anganwadi Centres throughout the country. The<br />

administrative sanctions to this effect have been issued<br />

to the State Government/UT Administration of<br />

Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Assam,<br />

Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu, Manipur, Karnataka,<br />

Madhya Pradesh, Chandigarh, Orissa, Rajasthan,<br />

Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and AN Islands.<br />

For other States/UTs, issue of administrative sanction<br />

is in process.<br />

State Level Seminar on Female Foeticide at Amritsar<br />

Orientation Training Programme on<br />

Capacity Building at Panchkula<br />

Haryana State Social Welfare Board organised a one-day<br />

Orientation Training Programme for the capacity<br />

building of functionaries and office bearers of Voluntary<br />

Organisations aided by the Board at Panchkula on<br />

5 December 2006. Smt. Asha Hooda wife of Shri Bhupinder<br />

Singh Hooda, Chief Minister of Haryana inaugurated the<br />

programme by lighting a lamp. In her inaugural speech she<br />

appealed to voluntary organisations to work for the welfare<br />

of women and children with devotion and dedication. She<br />

also appealed to VOs to work against the evil of female<br />

foeticide which is rampant in Haryana. Ms. Kartar Devi,<br />

Social Welfare Minister of Haryana also addressed the<br />

gathering. Smt. Renu S. Nagar Poswal, Chairperson,<br />

Haryana State Social Welfare Board appealed to voluntary<br />

institutions to change the mindset of people with regard to<br />

female child.<br />

Among others who addressed the participants were Smt.<br />

Anuradha Gupta, IAS Commissioner and Secretary to<br />

Government of Haryana, WCD, Shri P.C. Bidhan, IAS,<br />

Director, WCD Department, Haryana and Smt. S.K. Koul,<br />

Secretary, Haryana State Social Welfare Board.<br />

A rally was also organised on female foeticide with the theme<br />

Balika Bachao Abhiyan. About 150 participants from aided<br />

institutions of the Board participated in the Programme.<br />

Smt. Rajni Patil, Chairperson, CSWB was the Chief Guest at the State-level Seminar on Female Foeticideorganized<br />

by Punjab State Social Welfare Board in Amritsar on 13 December 2006. Smt. Ratna, Chairperson, Punjab State<br />

Social Welfare Board presided over the function. Shri Raj Kumar Verka, MLA, Parliamentary Secretary, Department<br />

of Education, Government of Punjab was the guest of honour. NGOs, SHGs, Social Activists, representatives of<br />

Panchayati Raj Institutions and more than 2000 women from different fields also participated in the seminar that<br />

aimed to create awareness amongst the masses for prevention of female foeticide.<br />

Inaugurating the Seminar, Smt. Rajni Patil, said that the sex ratio in the State of Punjab is a mater of concern and<br />

social organisations must join hands with the government in order to make concerted efforts to eradicate Female<br />

Foeticide. She said that now, due to awareness in society, women are coming forward in the field of employment,<br />

politics, education and other technical fields. Smt. Ratna, Chairperson, Punjab State Social Welfare Board stated that<br />

some strict and public-supported corrective measures should be undertaken to fight the evil to restore a healthy<br />

balance in society.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


Gender Budgeting<br />

An orientation on Gender Budgeting was held on 21<br />

December 2006 for the participants of a Workshop on<br />

Gender Issues at ISTM. Economic Adviser, MWCD,<br />

Smt. Manjula Krishnan, gave a presentation on Gender<br />

Budgeting, which was followed by in-depth discussions.<br />

Thereafter, presentations were given by the resource<br />

persons on Gender and HIV/AIDS, Gender perspective<br />

in NREGA and Gender issues in Energy sector.<br />


Awareness Generation Campaign<br />

against Female Foeticide at Sonepat<br />

Adarsh Sarswati Shiksha Samiti organised an<br />

awareness programme against female foeticide at<br />

Sonepat on 21 December 2006. Speaking on the<br />

occasion, the Chief Guest, Smt. Rajani Patil,<br />

Chairperson, Central Social Welfare Board said<br />

that the sex ratio is most disturbing in economically<br />

prosperous states of northern India. In this regard<br />

red alert has been declared in 50 districts of India,<br />

out of which 20 are in Haryana alone. If this<br />

situation continues it will be difficult to find brides<br />

for the boys. She expressed her concern for the<br />

low sex ratio in Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan,<br />

Gujarat and Maharashtra and said that girls are<br />

purchased from Bihar and West Bengal for<br />

marriage.<br />

Parliamentary Committee Meet on<br />

Prevention of Female Foeticide<br />

The 1st Parliamentary Consultative Committee on<br />

‘Women and Children’ met on 18 December 2006 to<br />

discuss the issue of ‘Female Foeticide – Missing<br />

Daughters’ under the Chairpersonship of Hon’ble<br />

Minister of State, MWCD (independent charge) in New<br />

Delhi. The need for more proactive measures by<br />

Members of Parliament in their Constituencies to reduce<br />

the incidence of female foeticide was stressed.<br />

Technical Adviser, FNB attended the meeting of the Steering Committee of the National Nutrition Monitoring<br />

Bureau (NNMB) held at National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad on 18 December 2006. Presentations on Diet<br />

and Nutritional Status of Population, Prevalence of Hypertension and Diabetes, Prevalence of Sub-clinical Deficiency<br />

of Vitamin A were made. There was a unanimous recommendation to make NNMB a permanent structure so as to<br />

improve the functioning of State NNMB units.<br />

The field infrastructure of FNB organised training courses in Home Scale Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables<br />

and Nutrition for adolescent girls and housewives, Nutrition Education Programmes in rural, urban and tribal<br />

areas and monitored ICDS anganwadis in respect of Supplementary Feeding and Nutrition and Health Education<br />

Component.<br />

Training of Trainers and Orientation Training Courses were organised on nutrition and health<br />

education under ‘other training’ component of UDISHA for CDPOs, Medical Officers, LHVs, Supervisors and<br />

grassroot level functionaries, respectively.<br />

Meet on New Projects<br />

The Second meeting of the Project Sanctioning Committee<br />

of STEP Scheme was held on 21 December 2006 to consider<br />

new project proposals and also proposals for extension of<br />

project duration in respect of some ongoing projects. In all,<br />

six new projects and 14 proposals for extension of project<br />

duration were considered and approved by the Committee.<br />

Working Group for the 11th Plan: The Ministry finalised<br />

the Working Group on Children and the Working group on<br />

Women Reports for the 11th Plan and the same were forwarded<br />

to Planning Commission for consideration by the Steering<br />

Committee.<br />

Working Women’s Hostel: An EFC meeting was held to<br />

consider the proposal for setting up a Working Women’s Hostel<br />

in Delhi for working women from the North-east. The<br />

proposal was approved.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


Integrated Women’s Empowerment<br />

Project (IWEP)<br />

In July 2006, this Ministry initiated the process of<br />

preparation of a Women’s Empowerment and<br />

Livelihood Project in the Gangetic Plains of Uttar<br />

Pradesh and Bihar. The project is proposed to be funded<br />

jointly by International Fund for Agriculture<br />

Development (IFAD) and Ministry of Women and Child<br />

Development (MWCD). US $ 30 million would be the<br />

contribution of IFAD and US $ 2 million would be<br />

MWCD contribution. The Project would cover 4<br />

districts of Uttar Pradesh and two districts of Bihar<br />

falling in the Gangetic Plain.<br />

The project has been given a final shape after<br />

discussions with the representatives of IFAD in several<br />

rounds of meetings. The proposal has been considered<br />

and approved subject to certain conditions by the<br />

Expenditure Finance Committee in its meeting held on<br />

21 November 2006. Negotiations with IFAD in this<br />

regard have also been completed. Cabinet Note will be<br />

prepared after fulfilling the conditions laid down in the<br />

EFC meeting.<br />


Complaint Cell: During the quarter October-December<br />

2006, the Complaints and Investigation Cell registered<br />

3054 complaints. The complaints were received under<br />

various heads such as Dowry, Dowry Death, Sexual<br />

Harassment at Workplace, Police Apathy, etc.<br />

Programmes/Studies sanctioned: Following<br />

programmes/Seminar/Research Studies were sanctioned<br />

to non-government organisations (NGOs) in the quarter,<br />

October - December 2006.<br />

Legal Awareness Programmes 44<br />

National Level Seminars 4<br />

State Level Seminars 19<br />

Public Hearings/Awareness Programme 57<br />

Research Studies 10<br />

Delegation on Child meets at<br />

Kathmandu<br />

A delegation comprising of officials of MWCD,<br />

MEA, Secretary (WCD) of West Bengal discussed<br />

the issues of rescue, rehabilitation, repatriation and<br />

reintegration of child victims especially those of crossborder<br />

trafficking with their Bangladeshi counterparts<br />

under the aegis of UNICEF at Kathmandu on 20-21<br />

December 2006.<br />

Review Meeting with States<br />

A series of meetings with the States/UTs are being held<br />

to review the policies, programmes and schemes of the<br />

Ministry. The review meeting with the States of Andhra<br />

Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and<br />

Nicobar Islands and Lakshdweep was held on 22<br />

December 2006. During the meeting, not only were the<br />

existing schemes reviewed, but the new initiatives of the<br />

Ministry for the 11th Plan were also presented and<br />

explained to the participating States. Discussions were<br />

held on topical issues and areas of concern pertaining to<br />

women and children.<br />


Loans Sanctioned: During December 2006 (upto 26-<br />

12-2006), RMK sanctioned loans aggregating Rs.40.00<br />

lakh to 5 NGO partners – Rs.10.00 lakh in Karnataka to<br />

1 NGO partner, Rs.10.00 lakh in Madhya Pradesh to 1<br />

NGO partner, Rs.14.00 lakh in Orissa to 2 NGO partners,<br />

Rs.6.00 lakh in Tamil Nadu to 1 NGO partner.<br />

Loans Disbursed: The loans disbursed during this<br />

duration amounted to Rs.234.50 lakh to 13 NGO partners<br />

– Rs.65.00 lakh in Andhra Pradesh to 3 NGO partners,<br />

Rs.3.5 lakh in Chattisgarh to 2 NGO partners, Rs.10.00<br />

lakh in Delhi to 1 NGO partner, Rs.80.00 lakh in Himachal<br />

Pradesh to 1 NGO partner, Rs.5.00 lakh in Nagaland to 1<br />

NGO partner, Rs.10.00 lakh in Orissa to 2 NGO partners,<br />

Rs.8.00 lakh in Punjab to 1 NGO partner, Rs.53.00 lakh<br />

in Tamil Nadu to 2 NGO partners.<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


Training/Workshops/Orientation Courses organised by NIPCCD<br />

The Institute organised following training programmes/workshops during the quarter, October - December 2006.<br />

S. No. Name of the Programme Venue Dates<br />

1. A Skill Training programme on Early Childhood<br />

Education (ECE) for Instructors of AWTCs/MLTCs New Delhi 3-7 October 2006<br />

2. An Orientation course on understanding and<br />

counselling of children for the superintendents of<br />

correctional institutions of Karnataka Bangalore 9-12 October 2006<br />

3. An Orientation Course on Legislation Related to<br />

Women for Counsellors of Family Counselling<br />

Centres run by Voluntary Organisation Lucknow 9-13 October 2006<br />

4. A Skill Training of Trainers of AWTCs/MLTCs<br />

on Recent Developments in Nutrition and Health<br />

Care of Children and Women Lucknow 9-13 October 2006<br />

5. Two Orientation Training programmes for Assam<br />

Police Personnel on Community-Oriented & Child-<br />

Friendly Policing Guwahati 9-13 October 2006<br />

&16-20 October 2006<br />

6. A Sensitisation Programme on Prevention of<br />

Female Foeticide and Infanticide New Delhi 11-13 October 2006<br />

7. A Skill Training Course on Training Technology<br />

for Instructors of MLTCs/AWTCs New Delhi 9-13 October 2006<br />

8. An Orientation Training on Prevalence of Micro<br />

Nutrient Malnutrition Indore 16-18 October 2006<br />

9. Job training course for CDPOs/ACDPOs of<br />

Western States Indore 30 October–29 November 2006<br />

10. Orientation course on Management of Creches for<br />

Representatives of Voluntary Organisations Lucknow 30 October–3 November 2006<br />

11. Training programme on counselling for child<br />

survivors of trafficking for the officials and<br />

representatives of NGOs of Karnataka Bangalore 30 October –10 November 2006<br />

12. Orientation course on issues relating to<br />

women and children for members of Panchayati<br />

Raj Institutions Patna 31 October – 2 November 2006<br />

13. Skill Training programme for Trainers of<br />

AWTCs/MLTCs on IYCF Bangalore 30 October – 4 November 2006<br />

14. Pre-testing of manual on Infant and Young Child<br />

Feeding Counselling (BPNI) New Delhi 31 October – 2 November 2006<br />

15. A Sensitisation Programme for Deputy Chief Executive<br />

Officers of Maharashtra on ICDS Scheme Indore 6-7 November 2006<br />

16. An Orientation Course on Prevention of Micronutrient<br />

Malnutrition in Rural and Urban Population New Delhi 6-10 November 2006<br />

17. An Orientation Course for Members of Panchayati Raj<br />

Institutions on Issues related to Women and Children<br />

for the State of Andhra Pradesh Bangalore 6-10 November 2006<br />

18. An Orientation Course on Formation of SHGs for<br />

Representatives of Voluntary Organisations Lucknow 6-10 November 2006<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


19. Two Orientation Training Programmes on Community<br />

Oriented & Child Friendly Policing for Assam<br />

Police Personnel Guwahati 6-10 November 2006&<br />

13-17 November 2006<br />

20. Orientation Course on Counselling Services to Child<br />

Survivors of Trafficking for Representatives/Social<br />

Workers/Counsellors of Voluntary Organisations Lucknow 13-21 November 2006<br />

21. A Job Training Course for CDPOs and ACDPOs Guwahati 13 November – 12 December 2006<br />

22. A Training Programme on Counselling for Child Survivors<br />

of Trafficking for the Officials and Representatives<br />

of NGOs of Karnataka Bangalore 13-24 November 2006<br />

23. Two Training Programmes on Capacity Building of<br />

Voluntary Organisations on Project Formulation, Legal New Delhi<br />

Regulations and Financial Management &Bangalore 20-24 November 2006<br />

24. An Orientation Training on Good Governance in<br />

Voluntary Organisations Guwahati 20-24 November 2006<br />

25. A TOT for Master Trainers on Substance Abuse<br />

and HIV/AIDS Guwahati 21-25 November 2006<br />

26. An Orientation Training Programme on Project Formulation<br />

for Voluntary Organisations dealing with SWADHAR Scheme Guwahati 27 November – 2 December 2006<br />

27. Two Refresher Courses for CDPOs/ACDPOs Bangalore 4-8 December 2006<br />

&Indore &6-8 December 2006<br />

28. A Sensitisation Programme on Prevention of Female<br />

Foeticide and Infanticide New Delhi 6-8 December 2006<br />

29. A Consultative Meet on Child to Child Approach Guwahati 6-8 December 2006<br />

30. Two Training Programmes on Micro Enterprises and<br />

Small Business Development for Trainers of SHGs of Indore 7-9 December 2006<br />

Dadra &<br />

Nagar Haveli<br />

&11-13 December 2006<br />

31. A Skill Training of Trainers of MLTCs/AWTCs on<br />

Emotional Intelligence New Delhi 7-8 December 2006<br />

32. A Workshop on Understanding and Counselling of<br />

Children for the Parents Bangalore 8 December 2006<br />

33. A Training on Integrating Gender Perspectives in Health<br />

and Nutrition Programme New Delhi 11-15 December 2006<br />

34. An Orientation Course on Project Formulation and Fund<br />

Raising Techniques for Voluntary Organisations was Indore 11-15 December 2006<br />

35. A Skill Training of Trainers of AWTCs/MLTCs on IMNCI Bangalore 11-15 December 2006<br />

36. Two Orientation Training Programmes of Assam Police Guwahati 11-15 December 2006<br />

Personnel on Community Oriented & Child Friendly Policing &16-22 December 2006<br />

37. An Orientation Training Course for Elected Members of PRIs<br />

on Issues Related to Women and Children Guwahati 11-15 December 2006<br />

38. A Programme on Integrated Micro Planning for Development of<br />

Tribal Communities for Functionaries to Voluntary Organisations Guwahati 11-15 December 2006<br />

39. An Orientation Training for Supervisory Staff of Child Care<br />

Institutions under Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection<br />

of Children) Amendment Act, 2006 New Delhi 11-15 December 2006<br />

40. A Training Programme on Capacity Building of Voluntary<br />

MWCD Newsletter Sampark Volume 3 Issue 1<br />


Organisations on Project Formulation and Legal Regulations New Delhi 18-22 December 2006<br />

41. Two Training Programmes of Trainers of AWTCs/MLTCs Indore&<br />

on Infant & Young Child Feeding & Counselling Lucknow 18-23 December 2006<br />

42 A Training Programme on Counselling Services for<br />

Child Survivors of Trafficking Guwahati 18-23 December 2006<br />

43. A Consultation Meet on Effect of Seasonal Migration on<br />

Lives of Women and Children in Chhattisgarh Indore 20-21 December 2006<br />

44. A Regional Consultation Meet on ICDS Lucknow 20-21 December 2006<br />

45. An Orientation Training of Trainers of Instructors of MLTCs New Delhi 26 December – 4 January 2007<br />

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Edited and Published by : Smt. Manjula Krishnan, Economic Advisor, MWCD, on behalf of the Ministry of Women and<br />

Child Development, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110001<br />

Concept : National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), 5 Siri Institutional<br />

Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016<br />

Produced & Printed by : Fountainhead Solutions (Pvt) Ltd, 118 B 3rd Floor, Shahpurjat, New Delhi-110017

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