Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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32a (31b) Apo<strong>the</strong>cia pale reddish or orange-brown, small, 0-15-0-35 mm diam, sometimes<br />

tuberculate and up to 0-6 mm diam, but never forming large nodulose clusters.<br />

Spores ovoid-fusiform, <strong>of</strong>ten slightly curved, (0-)l(-3)-septate, 9-16x2-5-4-5 /xm. Pale<br />

reddish brown, stalked pycnidia <strong>of</strong>ten present. Thallus usually poorly developed, never<br />

waxy 3. M. anterior (p. 112)<br />

32b Apo<strong>the</strong>cia pallid, at first ± plane and adnate, 0-2-0-4(-0-6) mm diam, later <strong>of</strong>ten coalescing to<br />

form large nodulose clusters up to 2 mm wide. Spores ellipsoid, ovoid or oblong, never<br />

curved, (0-)l -septate, 9-16x3-5 ixm. Without stalked pycnidia, but white, convex sporodochia<br />

(0-1-0-25 mm diam) usually present, bearing simple, ellipsoid macroconidia,<br />

6-10x2-3 /um l.M. adnata (p. 108)<br />

33a (30b) Thallus and apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C-l- red (? gyrophoric acid). Epi<strong>the</strong>cium fuscous-brown.<br />

Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium pale. Spores markedly curved, 1-septate , 9-12 x 2-5^ fim . On rock<br />

10. M. curvata (p. 126)<br />

33b Thallus and apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C—; without remaining combination <strong>of</strong> characters 34<br />

34a (33b) Upper hymenium with well defined fuscous-brown epi<strong>the</strong>cium, pigment unchanged in<br />

colour but dissolving into solutions in K. Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium hyaline to dilute yellowish brown.<br />

Phycobiont micareoid. Mostly on lignum or old bark 35<br />

34b Upper hymenium o<strong>the</strong>rwise; if fuscous-brown <strong>the</strong>n pigment not dissolving in K and plant not<br />

on bark or lignum. Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium hyaline, pale or dark. Phycobiont micareoid or not.<br />

Substrata various 36<br />

35a (34a) Spores 0-l(-3)-septate, (9-)ll-15(-19)x 2-3-5 /am. Thallus <strong>of</strong> dispersed to contiguous,<br />

whitish, grey-brown or olivaceous-brown, convex to ± globose areolae. On lignum or old<br />

bark, very rarely on rock 12. M. elachista . (p 131<br />

35b Spores 0(-l)-septate, 6-9-5 x 1 -5-2-3 /xm. Thallus endoxyUc. On lignum<br />

36. M. rhabdogena (p. 181)<br />

36a (34b) Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium hyaHne, yellowish, dilute orange-brown or dilute greenish, not blackish<br />

in thick sections 37<br />

36b Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium dark throughout, <strong>of</strong>ten blackish in thick section 42<br />

37a (36a) Apo<strong>the</strong>cia dark brown or black. Spores 0-1-septate, c. 9-14x4—6 ± m. On exposed<br />

rocks 38<br />

37b Apo<strong>the</strong>cia pale; if dark <strong>the</strong>n spores simple and/or smaller. In sheltered situations on shaded<br />

rocks, exposed tree-roots etc 39<br />

38a (37a) Upper hymenium brown. Phycobiont micareoid. Pycnidia usually present, with ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

helicoid macroconidia or cylindrical microconidia 39. M. subnigrata (p. 183)<br />

38b Upper hymenium green. Phycobiont not micareoid, thick-walled, 7-21 /xm diam. Pycnidia<br />

unknown 17. M. intrusa (p. 138)<br />

39a (37b) Spores small, in range, 4-8-5x1-2-5 /xm, single or 1-septate. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia small, mostly<br />

less than 0-3 mm diam 40<br />

39b Spores larger, c. 7-10x3^-5 fim, simple. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia usually larger, <strong>of</strong>ten more than 0-3 mm<br />

diam 41<br />

40a (39a) Spores mostly 1-septate, 6-8-5x1-5-2-5 /xm. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia orange-brown or reddish<br />

brown . Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium<br />

dilute orange-brown . Phycobiont (?) micareoid , cells 4-7 /am<br />

28. M. myriocarpa (p. 161)<br />

40b Spores simple, 3-6x1-2 /am. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia blue-grey to blackish. Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium dilute green.<br />

Phycobiont cells 5-12(-18)x 3-8 /am, <strong>of</strong>ten in pairs or short chains Psilolechia clavuiifera (p. 201)<br />

41a (39b) Phycobiont not micareoid, cells 5-12 /am diam. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia pallid to black. Upper<br />

hymenium hyaline to dark green or aeruginose. Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium hyaline, or dilute greenish in<br />

upper parts 5. M. bauschiana (p. 117)<br />

41b Phycobiont micareoid, cells 4-8 /am diam. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia pallid, dull yellowish-orange to reddish<br />

brown. Upper hymenium hyaline. Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium straw-yellow to dilute orange-brown<br />

20. M. lithinella (p. 147)<br />

42a (36b) Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium fuscous or ± reddish brown, without distinct purple or greenish tinges in<br />

water or K, HNO3- or -I- bright orange-brown, never -I- purple-red 43<br />

42b Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium with distinct purple or greenish tinge in water and/or K, HN03-F purple-red 50<br />


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