Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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24a (22b) Thallus PD+ red and C- (argopsin), or PD- and C+ persistent orange (xanthone);<br />

gyrophoric acid absent. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia black, ± globose, sessile or occasionally stipitate. Upper<br />

hymenium green (sometimes brownish in reflexed parts). Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium pale, dilute<br />

greenish or brownish in upper part . Spores 3-7-septate , 16-36(-38) x 4-6(-7) fixn 25<br />

24b Thallus PD— ; thallus and/or apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C+ red (soon fading; gyrophoric acid) or C—<br />

(no substances) . Apo<strong>the</strong>cia <strong>of</strong>ten adnate at first 26<br />

25a (24a) Areolae C-, PD+ red (argopsin), usually whitish or pale grey. Widespread and<br />

common, especially in upland areas 19a. M. lignaria var. Iignaria(p. 142)<br />

25b Areolae C+ persistent orange, PD— (xanthone), usually whitish with yellowish (isabeUine)<br />

tinge. Local, confined to high rainfall areas, <strong>of</strong>ten with var. lignaria<br />

19b. M. lignaria var. endoleuca (p. 146)<br />

26a (24b) Spores (3-)5-7-septate, (19-)23-34(-34(-38)x4-5-6 fxm. Macroconidia filiform, flexuose,<br />

50-1 10x1 jxm. Thallus and apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C+ red (gyrophoric acid)<br />

7. M. cinerea (p. 121)<br />

26b Spores mostly 3-septate (5-septate spores absent or in very low frequency), less than 25 (xm<br />

long. Macroconidia less than 50 /i-m long. Thallus and apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C+ red or C- 27<br />

27a (26b) Thallus and apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C + red (gyrophoric acid) . Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium usually hyaline<br />

Microconidia (5-)6-7(-7-7)x0-4-0-7 /xm; mesoconidia unknown; macroconidia curved,<br />

27b<br />

21^0(^7) X 1-1 -5 fxm. Widespread on various substrata<br />

Thallus and apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C— (no substances with t.l.c).<br />

33. M. peliocarpa (p. 169)<br />

Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium with greenbrown<br />

tinge (as in M. lignaria). Microconidia and macroconidia unknown; mesoconidia<br />

4-6-6-3-1 -2-1 -7 fxm. On turf in <strong>the</strong> Arctic; possibly occurring in western Britain on rocks in<br />

coastal districts as a form with a ± obsolete thallus 43. M. ternaria (p. 190)<br />

28a (15b) Thallus <strong>of</strong> well developed, whitish to grey-brown, convex granular-areolae, 0-08-<br />

0-4 mm diam, with intermixed brown cephalodia containing Nostoc or Stigonema. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia<br />

black, convex to subglobose, never markedly constricted below. Spores simple, or<br />

l(-2)-septate spores intermixed, 10-17(-19)x3-5 fxm. Upper hymenium green, K-.<br />

Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium dark. Over bryophytes, plant debris or light soil amongst rocks or on exposed<br />

turf in montane or Arctic regions 29<br />

28b Without <strong>the</strong> above combination <strong>of</strong> characters ; never with cephalodia 30<br />

29a (28a) Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium reddish brown, K— , HNO3-I- bright orange-brown (no purpUsh tinge).<br />

Thallus usually grey-brown. Spores simple or <strong>of</strong>ten 1-septate (rarely 2-septate)<br />

16. M. incrassata (p. 137)<br />

29b Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium purple-brown, K-l- purple intensifying, HNO3-I- purple-red. Thallus usually<br />

whitish or brownish white . Spores mostly simple , septate spores very rare<br />

[if young apo<strong>the</strong>cia turbinate and thallus finely granular, see 51b]<br />

4. M. assimilata (p. 114)<br />

30a (28b) Apo<strong>the</strong>cia whitish, pallid or dull reddish, without distinct pigmentation in section.<br />

Spores mostly 1-septate and over 9 /xm long. Phycobiont micareoid. On bark or lignum or<br />

over bryophytes <strong>the</strong>reon 31<br />

30b Apo<strong>the</strong>cia coloured with obvious pigmentation in section; if not <strong>the</strong>n, spores simple and/or<br />

smaller, or on rock , or phycobiont not micareoid 33<br />

31a (30a) Thallus comprised <strong>of</strong> goniocysts/or apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C-l- red (gyrophoric acid) and<br />

spores less than 3 fim wide . Shade<br />

forms 8<br />

31b Thallus not comprised <strong>of</strong> goniocysts, endoxylic or weakly areolate, or scurfy granular, or<br />

rimose, sometimes with waxy appearance. All parts C— (gyrophoric acid absent). Spores<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten over 3 fim wide 32<br />


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