Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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13a (12a) Apo<strong>the</strong>cia whitish, without pigmentation, epruinose, C+ red or C-. Phycobiont<br />

micareoid , cells 4-7 /xm diam . Pycnidia always abundant, sessile or stalked, whitish 14<br />

13b Apo<strong>the</strong>cia dark coloured (with brownish or greenish pigment in upper hymenium); if<br />

whitish <strong>the</strong>n pruinose (epi<strong>the</strong>cium finely granular) or not. Phycobiont not micareoid,<br />

many cells over 8 ^tm diam. Pycnidia (?) unknown; if present, <strong>the</strong>n never conspicuous or<br />

stalked Scoliciosporum species<br />

[see Poelt & Vezda (1981)]<br />

14a (13a) Apo<strong>the</strong>cia and pycnidia C+ red (gyrophoric acid). Pycnidial structures mostly<br />

unbranched, 0- 1-0-3 mm tall; containing mesoconidia 4-6x1-1-5 fim<br />

[if spores fusiform and pycnidia immersed, see 23]<br />

35. M. pycnidiophora (p. 179)<br />

14b Apo<strong>the</strong>cia and pycnidia C- . Pycnidial structures <strong>of</strong>ten branched, 0-3-0-8 mm tall; containing<br />

mesoconidia 6-8x1-1-8 )u,m 37. M. stipitata (p. 182)<br />

15a (12b) Mature spores 3- or more septate, mostly over 15 fim long 16<br />

15b Mature spores simple or 1-septate 28<br />

16a (15a) Upper hymenium with distinct epi<strong>the</strong>cial layer <strong>of</strong> dense fuscous-brown pigment (without<br />

green or purple tinge), K+ dissolving into a brown solution. Spors 0-l(— 3)-septate,<br />

(9-)ll-15(-20)x2-3-5/Am. Hypo<strong>the</strong>ciumpale. Usually lignicolous 12. M. elachista (p. 131)<br />

16b Upper hymenium o<strong>the</strong>rwise, if brownish <strong>the</strong>n pigment not dissolving into a brown solution.<br />

Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium hyaline , pale or dark. Substrata various 17<br />

17a (16b) Upper hymenium purple, K-l- intensifying. Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium dark purple-brown. Rare<br />

form <strong>of</strong> 22. M. melaena (p. 150)<br />

17b Upper hymenium hyaline , greenish (sometimes tinged brown) or aeruginose 18<br />

18a (17b) Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium dark in thin section 19<br />

18b Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium hyaline or with dilute greenish or brownish tinge 20<br />

19a (18a) Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium mottled reddish brown, K-, HNO3- or + orange-brown. Upper<br />

hymenium greenish, sometimes brownish in part. Hyaline paraphyses 1-1-5 /nm wide.<br />

Thallus always C- (gyrophoric acid absent) ;terricolous 45. M. turfosa (p. 194)<br />

19b Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium dark purplish brown, K-l- green or K-l- purple intensifying (<strong>of</strong>ten a mixture <strong>of</strong><br />

both reactions, HNO3-I- purple-red. Hyaline paraphyses 0-8-1 /urn wide. Thallus when well<br />

developed C-f- red (gyrophoric acid) 22. M. melaena (p. 150)<br />

20a (18b) Apo<strong>the</strong>cia whitish, without pigmentation, C-l- red (gyrophoric acid). Spores mostly<br />

20b<br />

3-septate<br />

Apo<strong>the</strong>cia pale grey to black, <strong>of</strong>ten with a greenish tinge; if whitish <strong>the</strong>n spores mostly<br />

7-septate (M. cinerea). Upper hymenium greenish to aeruginose. Apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C-,<br />

or C-l- orange-red (gyrophoric acid). Spores 3- or more septate<br />

21a (20a) Apo<strong>the</strong>cia usually numerous and crowded. Spores 3(-5)-septate, (16-)17-26(-28)x<br />

4-5(-6) ^tm. On bark and lignum, <strong>of</strong>ten over bryophytes, in oceanic areas<br />

2. M. alabastrites (p. 110)<br />

21b Apo<strong>the</strong>cia usually dispersed and usually with some hint <strong>of</strong> pigmentation. Spores<br />

(l-)3(-5)-septate, (ll-)15-23(-24)x3-5(-6) /am. Shade forms, occurring on bark <strong>of</strong><br />

old trees (especially Quercus) or on rocks , <strong>of</strong> this widespread and variable species <strong>of</strong> various<br />

substrata (see 27a)<br />

21<br />

22<br />

33. M. peliocarpa (p. 169)<br />

22a (20b) Thallus <strong>of</strong> fragile (easily broken with point <strong>of</strong> dissecting needle) , ash-grey to grey-brown<br />

granular-areolae, <strong>of</strong>ten dissolving to form sorediate patches, PD-I- yellow or red. Usually<br />

sterile<br />

22b Thallus <strong>of</strong> firm areolae or granules, or endoxylic, PD- or PD4- red (M. lignaria). Apo<strong>the</strong>cia<br />

usually numerous<br />

23a (22a) Thallus C-l- red, PD-I- red (gyrophoric acid and argopsin). Spores (l-)3-septate,<br />

14-26(-29)x4-5-5/Ltm<br />

18. M. leprosula (p. 140)<br />

23b Thallus Cf+ red, KC-I- red, PD+ deep yellow (alectorialic acid). Spores 3-7(-9)-septate,<br />

35-45(-60) X 5-6-5 /im<br />

38. M. subleprosula (p. 182)<br />

23<br />


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