Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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World<br />

The present study is confined to species <strong>of</strong> Micarea that occur in Europe. However, some<br />

extra-European specimens have been examined in connection with nomenclatural matters, and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs have been examined incidentally. According to current information <strong>the</strong> genus is best<br />

represented in Europe, but this may, or may not, be true. Micarea is well represented in North<br />

America from where I have seen 12 species (all European taxa: M. crassipes, M. denigrata, M.<br />

globulosella, M. lignaria s. sir., M. melaena, M. misella, M. nitschkeana, M. peliocarpa, M.<br />

prasina, M. sylvicola, M. ternaria, and M. turfosa); this list will undoubtedly be much extended<br />

in <strong>the</strong> near future. From o<strong>the</strong>r regions I have seen (but not necessarily critically examined)<br />

specimens <strong>of</strong> Micarea from Japan, Borneo, Tasmania, New Zealand, South Africa, South<br />

America (Brazil), and <strong>the</strong> Antilles (Cuba). It is likely that species <strong>of</strong> Micarea are to be found in<br />

most temperate and boreal regions, as well as in many tropical regions (especially mountainous<br />

areas). The numerous collections that I have received from New Zealand include several<br />

undescribed taxa but <strong>the</strong>y also include at least one European species, Micarea peliocarpa. Three<br />

additional European species known from <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn hemisphere are M. incrassata (Ker-<br />

guelen), M. lignaria (Brazil), and M. misella (Brazil).<br />

Micarea Fr.<br />

The genus Micarea<br />

Syst. orb.: 256 (1825). - Micarea Fr. emend Hedl. in Bih. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. Ill, 18(3): 27<br />

(1892). Lectotype: Micarea prasina Fr. (see note below).<br />

Helocarpon Th. Fr., Lich. arctoi: 178 (1860); Nova Acta R. Soc. Sclent. Upsal. Ill, 3: 278 (1861). Type<br />

species: Helocarpon crassipes Th. Fr. [= Micarea crassipes (Th. Fr.) Coppins].<br />

Stereocauliscum Nyl. in Flora, Jena 48: 211 (1865). Type species: Stereocauliscum gomphillaceum Nyl.<br />

[= Micarea lignaria (Ach.) Hedl.]<br />

Micarea sect. Bryophagae Poelt & Dobbeler in Bot. Jb. 96: 337 (1975). Type species: Micarea polytrichi<br />

Poelt & Dobbeler [= Micarea prasina Fr.].<br />

Note. The name Micarea was first validly published in December 1825 by Fries {op. cit.), although it was<br />

twice mentioned by <strong>the</strong> same author earlier in <strong>the</strong> same year. In Sched. crit. lich. siiec. part 3, fasc. 4, page<br />

21 (pre 7 May) it appeared in a note under <strong>the</strong> entry for Biatorafuliginea. However, it was not accepted in<br />

that work, and must <strong>the</strong>refore be considered invalid according to Art. 34.1. The second appearance was in<br />

Stirp. agri. femsion. page 37 (June 1825) in <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> combinations 'Micarea fuliginea and 'M. nigra'.<br />

Nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se was accompanied by a description and <strong>the</strong> generic name was again invalidly published<br />

(Arts 32, 34.1(e)).<br />

When validly published, Micarea was introduced with four species: M. prasina, M. coccinea, M.<br />

fuliginea, and M. nigra. Korber (1855) emended <strong>the</strong> genus to include only M. prasina and is <strong>the</strong>reby<br />

considered to have lectotypified <strong>the</strong> genus on that species. See 'Excluded taxa' for notes on <strong>the</strong> remaining<br />

three original names.<br />

Thallus crustose or immersed in <strong>the</strong> substratum, effuse and <strong>of</strong>ten wide-spreading, never<br />

bordered by delimiting hypothalline lines. Superficial thallus consisting <strong>of</strong> ± spherical granules<br />

(goniocysts) up to c. 60 ±m diam; or convex to subglobose areolae which in some species may<br />

dissolve into soredia: or more rarely present as a thin ± smooth to rmose, or scurfy-granular<br />

crust. Thallus in section ecorticate (or weakly corticate in a few species), but sometimes (when<br />

areolate) covered by a hyaline amorphous layer, and outermost hyphae sometimes pigmented.<br />

Phycobiont 'grass-green'; cells usually thin-walled and c. 4-7 pm ('micareoid'), or more rarely<br />

larger ('non-micareoid' phycobiont types); a few species also have cephalodia containing Nostoc<br />

ox Stigonema.<br />

Apo<strong>the</strong>cia small (mostly < 1 mm diam) , whitish or variously coloured (mostly grey , dull brown<br />

or blackish), epruinose, usually immarginate or ± so, adnate, sessile or rarely stipitate, convex<br />

to ± globose and <strong>of</strong>ten becoming tuberculate. Hymenium with amyloid gel-matrix. Asci clavate<br />

or cylindrical-clavate, <strong>of</strong> Lecanora-type, 8-spored. Spores hyaline, smooth-walled, variously<br />

shaped (ellipsoid, ovoid, fusiform, or acicular), usually less than 6 pm wide, simple to<br />

multiseptate but never muriform. Paraphyses few to numerous, septate, mostly branched<br />

(especially above), <strong>of</strong>ten anastomosing, mostly in range <strong>of</strong> 0-7-T7 pm wide at mid-hymenium;

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