Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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brown; lower part ± hyaline; hyphae hyaline c. 0-7-1 -5 fim wide, interwoven or becoming<br />

vertically or outwardly orientated towards <strong>the</strong> hymenium and excipulum; hyphae in upper part<br />

<strong>of</strong> hypo<strong>the</strong>cium intermixed with inflated, short-celled ascogenous hyphae. Excipulum usually<br />

distinct, hyaline, or tinged aeruginose or olive-green in parts; hyphae radiating, branched and<br />

anastomosing, 0-7-1 -7 /xm wide.<br />

Pycnidia ra<strong>the</strong>r numerous, sessile, black, 100-140(-200) /xm diam, ostioles <strong>of</strong>ten gaping;<br />

walls dark olive-green (K— , HNO3-I- red) above and at <strong>the</strong> sides, but becoming hyaline towards<br />

<strong>the</strong> base. Conidia (mesoconidia) cylindrical or oblong-ellipsoid, sometimes faintly biguttulate<br />

and slightly constricted in <strong>the</strong> middle, 4-6-6-3x1-2-1-7 /itm. Macro- or microconidial states not<br />

found.<br />

Chemistry: Thallus K-, C— , PD— ; sections <strong>of</strong> apo<strong>the</strong>cia C-; t.l.c: no substances.<br />

Note: The above description is based largely on Alaskan specimens (Thomson 9188).<br />

Observations: M. ternaria is very close to M. lignaria but differs in having shorter spores that<br />

are never more than 3-septate, and in completely lacking lichen substances. In addition its<br />

apo<strong>the</strong>cia have a more flattened appearance (sometimes with a faint marginal rim), and a ±<br />

clearly defined excipulum when viewed in vertical section. It is superficially similar to dark forms<br />

<strong>of</strong> M. peliocarpa but that species contains gyrophoric acid (thallus and apo<strong>the</strong>cia in section C-lorange-red),<br />

has a hyaline hypo<strong>the</strong>cium, and is not known to have pycnidia which contain<br />

mesoconidia.<br />

Having found most herbarium specimens named 'ternaria' to belong to M. lignaria or M.<br />

peliocarpa I suspected <strong>the</strong> name to be a synonym <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se two species. The holotype <strong>of</strong><br />

Map 25 Micarea subleprosula (§) 1950 onwards -I- Micarea cf. ternaria # 1950 onwards O Before 1950

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