Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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Fig. 6 Ascus apex <strong>of</strong> Micarea alabastrites in optical section (LM); mounted in Lugol's iodine following<br />

pre-treatment in 10% KOH. A, young ascus. B, mature ascus. ac, apical cushion; aw, ascus wall; d,<br />

apical dome (tholus); oc, ocular chamber; ol, outer layer <strong>of</strong> ascus wall. Shading indicates intensity <strong>of</strong><br />

amyloid reaction; note that in reality <strong>the</strong> apical cushion and ocular chamber are probably completely<br />

non-amyloid. Scale = 10 /xm.<br />

Miill. Arg. has 16-spored asci and was transferred to Micarea by Anderson & Carmer (1974).<br />

Unfortunately <strong>the</strong> type material <strong>of</strong> L. populina has been out on loan from H and not available to<br />

me during <strong>the</strong> course <strong>of</strong> this study. However, <strong>the</strong> species apparently occurs in Xanthorion<br />

communities and, if this is so, <strong>the</strong>n it is unUkely to be a Micarea.<br />

Spores<br />

The wide variety <strong>of</strong> spore types found in Micarea can be seen in <strong>the</strong> selection <strong>of</strong> spores from all<br />

<strong>the</strong> European species illustrated in Figs 7-33. A few species (e.g. M. assimilata, M. contexta, and<br />

M. lithinella) have spores that are ± consistent in size, shape, and septation, but for many o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

species (e.g. M. anterior, M. botryoides, M. denigrata, M. prasina, and M. turfosa) <strong>the</strong>se<br />

characters can be very variable even within <strong>the</strong> same ascus. The smallest spores are found in M.<br />

myriocarpa (5-5-8-5xl-5-2-5 jxm) and <strong>the</strong> largest ones are found in M. subleprosula (40-60X<br />

5-6-6 /Ltm). Spores may be simple or up to 7-septate, <strong>the</strong> variations within <strong>the</strong>se hmits depending<br />

on <strong>the</strong> species. Spores with more than 7-septa are very rare, although a few 9-septate spores have<br />

been observed in M. subleprosula, and a collection (Coppins, 1834) <strong>of</strong> M. syno<strong>the</strong>oides has<br />

spores with up to 11 septa. Among <strong>the</strong> great range <strong>of</strong> spore shapes encountered, some may be<br />

broadly ellipsoid {M. subnigrata and M. intrusa) ,<br />

but regularly globose spores do not occur in<br />

Micarea.<br />

Healthy spores are always thin-walled and colourless. However, <strong>the</strong> walls <strong>of</strong> old spores<br />

trapped within <strong>the</strong> hymenium sometimes become slightly thickened and pale straw coloured, or<br />

<strong>the</strong>y may become impregnated with hymenial pigment. Spore walls always appear smooth (LM<br />

at X 1000) and are never surrounded by a gelatinous epispore. The cytoplasm <strong>of</strong> spores, asci, and<br />

ascogenous hyphae in M. intrusa is sometimes a dilute orange, turning purple-red in K.

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