Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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Bilimbia milUaria var. lignaria *[f.] livida Korber, Parerga Lich.: 171 (1860). Type: same as Biatora<br />

lignaria var. conglomerata Hepp.<br />

Lecidea sphaeroides var. leucococca Nyl. in Stizenb. in Nova Acta Leop. - Carol. 34 (2): 18, 1. 1 , f. D, 47-51<br />

(1867). Type: Finland, Tavastia australis, Evois ['Evo'], on lignum, 1865, J. P. Norrlin (H-NYL 18377lectotype!;<br />

H-isolectotype!).<br />

Bilimbia violacea Arnold in Flora, Jena 53: 473 (1870). - Lecidea violacea P. Crouan & H. Crouan ex Nyl.<br />

in Flora, Jena 45: 464 (1862), non Massal. (1852). - Micarea violacea (Arnold) Hedl. in Bih. K. svenska<br />

VetenskAkad. Handl. Ill, 18 (3): 80, 91 (1892). Type: France, Finistere, Brest, on schistose rock,<br />

Crouan (H-NYL 18716- isotype!). [Note: listed as 'Bacidia violacea (Crouan ex Nyl.) Arnold' by James<br />

(1965a); this should not be confused with Bacidia violacea (Arnold) Arnold, Flora, Jena 67: 581 (1884),<br />

which is a Bacidia s. str.]<br />

Bilimbia trisepta Hellb., Nerikes Lafflora: 11 (1871). - Biatora trisepta Naeg. ex Mull. Arg. in Mem. Soc.<br />

Phys. Hist. nat. Geneve 16: 403 (1862); as 'Naeg. mss. ex Dr Hepp', nom. inval. (Arts 32, 34). - Lecidea<br />

sabuletorum f. trisepta Stizenb. in Nova Acta Acad. Leop. -Carol. 34 (2): 47, t. 3, f. A, 35-62 (1867); nom.<br />

superfl. (Art. 63). - Bilimbia hypnophila b. [var.] trisepta Bausch in Ver. naturw. Ver. Karlsruhe 4: 127<br />

(1869); nom. superfl. (Art. 63). - Bilimbia sabuletorum d. [var.] trisepta Rabenh., Krypt.-Fl. Sachsen 2:<br />

187 (1870); nom. superfl. (Art. 63). - Bacidia trisepta (Hellb.) Zahlbr. in Engler & Prantl, Nat.<br />

Pflanzenfam. 1 (1*): 135 (1905). -Micarea trisepta (Hellb.) Wetmore in Pub. Mus. Mich. St. Univ. Biol.<br />

3: 284 (1968). Type: Germany, Hessen, 'auf Sandsteinfelsen bei Marburg', W. Uloth, Hepp Flecht. Eur.<br />

510 (E-neotype!; M-isoneotype!). See note (ii) below.<br />

Lecidea hemipolioides Nyl. in Flora, Jena 56: 294 (1873). - Bilimbia hemipolioides (Nyl.) A. L. Sm.,<br />

Monogr. Br. Lich. 2: 141 (1911). - Bacidia hemipolioides (Ny\.) Zahlbr. , Cat. lich. univ. 4: 114(1926).-<br />

Micarea violacea f. hemipolioides (Nyl.) Hedl. in Bih. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. Ill, 18 (3): 80, 91<br />

(1892). Type: Channel Islands, Jersey, Rozel meadow, on rocks, 1873, C. Larbalestier (H-NYL 18713 -<br />

lectotype!; isolectotypes: H-NYL p.m. 4613!, BM!).<br />

Bilimbia naegelii f. lapiseda Th. Fr., Lich. Scand. 2: 379 (1874). Type: Sweden, Stockholm, Lyran, on<br />

rock, 1870, S. Almquist (IJ?S - lectotype!).<br />

Bilimbia milliaria f. livescens Th. Fr., Lich. Scand. 2: 383 (1874). Type: Sweden, Narke, Gotlunda, 'pa<br />

stenmuren mellan Stabacken och Hogby', on mosses, 1863, Blomberg (UPS - lectotype!).<br />

Lecidea albidolivens Nyl. in Flora, Jena 57: 10 (1874). - Bilimbia albidolivens (Nyl.) Blomb. & Forss.,<br />

Enum. PI. Scand.: 82 (1880). Type: Finland, Tavastia australis, Padasjoki, Nyystola, on lignum, 1872,<br />

E. A. Lang fVainioj (H-NYL 18775 - lectotype!; H - isolectotype!).<br />

Lecidea fraterculans Nyl. in Flora, Jena 58: 11 (1875). Type: Finland, Tavastia australis, Padasjoki,<br />

Nysstola, on rock, 1872, E. A. Lang [VainioJ (H-NYL 18704a - lectotype!; H-NYL 18704 - isolecto-<br />

type!).<br />

Lecidea triseptatula Nyl. in Flora, Jena, 58: 361 (1875). Type: Finland, Tavastia australis, HoUola, on<br />

lignum, 1874, E. A. Lang fVainioj (H-NYL 18709 -lectotype!; isolectotypes: H-NYL 18710!, H!).<br />

Bilimbia albicans Arnold in Flora, Jena 65: 140 (1882). Type: Germany, Bayern, Oberbayern, near Bad<br />

Tolz, W side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Blombergs, on sandstone in wood, 5 ix 1880, Arnold, Lich. exs. 837 (BM -<br />

lectotype!).<br />

Micarea violacea f. cupreola Hedl. in Bih. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. Ill, 18 (3): 80, 91 (1892). Type:<br />

Sweden, Halsingland, Jarvso, on rock, viii 1891, Hedlund(S-\\o\oiypQ\).<br />

Lecidea triseptatuloides Harm, in Bull. Seanc. Soc. Sci. Nancy II, 33: 64 (1899). - Bacidia triseptatuloides<br />

(Harm.) Zahlbr., Cat. lich. univ. 4: 161 (1926). Type: France, Moselle, Bitche, on Pinus bark, xii 1893,<br />

Abbe Kieffer (ANGUC - holotype!).<br />

Micarea violacea f. exigua Hedl. in Bih. K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. Ill, 18 (3): 81, 91 (1892); nom.<br />

inval. (Art. 26).<br />

Notes: (i) 'saxigena'. This epi<strong>the</strong>t has been applied at intra-specific levels to saxicolous forms <strong>of</strong> M.<br />

lignaria and M. peliocarpa. Its first valid publication was by Hepp (loc. cit.) as "Biatora lignaria (Ach.) var.<br />

saxigena (Leight) Hepp' with 'Lecidea milliaria (Fries) v. saxigena, Leight Lich. Brit. Exs. 210' given as a<br />

synonym. All examples seen by me <strong>of</strong> Leighton Lich. Brit. 210 (issued in 1856) are M. lignaria; whereas all<br />

examples <strong>of</strong> Hepp Flecht. Eur. 510 are M. peliocarpa. Hepp's illustration and description <strong>of</strong> spores are<br />

more applicable to M. peliocarpa than M. lignaria. The original valid introduction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> epi<strong>the</strong>t "saxigena'<br />

should, <strong>the</strong>refore, be typified on an example <strong>of</strong> Hepp Fl. Eur. 510 and attributed to Hepp alone.<br />

Theoretically "saxigena Leighton' could have been validated for saxicolous forms <strong>of</strong> M. lignaria by<br />

providing a description, excluding o<strong>the</strong>r names or specimens that would render it superfluous, and<br />

avoiding homonymy with previous combinations <strong>of</strong> "saxigena Hepp' ; but I have not found such a case in <strong>the</strong><br />

Hterature.<br />

(ii) "trisepta". This epi<strong>the</strong>t first appeared as "Biatora trisepta Naeg. mss. ex Dr Hepp' in <strong>the</strong> protologue <strong>of</strong>

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