Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History)


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Excipulum paulum evolutum. Pycnidia numerosa, conspicua, stipitata, 0- 1-1-0 mm alta, 0-07-0-14 mm<br />

diam, cum stipibus simplicibus vel ramosis, toto griseo-brunneo vel roseo-brunneo cum tomento exili<br />

albido. Conidia oblongo-ellipsoidea vel oblongo-ovoidea, (4-)4-5-5-5(-6)xl-3-l-7 ^tm.<br />

Typus: Norvegia, Opplandia, par. Ringebu, ad oriento-boreo-orientum ex Ringebu, ad S0raa, inter<br />

Nyhamnsbekken et Ulveslabekken, alt. 400 m, ad truncum decorticatum, 25 viii 1979, leg. L. Tibell 8657<br />

(UPS-holotypus).<br />

Thallus epixylic or over bryophytes on lignum, effuse, dull olive-green, consisting <strong>of</strong> fine<br />

granules (goniocysts) forming a loose crust to c. 0-4 mm thick. Goniocysts c. 20-40 /xm diam, <strong>the</strong><br />

centre <strong>of</strong> each with a yellow-brown or dull orange pigment which in K appears as purple-violet<br />

oily droplets. Phycobiont micareoid, cells 4-7 /um diam.<br />

Apo<strong>the</strong>cia few or sometimes absent, immarginate, convex and soon becoming tuberculate,<br />

pallid to grey-brown or dark brown, 0-15-0-5 mm diam. Hymenium c. 35 /xm tall, ± hyaline with<br />

vertical streaks <strong>of</strong> straw-brown or pale olive-brown, K+ violet, C+ violet, HNO3-I- reddish;<br />

lower hymenium sometimes with dull orange, K+ purple-violet (oily droplets) pigment. Asci<br />

clavate, c. 30x12 ixm. Spores ellipsoid, ovoid or oblong, simple, a few sometimes 1-septate,<br />

6-5-10(-12)x2-3-4 /am. Paraphyses ra<strong>the</strong>r scanty, branched and sometimes anastomosing,<br />

0-7-l(-l -5) /Ltm wide, apices not swollen or pigmented. Hypo<strong>the</strong>cium c. 70-100 /xm tall, hyaline,<br />

or with dull orange, K-f- purple-violet (oily droplets) pigment in upper part; hyphae interwoven,<br />

becoming vertically orientated towards <strong>the</strong> hymenium, c. 1-1-7 (xm wide, intermixed with<br />

swollen short-celled ascogenous hyphae. Excipulum indistinct and soon reflexed, sometimes<br />

discernible in young apo<strong>the</strong>cia as a narrow, hyaline, non-amyloid zone; hyphae radiating,<br />

branched and anastomosing, c. 0-8-1 /zm wide.<br />

Pycnidia numerous and conspicuous, stalked with one or to about five borne terminally on<br />

simple or branched pycnidiophores. Pycnidiophores (including pycnidia) grey-brown or pinkish<br />

brown, covered with a thin whitish tomentum, c. 01-1 mm tall and 0-07-0-14 mm diam; lower<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> pycnidophores <strong>of</strong>ten covered in goniocysts. Pycnidiophore and pycnidial wall tissues<br />

composed <strong>of</strong> hyaline hyphae bound by a dilute reddish brown matrix reacting K+ violet or<br />

violet-brown and HNO3-I- reddish; surface <strong>of</strong> pycnidiophores and pycnidia with protruding,<br />

slender, flexuose, hyaline tomental hyphae c. 0-7-1 /xm wide. Conidiogenous cells ampuUiform<br />

to ± cylindrical, 5-lOxc. 1-5 /am, <strong>of</strong>ten swollen at base to 2-5 /am wide. Conidia (mesoconidia)<br />

oblong-ellipsoid or oblong-ovoid, (4-)4-5-5-5(-6)xl-3-l-7 /am.<br />

Chemistry: Thallus C— , PD—<br />

; apo<strong>the</strong>cia sections C— (but with C+ violet pigment); no<br />

substances or traces <strong>of</strong> 'prasina-unknown B' (? contaminant) detected by t.l.c.<br />

Observations: Micarea hedlundii is readily identified by its finely granular, darkish green<br />

thallus with distinctly stalked, pinkish brown, tomentose pycnidia. Several o<strong>the</strong>r Micarea<br />

species have stalked pycnidia but in none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m are <strong>the</strong>y tomentose. Ano<strong>the</strong>r unique feature<br />

oiM. hedlundii is <strong>the</strong> dull orange pigment, present in <strong>the</strong> goniocysts and sometimes in <strong>the</strong> lower<br />

hymenium and upper hypo<strong>the</strong>cium, which appears as purple-violet oily droplets in K. Unlike<br />

<strong>the</strong> olivaceous K-f violet pigment found in this species and o<strong>the</strong>rs (e.g. M. denigrata, M.<br />

nitschkeana, and M. prasina), it remains unchanged in C and 50% HNO3. M. hedlundii is<br />

unlikely to be confused with any o<strong>the</strong>r Micarea, but is probably closely related to M. prasina. M.<br />

anterior has reddish brown, stalked pycnidia but <strong>the</strong>y are glabrous and produce shorter conidia;<br />

in addition its apo<strong>the</strong>cia and pycnidia are completely devoid <strong>of</strong> K+ violet pigments.<br />

The chemistry <strong>of</strong> M. hedlundii is problematical. Of <strong>the</strong> three specimens tested by t.l.c, <strong>the</strong><br />

type from Norway contains no detectable substances, but <strong>the</strong> two specimens from Austria<br />

(GZU) and Germany (hb Poelt) appear to contain small amounts <strong>of</strong> 'prasina-unknown B'. This<br />

substance is known elsewhere only in <strong>the</strong> type race <strong>of</strong> M. prasina and it is possible that its<br />

detection in <strong>the</strong> aforesaid samples is due to contamination by that species. However, <strong>the</strong><br />

production <strong>of</strong> 'prasina-unknown B' by M. hedlundii is a possibility meriting fur<strong>the</strong>r study,<br />

especially as M. hedlundii and M. prasina appear to be closely related to one ano<strong>the</strong>r. New and<br />

carefully collected specimens <strong>of</strong>M hedlundii are required to resolve this problem.<br />

Habitat and distribution: M. hedlundii occurs on old stumps (? mainly <strong>of</strong> conifers) in<br />

woodlands. Few associated lichens are present on <strong>the</strong> specimens examined, mostly just a few

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