Mar 1953 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1953 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1953 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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CHUTKHZi?<br />

Window Emphasizes World Day <strong>of</strong> Praymr<br />

WOBLD DAT OF PRA1LR. rertnli* abwn^ IIFFF, «m rmphi<br />

r *M* attractive special Hindis di*pla> arFaiiK I<br />

Chrial in Amriii<br />

Musirnl selcflions will bi- )!A<br />

by the CriuiMil Choir nl tin- NI-M- .1. i<br />

K)- ColloKt- fin WOUHT. AN.i in<br />

eluded vn iho .i|t4 il<br />

presentation <strong>of</strong> tlK- finmi;il i I'JJ ll<br />

ptcdAP fLTVit...- iin.l cU( l l..jn .mil m<br />

•tallation < cuiifori ii.. "ll><br />

MeiTlbLTS &ltt'Il(lll.Ll ..I.- i.:.krl 1<br />

take a hi>.\ U.nfh H. i<br />

Mrt will l)r iiMiilulili<br />

Luther League's<br />

Officers Installed<br />

In*lpUatton n( n« ^l tl Ud i<br />

fleers <strong>of</strong> the 1 uthir Ir PU U itui I<br />

the Sundflj nt n UIK < i i t<br />

Johns Lutheran Church M mi t<br />

<strong>of</strong> llle lAfiK"r tllimltd n 1\<br />

The IU \ Franfc t Aril r p 11,1 r<br />

To Present Play<br />

M r<br />

Sloi V B**cd on<br />

Pont.us Pilatn<br />

i , ' i i h<br />

i i i i<br />

i i i i<br />

l i \ i i i i<br />

II - Mi < ill llmlr<br />

t i Ki lin Ml ill Iti<br />

I iph II Iti I<br />

Wrt J ( Ul I -UMl I I<br />

-i ( H<br />

\ Ll<br />

1 I 1<br />

1 1 I<br />

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s<br />

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1 ll W Ml<br />

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1 \ I<br />

Mrml r f Hi xtM wu itf<br />

>k il l i not r ihr luiiffr <strong>of</strong> timr<br />

(hi it irtl nl it in r r I hip Ihr<br />

FI r e,r |t 11 nifft l 1<br />

in i Hi < I tift Ii *1Y. r II if<br />

,11 I i h til I U-vinr mr'tinc<br />

Un ii c Itir pioerwii ai which<br />

1 < h ti Ir*. U •Mumrh iHT-*ldriit<br />

ill<br />

• in 1 Mi' i<br />

0 *-!l11 I Ml * II 1<br />

loi th i i_<br />

it 111 TJU i r I I<br />

i I i ri h t ill<br />

1 1<br />

\ ><br />

installed tfie following uiTu* t*t u i ^i * & • . «« •<br />

ler EtchrnbitBtr |,,,,,,i,,, n Church Auxiliary to Meet<br />

Kolb litf tirtsltli II CurilM tin v Ii i i i , i i II it \ i i \<br />

trcreUr> HclKr Knlb tn i nut il II 1 I i it t I p i<br />

Also iitlMidmE rf ill ci n mini trtl ( him i ill in t II \ n Tli<<br />

by the puitlnr ^trL Mi \\ It i III 1 I f ll V *<br />

Eichetibtrgi r and Rohl 11 t r Lu )t t \\ t \ itl\ Al i M I 11 L<br />

thei Liiiijue iiiM^ii n i i i i<br />

Qhurch Announcements<br />

mU<br />

«v<br />

Ed Lhurrh<br />

? t tachcr Tb ti Pastor<br />

. _ .. -Prmn MM urns "I "ii<br />

aj School Uachrr- .lint oniLLrs<br />

choir room<br />

:30 u m -Tlie riniTt. i il Slaj\<br />

School t/win I ml! 01<br />

I" MatthvM 25 1 1 I William<br />

'nc supcriiitentli-nt Mr*<br />

^lopf cliairman <strong>of</strong> Bpllun>it*<br />

in and LlttrBlun? Hurr\ S<br />

song lcad*r rirs MJI ton<br />

JIurph). dircclor vl mu^lt<br />

for all use*<br />

.•a m,—The Church »l Wnr<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Orvat Hour <strong>of</strong> Shurnm<br />

Kveflgcllmlc Sermon Wliu<br />

ibor'" Luke 10 2B-J7 So<br />

"The Holy CH)" by<br />

r<br />

rPaachvll Th. choir<br />

STperfcct arut Just'.<br />

TOelKlliilt<br />

i 11. 11 i . I.I >i • i (JI i i<br />

Hi* I Til r il un In i icn il until<br />

i I h i I ilhi r<br />

I V) 1) ll V l.nr ^ IM i 'f<br />

Si mi ui Ir u^ Un I-rn.nd i( Sill<br />

B ill Mill W itii^ >i UTiibJfi<br />

1 llMl V \l Mill Illt-Lhlll WlllMIIJ,<br />

Fiui in In w II r. i<br />

2 |> tn MonthK run line «( lite<br />

| V nmrn M Miin.ir> Silt. It L\ D*>\ i><br />

Monul Kiuu in Lhuti- <strong>of</strong> Mt^<br />

A I run Nil pin iiMMi y\T\ F1t)|gil K<br />

Nl \ ins will y \, n bowk IOMO1A on<br />

Amm uii LiljLit\<br />

H p m—Month 1 ! mil line if (hi.<br />

Wi -tniiiuler Guild jt tin huiin nf<br />

Mm Willuni T Smiiim- 301 Buy u\<br />

3 1"> p m —Mci tutg ul tin. Junior<br />

Chrtstltin Endenvour Society undpr<br />

the leadership nr Mnas Bt'lt) Mt<br />

Corkle<br />

r»»* 3. plelK<br />

II<br />

By Hi* deeds, by His teachingi, by His death upon the Croii. Christ<br />

demonstrated the duty and responsibility <strong>of</strong> Christian! to share with their<br />

less fortunate fellowmen.<br />

Today as we read our newspapers and listen to our radios, we sometimes<br />

tend to disregard the need and suffering in other parts <strong>of</strong> the world<br />

Momentarily we may feel sorry, but it pasiej quickly as we return out<br />

thought* to personal affairs.<br />

To help us become more aware <strong>of</strong> our opportunity and responsibility<br />

for helping others, there has been instituted "<strong>On</strong>e Great Hour <strong>of</strong> Sharing<br />

a united effort by America's churches to assist overseas relief. Next<br />

Sunday tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> churches will simultaneously cooperate 1:1<br />

this great plan at their Sabbath services,<br />

" Thromh "<strong>On</strong>e Great Hour <strong>of</strong> Sharing" millions <strong>of</strong> destitute peonies<br />

will be aided and comforted. Million! will learn that because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

unselfish and understanding heart <strong>of</strong> America, there is for them hn.-.e ui<br />

a brighter tomorrow.<br />

And to America, "<strong>On</strong>e Great Hour <strong>of</strong> Sharing will bring the yru ,-c-s<br />

blessing <strong>of</strong> spiritual enrichment that rewards those who have obeya. tht ,,c<br />

words - "Go ye into all the world ... to every creature."<br />

Won't you fo to your Church on Sunday, and join this fireat eii5;i?<br />


*»«'« • «•••»•»<br />

fOl Eurhti, Str«l PhOM<br />



800 Albury Avenue Phone 0130<br />


Bcsl EitkU ^ loiarKncr<br />

15th Si. and 'Walk Phone 0178<br />

This Series IF Being I'ublished Under the Sponsorship <strong>of</strong> tha Following;<br />


4101 C.ntr.l Avenu. Phone 0014<br />

JOHN PELTO CO.. Inc.<br />

General (Junli^cUus<br />

12S8 Atbury Avenue Phone 0988<br />


Howies rsr All Of^aslims —<br />

Tilrgraplii'd /\hV»!li;rc<br />

937 Asbury Avenue Phone 0277<br />


•..i cut, - u...f.n,. CENTRAL PHARMACY<br />

18 Aabury Avenue Phone 0060 Sth St. and We.ley Ave. Ph. 084$<br />

i druji iii, anvtiiiiF, and bi-canir ;li?qiiaintFd.<br />

Te !h* fatniUr^ »-f have wrved slllrf <strong>Mar</strong>rh i, lifrtl,<br />

wr rs.teiid uur xrateful apprpiiallon far UIF ffiiindpnri-<br />

\ha«n, ivp UUi! thai «UF fripfid^hipN will bp p^lrnilrti<br />

When the Need Arise*<br />

Phone 26S4<br />




F. P. Ristine & Co,<br />

NP« Vork "iloiii lAfluntr<br />

: Niiiife i:M.han*r S>iv Vink < ill b ! '<br />

123 South Broad Street, Phila,<br />

MKnliypai'kfr 5*43110<br />

Clinton D. Lowden<br />


WILL<br />

iD YOU MONEY , . ,<br />

T O B U Y . . .<br />



Direct Reduction Mortgages<br />

WE PAY 3%<br />


1 * no rlilt involved. SaUnii yp to 110,008 ire InsuMi ht<br />

feS i i<br />

Bavingi and IniurRnee Corporation<br />

01 Aibury AvtniM Phone 0012<br />

», l,r jn, nKB COP1 .1 O0MN ClTir STBEKf MAP<br />


CLUt WEEK<br />

MARCH 7-15<br />


hlh t II il < I nti jl i<br />

I In II II h \i till ih t JI ill II<br />

I ~.Uulii » IL Ih •' Ml I I I<br />

i roik ( V hti • Muii I I I Mil<br />

' vmid.it M i Ii K<br />

i u I (I h i i<br />

Mil r.<br />

I I Ui \\<br />

IIKSI I 111 HI II<br />

« dll s 1 Ii —<br />

ST. Al lii<br />

HUM II llmli<br />

1 ll. KI t \lll< It I Mill<br />

ll II tl 1 1<br />

OtT.AN uv<br />

Til,' Clmnli wllh tlir N't<br />

ll,'V, \ T lflt«r II. HiMtlii\ r.-i<br />

SundiO , >Iar.li «—<br />

I , n I'riiiiT m. .Il<br />

-, md i vi> li' in i i i r i<br />

Hi,<br />

'I :ill ,, m. 'Siiniliii Hrlmiil n nil<br />

•111..:.-.. l..r .v,r> mi-inliiT "t III.<br />

l;.inilv. l.n tlv SimiNiv S.-ht.i.l i-i.ii<br />

. «t I.il Miiuli Ull-s.ll HutlDll. ii<br />

l"l ll .1.11<br />

In-lf> :i IIV - - Wnrship S.T\ ici' Ot<br />

yiinist. I\lr:i WilstMl Kii'l'.U V. t tl<br />

iilnbl. Ml-. .liiM-lill I.IK.'IIK. MITSJII;.<br />

liv l":.sl(.r Bt-tillif. I'l.ntiliiuiiK 1 hi-i"<br />

its in till' liutill .>! Ac;<br />

I. :ui p. in ^-^"ininM pfopli' * nu't'ti"!.<br />

in Hit' utinn.-n'.'i IJihle i'l;itsi-t>.itii.<br />

II-1.1 |i. in • Acliilt clii-islii.il 1-Vl<br />

lo \ hip imi i nj. spi ikti Mi M" i<br />

MnrKi'ii/ii'<br />

. :JU p. in. Kvt-niii^ C.sp. 1 ^t I<br />

\ !Cf. ('tillf.ri'Kiiruiiinl ^fmu st'iA-l.t<br />

Ml'SHIIIMi I>.V PilBllir lll'ilttl.<br />

Tiipsuljiy. Alnrrh 10—<br />

7:4S p. m.—YI.IIHK Peopli-V Wcoklj<br />

riiblr Sltitlv. tuuHlit Ijv Mis« Yv.inn.<br />

Smith in tin- wumi-ii 1 !. Hilili' rln -<br />

riiiirn. Fiillnwcd hy ^anii- tinii* \<br />

mil i IBI>.II\ n is( in \i<br />

Hit < hurt h uith HIP Open l»i<br />

I Illi I i i«l t run il u\<br />

II r Kf I I •"-• y \ mtliiti ><br />

(<br />

ll i i H I I mill u nn<br />

1 i ( I l h 1<br />

I i M inn S I M<br />

s I IOIIN s I I Till II \N<br />

mill M mid < mtrril a\<br />

III<br />

M<br />

I rjnk I<br />

I I Muvi<br />

«iilor<br />

ml II Well Mlnislrt<br />

Lr llnrd ^i ndiii I" I ml—O ull<br />

M in ( Ii I h S In I i I 1<br />

I, i I Nui i Ihir iitl<br />

i i I) , ill in \I l u K iv<br />

Ih<br />

1 i-i<br />

I .\ltt:il\ Atl.F BAI'TIST<br />

Whi'rr V\>?.l rtv. fios^s »th si<br />

U-\. V. IH'nty llilain. Mlnltlrr<br />

".iind^v Srrvlfc—<br />

10 ;,. MI Oiurfh Srl^.til<br />

1 1 :HI :I in Miirnin^ Wt.r-li |<br />

:ili n in ll;.|.t.:-- VnuMi V II<br />

4;> p I i \\ i I<br />

Somers Point<br />

Churches<br />

s| IO-.1 I II ^ It I<br />

111 i I ri nilah J Sulllidii I<br />

W tin sdn —<br />

lit-. I II M I Is I<br />

\ Un I jinll<br />

Aid Is Offered<br />

| To Taxpayers'<br />

Tax Offices To<br />

Be Open Evenings<br />

An Inter II* I Rrvmur rr|»rf<br />

Hc-nlMtlvr n III br In the O* r*»<br />

pvnt<strong>of</strong>ftff lobby Tucudn<br />

and t->lda>, nrxl wetk. to <strong>of</strong>frr<br />

frrr. #x|l^rl anUtftiir*- In IllUttff<br />

out Income Ian f oi m*. Il In livur\<br />

will be- ft.30 i. m to 3 111 p. m<br />

Hm u \<br />


Hi I I Kill ards Mini l»i<br />

Ihr irli-ndU i hurrh<br />

II 1 in Si iln S hiHil ( 1 i<br />

I i 11 L Ini' It 1 i p I i<br />

1 n M n<br />

11 I in —M I nr, Wet hip III<br />

I in h t t I I \ hi | i I r<br />

t 111 |i n ^ nth I- 11 t I i|><br />

" III 1 tl Ii i i n H i r l n I h<br />

I 1 t Ji I<br />

I in i II Mid Vuk Mi I t l <<br />

II r II i in Hit li<br />

19 14<br />


Shore Memorial Hospital Staff<br />

Discusses Increasing: Blindness<br />

\l<br />

It.<br />


iThurl. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 6, """**"<br />

F> al \ [plnn<br />

I t i i cli inn tun ni or SI nro Mi I the^ «hcivttl toloi motion pu.<br />

or vnrloiip concUiion? undrr<br />

h p 1<br />

Th» dwlorn rr lh»t<br />

,,r .lm«.l h»n • mllllen com<br />

plrtrly blind prrnoii* In Ihi » nil Ml<br />

St.lr. Thlrly-lhrfr p»r rent »rf<br />

blind bfr.ou' «t t+tMnrt*. IX p»r<br />

l fl»<br />

1 ir ill! 1 ) ll ll I<br />

ll I l Ui« (rn<br />

r, inr (tMdlly<br />

bccidr an evrn<br />

rrnt brcKHM<br />

il<br />

thr pi>akrra Hid<br />

iq tin annul i to the<br />

i 1* un<br />

l Mm i It I rn il H<br />

l> n i it I I 1<br />

r»cl bllndiif«fi r«n br rratrMri b><br />

nurirry In motf tlmo »!V P*r cJ-nl<br />

»l Ihr r.w.. tHry Ul«, b.l Clw<br />

com» r«-m«ln« 111* irmlMt ch«l<br />

Irnir lo Ihr ophtlwlmol<strong>of</strong>lnl.<br />

(1 i -in i it « i itlo Hin Ircd^ i<br />

tuntrul n Olomuma Win 11 dl»<br />

tint rid turlj onl> 5 p\ r ctrrt <strong>of</strong><br />

tl puttents t.n4tt niip to lose their<br />

SIKI l a ter u ll\i i far 11 rlod Siijht<br />

Ui i tirii-L uliout 00 prr cent <strong>of</strong><br />

thu e »b) uik it atmi nt too late<br />

lyir \ s>iili tims were described •*<br />

R<br />

f i v n in one bro<br />

1 IU t utui ki <strong>of</strong> blurred or smoky<br />

MS .11 di oinfcirl aflir bi-ItlK In<br />

djrk pun nth ai thi noilei:<br />

ramb - sto intl lij,li s IO^T <strong>of</strong> tide<br />

tli on or n bet ubo it the i>e* anil<br />

I<br />

Young Republican*<br />

To Have Dance<br />

I lin ill ill iir » i 1 r I V<br />

I Ilk 1)11 I) III 1 l-l P

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